HomeMy WebLinkAbout930415 'S' 1üÞ No.: 60101164lP RECEIV D 6/15/2007 at 2:50 PM REC IVING # 930415 BOOK: 62 PAGE: 264 JEANNE WAGNER UNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED ~ame]IL J. HrosJm 81111 Rundal J. Hru$)( \, TI'tSkl(! 'IuuleJ' th4I Pl\meln J. 1- )'ulika Living l'rli6t, IUld iUlY Amencbneata tl'eJ'øto (Jilted JUDe 11, "199:1, gnmtor(s) of Rock Springs, Stute of Wyominv. fol' Md tIl cODsicfuration of en Dollars IiIJd Otbe¡: Go04 IU1d VaIuabli!l ConsIderation, in band paid, l'e¢eipt whereof ill htlrcby adl.nowledgod, d (1113) COllV,,>, 1UlQ. W¡¡¡-nml. To Mdvin Kurt Garl'8rd and GwenDa H. GIlrI'Jlrd, lIpsban and Wife, grantee(s), whoso address is: 28 Cifel=, D¡·ive. Afton, W:yomin$, 83110 the tò1J.o . g described rc!ll est\1t¢, SltU¡¡,tc in Linoolll CoùJ1tyand State ofWyolning, to wi1; That part (.IrSo~ti. )n II, TO'll'ndrlp 31 No ·th R\\nJ:0lt9 Wt,st oftb~ /J'iJI Y'.M.. Lil1 oJn County, W)'omJn~ II_ora puticw/LI'ly dcøçriÞcclns rolIQ1'(~; COMMENCING at a point 30 rodu 'West fi'Qm tho NortlLta't wmvr (If tl1~ SOli least QUlIl'tðl' vr tlIO N"J.tllell~t QIWWI' DI ,:1J¡J Section II nnrJ flUlnlng thtn60 huUI 11i rom; tllencf/I West Hi 1'\1&; thenco N,~th 11i I'oð~; .hence £.5& IS rod. to the I'OINT OF' IU!:Œ:NNING. Hereby relc win¡; 8IJd waIvÙlg nil l'Ir;ht3 LInder tuld by vu1i1C of lIte 4om~tea Wyoming. ¡ '2"\\ Witness mylo~ h~nd(u) 1l1Ì1.l ~ dAY of June, 2007. I;KclIlpti¡¡n Jaws of tbe State of / cß I/~ State of Wyoming ) ) ss. County ofLincoJrI ) Tblj fOl'ogoÍJ)g inØtl'Umtinl Wð,$ Ack( owkd~ed boro1''' me this ft day of J.. e, :/.007, by Pi\)nl!l~ J. tla'\h¡kn and Ual1dal J. Hruska, 'J'rusroO¡UDllèr the Pronelu J. Hrul/ka Living Trust, au<lllny AnH:mbuonts theretu dated JlnlO 11, 15191. JOH HUNTER NOTARY PU LlC - MINNESOTA My Commission Expires Jan. 31. 2010 Witness my haJ¡d and official seal. .My COIIl1l1iS$1QD e~i1'ea: '/3//10 I· CD Scr..ml.IlIO D~.~ . WU1IIßLy W'I1t Jl.", 6fUJ1(XJ7 ....-.--. '1 . ~.-....--... ...~-"\,- _ ..._____~~...,._....__, --- ÞG/Lß 391;;'d 3~I;;'(r\amH ::D'it ~osaHIM lÞ0¡:9S'30L5 Eß:ÞT. LGßZ/£I/9Ø