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9. OTHER INSPECTIONS: At least 15 days before closing, Duyer or his agent maY~nspcçt all apPfiances, air
condilioning and heating systems, electrical systems, plumbing, machinery, spri klers and 01 syslem
included in Ihe sale. Seller shall pay for repairs necessary 10 place such Ílems in wor ing order 811he lime of
closing. Wilhin 48 hours be Core closing, Duyer shall be enlilled. upon reasonable nOli c 10 Seller I inspccllhe
premises 10 delermine that said ilems are in working order. All Ílems of personal prol erty include in thc sale
shull he Inlllsfcrrcù by Dill of Snlc wilh warranty of lillc.
8. ROOF INSPECTION: At least 15 days beCore closing, Buyer, at Buyer's expenie, shall haV11he right 10
oblain a wrillen report Crom a licensed rooCer slaling Ihal tIle roofis in a walertight con ilion; In Ihe vein repairs
arc required either 10 correclleaks or 10 replacc damage 10 facia or SOffil, Sellcr sl all pay up t Ihree (3%)
percent of the purchase price for said repairs which shall be performed by a licensed oofi~g cont aClor; but if
Ihe coslS Cor such repairs exceed Ihree (3%) percerit oC the purchase price, Duyer may elect ilO pay 'ueh excess.
If Duycr elects not 10 pay, Scllcr may pay the excess oC cancel the contract.
7. TERMlTE INSPECTION: At least IS days be Core closing, Duyer, at Buyer's ex nse, shall have Ihe righl
10 oblain a wrillen report from a licensed eXlerminator staling thallhere is no eviden e of live te ile or 0111er
wood-boring insecl infestalion on said properly nor substanlial damage from prior in station on s id properlY.
If there is :;uch eviùence, Seller shall pay up LO lInee (3%) percent of lIle purchase price or thc trea en! required
to rcmedy such infestation, including repairing and replacing portions oC said ¡mpro cmcms whi h have been
damaged; bUI if the costs for such treatmem or repairs exceed three (3%) percent oCthe I urehase prie ,Buyer may
elect to pay such excess. )f Buyer elects not 10 pay, Seller may pay the excess or can el the contra I.
6. . DEFAULT BY SELLER: Iflhe Seller fails 10 perform any of tJle covenants of qlis contract, µIe aforesaid
money paid by the Buyer, at the option of the Buyer, shall be returned to Ihe Buyer on (~emand; or thþ Buyer shall
have only tJle righl of specific performance.
5. DEFAULT BY BUYER: If Buyer fails to perform any oC Ihe covenants oC tJlÍ1}Contracl' altmOney paid
pursuant 10 this contracl by Buyer as aforesaid shall be retained by or for the ceollnt of he Seller as
consideratioh Cor the execUlion of this comract an~ as agreed liquidated damages an in full settl ment of any
claims Cor damages.
. Seller warrants Ihat there shall be no violatjons of build'ng or zoning
codes al UIC time of closing.
4. RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS. LIMITATIONS: Buyer shall lake title SUbjf:tIO: (a) ZOËlßg, restric-
tions, prohibitions and requirements imposed by governmemal autIlOrity, (b) Restricti ns and mall rs appearing
on the plat or common 10 the subdivision, (c) Public ulHity casements of record, pn vided said e semen IS are
located on the side or rear lines of 111e property. (d) Taxes for year of closing, assume mortgages, d purchase
money mortgages, iC any, (e) Other:
3. PRORATIONS: Taxes, insurance, inlerest, rents and other expenses and revenllþ of said pro¡þcrty shall be
prorated as of the date of closing.
Dorothy Nicholls
of Evanston, Wyoming . .. __
Matthew S. Mochel and Karen M. Gamblà
oC Diamondville, Wyomlng .. as
agree that Ihe Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall buy the following described prop ny UPON
ESTATE TRANSACTIONS set fortJl1Mt~it:ItN¡.fiN~ in page two fo t4is contract.
I. LEGAL DESCRIPTION of real eSlate localed in Diamondville
Lincoln CounlY, State of Wyomin,
Diamondville Old Town Block 12 Parcel 16 & 17, and t~e East 8D Feet of Block
Tax ID # 21162341410600 known as 303 Susie
2. PURCHASE PRICE Sixty Three Thousand Dollars,
oC Payment:
!. - . . ...
RECEIVED 6/14/2007 at 1:29 PM
RECEIVING # 930359
BOOK: 662 PAGE: 41
Form R120
10. LEASES: Seller, nolless Lhan 15 days before closing, shall furnish to Buyer copie of all wriue leases and
eSlOppelleuers from each lenanl specifying Lhe naLure and duraLion ofLhe Lenant's oc upancy, rent rates and
advanced ren! and security deposits paid by tenant If Seller Is unable Lo obtain such Ie ters from Ie ants, Seller
shall furnish the same Infonmuion to Buyer within said time period in Ihe form of a sell r's affidavit and Buyer
may conlact tenants thereafler 10 confirm such informalion. AI closing, seller shall deliv r and assign all original
leases to Buyer.
