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//, File No.: 6010715355 WARRANTY DEED RECEIVED 6/15/20 at 1 :38 PM RECEIVING # 9 0402 BOOK: 662 P GE: 223 JEANNE AGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLE K, KEMMERER, WY Beverley Dee Kempton, Successor Trustee of the Marshall Family Trust dated November 5, 2003, grantor of Carmichael, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars and Othe Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Wa ant To Emmett Mavy and Romina Mavy, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the En ireties, grantees, whose address is: P.O. Box 3821 Alpine, WY, 83128 the following described eal estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: PARCEL 1 A portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 11, Township 35 Nort 1, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly descrbied as follows: Beginning at a Point in the West line of said Southwest Quarter oCthe Southwest Quarter, s id point being 238.16 feet South from the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter ofthe Southwest Quarter; thence South 89°32'13" East 272.25 feet; thence South 20.00 feet; thence South 89°32'13" East 272.25 feet; thence South 72.72 feet; thence North 89°32'13" West 544.50 feet to the said West line of said Southwest Quarter of t e Southwest Quarter; thence North 92.72 feet to the Point of Beginning. Also A pOl1:ion oCthe Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 11, Township 35 Nort 1, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particulal"ly described as follows: [0;\ Beginning at a point 165.44 feet South from the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Qual1:er; thence South 89°32'13" East, 544.50 feet; thence South 92.72 feet; thence North 89°32'13" West 272.25 feet; thence North 20.00 feet; thence North 89°32'13" West 272.25 feet to the West line of said Southwest Quarter of the S uthwest Quarter; thence North 72.72 feet to the Point of Beginning. LESS AND EXCEPT any lany lying outside of land contained in Warranty Deed recorded November 22, 1946 ,in Book 26 of Deeds on page 114 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk " " LESS AND EXCEPT the land as contained in Warranty Deed recorded August 6, 1931 in Book 17 of Deeds on page 160 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ~ StreamLine Deed - Warranty WY @ Rev. 6/8/2007 , 0.930402 000224 PARCEL 2 Part of Section 10, Township 35 North, Range 119 West ofthc 6th P.M., Lincoln County, W oming, more particularly described as follows: Commcncing at a point 119~ rods North of the Southcast corner of said Section 10; and, ru ning thcnce West, 20 rods; thence North, 9 rods; thcnce East, 20 rods; thence South, 9 rods to the point of beginning. LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Dced recorded Junc 25, 1979 in Bool{ 57PR onpagc 161 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Witness my/our hand(s) this 1 ~day ofJune, 2007. Charles B. Marshall & Willadene L. Marshall, as co- trustees for the Marshall Family Trust dated November 5, 2003 State of California ) ) ss. ) County of !!f1(!¿7l14n~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /:2- day of June, 200 , by Beverley Dee Kempton.. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: L--- Notary Public Œ) StreamLine Deed - Warranty WY © Rev. 6/8/2007