HomeMy WebLinkAbout930396 II WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: RECEIVED 6/15/2007 at 11 :37 AM RECEIVING # 930396 BOOK: 662 PAGE: 199 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY RONALD L. CARSON and LORRAINE T. CARSON 17569 West Lehi Fairfield Road Fairfield, Utah 84013-9625 (Special) WARRANTY DEED RONALD L. CARSON or LORRAINE T. CARSON, Trustees or their successors in Trust, under the Ronald L. Carson Family Trust dated ay 2, 1983, GRANTOR, of Fairfield, County of Utah, State of Utah, )\ ereby CONVEY and WARRANT against all claiming by, through or under hem to RONALD L. CARSON and LORRAINE T. CARSON, Trustees of the .) I I '... onald L. Carson Family Trust dated May 2, 1983, (to be held in ;.' t aid Trust, pursuant to Article XIII, as the separate property of onald L. Carson), with full power to transfer, convey, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of the property herein described, RANTEE, of 17569 West Lehi Fairfield Road, Fairfield, Utah County, tah, 84013-9625, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other ood and valuable consideration the following described tract of and in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to-wit: A portion of the N1/2SW1/4 of Section 31, T31NRl18W of the 6th P. M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at a spike in the road found marking the Southwest corner of the NW1/4SW1/4 of said Section 31, said spike being S 89°44'35" W, 30.00 feet from a B.L.M. a93n;~96 2 000200 type monument found marking the witness corner of said Southwest corner of the NW1/4SW1/4; thence N 0°11"47" E, along the West line of said NW1/4SW1/4, 671.73 feet; thence N 89°50'25" E, 1043.55 feet; thence N 0°11'47" E, 208.71 feet; thence N 89°50'25" E, 937.79 feet; thence South 877.06 feet, to the South line of the said N1/2SW1/4; thence S 89°44' 35" W, along said South line, 1984.37 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH any and all improvements thereon. SUBJECT TO easements, restrictions, reservations, and rights of way of record or enforceable in law and equity. Parcel No. i<Â-.3//cf-3l.,;3-00- /77~oo WITNESS the hands of said Grantor this 11th day of June, 2007. ~t.6:, ~ ''''><, (' :.-...:....~,.;?("-~' k /'..-..··~·7"'.. ~-1·:..:·· ..,.."... .l-z,,) CI'.,,,,,,?( ,(i.;!~2~rr':;«~t;.:...l/:ß'2-,"·' LORRAINE T. CARSON, Trustee STATE OF UTAH : ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE On the 11th day of June, 2007, personally appeared before me Ronald L. Carson or Lorraine T. Carson, Trustees or their successors in Trust under the Ronald L. Carson Family Trust dated May 2, 1983, the signers of the within instrument who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. ~ ~/) if~ Vd>t~ ~'J',>j.~ <l ~" ~ ~ ....... ....... '''''' ... ..-. ~ .. -" Notary Public "1 II ,:> ii, PAUL J. BARTON I , ~ ' ¡íiì'180S0UlhFoOlhIlI1l731 I ' .~-¡ i,,~lllflkG City, Ulah 84108 «~~. ....'~::." My Commission Explrll~ , .;.;, ,.;¡ro :.:>.. Soplernbero.2010 . 1 '_....'e·· <:>tat t U ' ,.m: ~r!.1t'.¡' ::I~n 'g~ft:\' r;'r.¡\I"',;:~ ~PI'JIIU _9 o,_~_ tah 111 j ...~¡ ~ ~ ffll