11. MECHANICS LIENS: Seller shall furnish 10 Buyer an affidavitlhat Lhere have b ,en no impr vements to
tile subject property for 90 days immediaLely preceding the dale of closing, and no fin cing SLaLcm nts, claims
of lien or potenliallienors known 10 Seller. If the property has been improved wiLhi thaL time, eller shall
deliver releases or waivers of all mechanics liens as executed by general conlfacLors, s bcontractor ,suppliers
and materialmen, in addition Lo Ihe seller's lien affidavit, senlng fonh the names of all general ontractors,
subconLracLors, suppliers and materialmen andireciting tlmt an bills for work to Lhe subj ct property hich could
serve as basis for mechanics liens have been paid or will be paid al closing.
12. PLACE OF CLOSING: Closing shall be held at the office of tlle Seller's aUorne or as othe ise agreed
13. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE: Time is of the essence of Ihis Sale and Purchase
14. DOCUMENTS FOR CLOSING: Seller's aLlorney shall prepare deed, nOle, mar gage, Seller s affidavit,
any corrective instruments required for perfecting Lhe litle, and closing SlaLement and ubmil copie of same to
Buyer's allomey, and copy of closing sLatement La the broker, at least Lwo days prior t scheduled c osing dale.
15. EXPENSES: State documentary stamps required on the instrument of conv yance and he cost of
recording any corrective insLruments shall be paid by the Seller. Documenlary stamps to be affixe Lo the noLe
secured by Lhe purchase money mortgage, intangible lax on the mOrlgage, and Lhe cOSI frecording L e deed and
purchasing money morlgage shall be paid by lhe Buyer.
16. INSURANCE: If insurance is 10 be proraled, tlle Seller shall on or before Lhe closi
all insurance policies or copies Lhereof.
17. RISK OF LOSS: If the improvements are damaged by fire or casualty before deli ery of the d ed and can
be resLored Lo subsLanLially the same condition as now within a period of 60 days II ereafter, Sel er shall so
rcsLore Lhe improvements and the closing daLe and date of delivery of possession herein efore provi cd shall be
extended accordingly. If Seller falls to do so, the Buyer shall have tlle option of (I) L king Ule pr perty as is,
togeLher Witll insurance proceeds, if any, or (2) cancelling Ihe cOnLracl. and all de osits shall b fOrLhwith
relllmed Lo tlle Buyer and all parties shall be released of any and all obligations and I abililY.
18. MAINTENANCE: Between Llle date of the conlfaCL and the date of closing, the p operLy, incl ding lawn,
shrubbery and pool, if any, shall be maintained by tlJe Seller in the condilion as it exi. ted as of Ihe date of Ihe,
cOIlLrncL, ordinary wear and tear excepLed.
19. CLOSING DATE: This conLract shall be closed and the deed and possession shall I e delivered n or before
Lhe 11 th day of June ,fcj 200~less eXLended by othcr pr visions of II is conlIacl.
20. TYPEWRITIEN OR HANDWRITIEN PROVISIONS: TypeWriuen or handwriu n provision inserted in
Lhis form shall control all prinled provisions in conniet Iherewilh.
21. OTHER AGREEMENTS: No agreements or rcpresenlations, unless incorporaled in this conlf' CI, shall be
bimJing upon any of the parties.
services reflBeretl, flre\"ifletl 911ffle flees RsL exeeetl the fllllllRI8HRt sf Jle GQI'RAlinioll.
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@ E·Z Legal ,"'onlls.. Ucrore you use Il,is rorm, read ii, fill in all blanks, und make whalcvcr c
Irlln5acliuII, Cunsllll a lawycr iryuu douhllhc runn's rilncss rllr yuur1urpllse UI1,J use, IT-Z/.cgul Fun
1.)( wllrrnnly. cxprC5!i or ¡,"('Iiet'. wilh respecllu IlIc I11crc'ulIJlnbHilY or III is furm fur 1111 inu:nc.JclJ u
All property taxes and home insurance will be included :f-n the mqnthly
payment of $497.00.
Begining on July 1, 2005 a monthly payment of $497.00 'II be jid to
the Seller, Dorothy Nicholls by the Buyers, Matthew S. ochel d
Karen M. Gamble. The monthly payment will be paid for t e perio of
2 (Two) years, at which time all of the payment monies '11 be
applied as a down payment toward the purchase of said h me at 3 3
Susie in Diamondville, WY 83116. At that time the Buyer, Matth w S.
Mochel and Karen M. Gamble will apply for a loan to obt in a mo tgage
on said property as per agreed. Should any changes eded th y can be
addressed thru the contract and addendum.