HomeMy WebLinkAbout930479 File No.: 61358 I WHEN RECORDED RETURN Tï: Name: MATTHEW L. B~1NESS Address: P.O. Box 3870 ¡ Alpine, WY 831281 RECEIVED 6/18/2007 at 4:47 PM RECEIVING # 930479 BOOK: 662 PAGE: 614 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED (Individual Form) 1, ...' GARR ROBINSON and LENA ROB1NSON,husband and wife GRANTORS OfLi'~1n Oo..ty, Sm', ofWyom;'~ CONVEY AND W AREANT 10 MATTHEW L. BURTNESS, a single man, GRANTEE, whose address is P.J. Box 3870, Alpine, WY 83128 for the sum ofTen Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the fonowing described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, h""by re'_ ond w"';'8 .., i" ond" ond by ~~~' ofth, Horn"'"d E<ompttoo Law, of !h. S"re, ,~ Beginning at a point which is 28 rods (462 feet) North of the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Section 28, Township 35 North of Range 119 west ofth~ 6th Principal Meridian; and running thence East 5 rods (82.5 feet); thence North 8 rods (132.0 feet); thence West 5 rods (82.5 feet); thence South 8 rods (132.0 feet), to the point of I beginning., Subject to reservations and restriC tions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of- way of record or in use. Together ~ith all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS']\.. homd of..oo "",,_ !h" 14!h doy of J.., 2007. #~ ¡¿~1.--.. .,,~~ /h~d~ GARR ROBINSON LENA ROBINSON tj I c:¡ STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acIfowiedged before me this 14th day of J line, 2007, by GARR ROBINSON and LENA ROBINSON the signers of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. , I : wnms~, ~IALSE~. , it . +Ih M'>DA Notary Public: A' ~ My commission expires ö1 1'6 I ð1 I I r"'~ \ "D;;Vo~''''~ 'él$ier ~ Not ~"""'~t~, __ C~unty of ary PUblic " \j LIncoln ( State Of My Comn¡, , WYoming ISs/on £: ' ,xP1res JUI" 1 J . 2007 File Number: 61358 LlIDd Titlc Company Warranty Deed - (Individual) Page 1 of 1