HomeMy WebLinkAbout930374 J"\fJI. L" ,~.., .....' r ,Aof'UCI \...JUL I L.,/ r\L..I'.II"L- ,...- AFJi'H>A vn RECEIVED 6/15/2007 at 11 :04 AM RECEIVING # 930374 BOOK: 662 PAGE: 121 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOL?'f ) COMES NOW Madeleine Micbde Gaf;en, whose address is 15440 N 71sr Street, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254, and being duly sworn on oath acC;.r,rdiJ\g to aw, does hereby l11.ak~ the following statements oftàcts and af.tlm:1s: 1. That she is an owner of the lard dcscrih:d uude-r tho(: CertH"j.cate ,:-if Surveyor on the plat t't1 'd ",t-\ L'~)INF ':[1 r ~\GE S"! TI'DJvI"J01," NTO' 1 PLA":-'~ ^MlT,NrDED _ .,TH F"'L" n..:G' .1 e, . ~ ! .I...... ,J ....':1 _ D, . . ð. _ ., ~.,. ... ,_ /'\.. ft ~ J j 11"t IDENTICAL WJTH LOT 69 ALPINE \/1LLAGE SUBDrVIS~pN NO. 1 PLAT 3 AME.~DED '"VrTIllN SE% SECTION 1!j T37N R 118\V I~lNCOLN COL'NTY, WYOMING". dated 22 Marc·.J¡ 2007, .ai; revised. 2. That the undersigned has reviewed. said p]at. 3. TIlat the' unders.igned ha,s read and unde:s!::tr'ds th,; P¡\)Üsη:ms of tb~[~ Certificaw of Owner thereon and 'the implications therc:of. 4. That this affi.ctavit îssigned in the stoad of and ha;;. die sanje eft(~ct ~: ifd:e originall11)'lar üf said plat had been signed. DATED this 2J day Of~_, 2()()'. Madeleine Michele Gagen B)': 2?k~}7ú~0 ~ Madeleine Michele Gagen The foregoing ìnstnnnent 'was ac.knowI~dg~d before me by Madeleine h ~chele Gag~m, on this. 7-:) dny of 4 Pf;£'=-_> 2007. ' I I I I KARL F. SCHERB~L - NÒ' RY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln 1 Wyoming ),' 'ZJt Witness my hand and official seaL / I' 1, ',- "d /¡ 'wi· i. , " i ",Ir;{,:v" "'.. ~,-1·,~_.J. ___ __________ Notary l~ Corn.!nission Expires: 9-14'1- 2ð7J1{ ·.r'~jJt(I' ,!' , ~r ¡" , " ,.::,,' "'¡.'.:,' ;;,-i.:;.' ,..', .:'~"',