HomeMy WebLinkAbout930486 WARRANTY DEED 000670 HOBOCO, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company of Teton County, Wyoming, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to FHL LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, whose mailing address is 3095 Bridle Dr., Jackson, Wyoming 83001, GRANTEE, the real property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part LI J1Lù/VL hereof, located in "[iE;;::~~~"County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: See Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, .,} _ r Including and together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances and improvements thereunto belonging, and any rights of grantor to minerals thereunder, but subject to taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights-of-way and easements of sight and record, if any. DATED this ~ day of ---;::: V, '-1 ' 2006, GRANTOR: STATE OF6JYdMI~ ) . \ ) ss. COUNTY OF 7~:;1ðN ) On this / Iii- day of , 2006, before me personally appeared Meriwether Lewis, to me per ally k n, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is a Manager of FHL LLC, a Wyo 'ng limited liability company, that the foregoing instrument was signed on behalf of said limited liability company by authority' of its operating agreement, and that the foregoing instrument is the free act and deed of the limited liability company. ing limited liability RECEIVED 6/19/2007 at 10:25 AM RECEIVING # 930486 BOOK: 662 PAGE: 670 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Witness my hand and official seal. ~ My Commission expires: HENRY C. PHISBS.I\· NOTARY PUBUC County of . State of 18\On Wyoming My Commission Expires Feb. 28, 2007 Warranty Deed Hoboco LLC / FHL LLC Page 1 of 2 By: Maho O()n~\I'-'.'''iI . " ",- :r)\ p _0,\., 09:'1048G ¿. STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF TETON ) On this I (tfI,. day of , 2006, before me personally appeared Maho Hakoshima, to me per ally wn, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is a Manager of FHL LLC, a Wy ing limited liability company, that the foregoing instrument was signed on behalf of said limited liability company by authority of its operating agreement, and that the foregoing instrument is the free act and deed of the limited liability company. Witness my hand and official seal. ç;:: My Commission expires: HENRYC. ~ I.NOTARYDlIfIt- Cc!untY at. "v"""",, Teton ' . ::.~ My Commflllon ExpINlt r:eb., 28, 2OØ1 Warranty Deed Hoboco LLC 1 FHL LLC Page 2 of 2 Descr:ï:ption; sender 264-283 Tract: D Adjusted 0011(;72 0930486 . . A portion of ~he Sender property as referred to 1n the Deed recorded in Book 264PR, on Page 283. with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, wi~hin the SE1/4SE1/4 of, Sec~ion 18, T37N, ~119W. of the 6~b P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds' being more particularly described as follows I Beginning at a point in the East Right-of-Way Line for u.s. Highway No. 26, eaid point being 857.41 feet. N8?016149I1W, to a point in said Bast Right-of-Way Line, and 235.52 feet NJ6°17'31"W from the Alden Brewer, JU.aS 526, 1973 location for the Southeast Corner of said SE1/4SE1/4, to the Point of Beginning; ~hence N36 D 17' 31,"W, ,contin~ing along. ~.i,q. E:ast .Right.,.of.,.Way line 450:,5 feet to a point in the Sout.h line 01: Blkh~n Drive, as shown on Plat lOB-A, recorded with instrument number 578380, with said Office: thence N54°47' 21"E, along said South line, 290.26 feet.: thence S36°17'3lwE, parallel with said East Right-of-Way, 450.75 feet; t:hence 554 "47' 21.'·W. parallel with said SOuth line of said Elkhorn Drive, 290.26 feet, to the Point of Beginning " O!-}3048~scription 264-293 Tracts A, B, & C Adjusted A por~icn of the Sender property as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 264PR, on Page 29J, with the Oft:ice of the clerk of Lincoln county, Wyoming, witb1n the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section lB, T37N, Rl18W, of the 6~h P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. Beginning at a point in the East Right-of-Way Line for U.S. Highway No. 26, said point being aS7.41 feet: sa7D1614911E, from the Alden Brewer, RLS 526, 1973 location for the Southeast Corner of said SE1/4SB1/4r chence N36017'31ØW, Continuing along said East Right-ot_ Way, 235.53 feet; . thence NS4D47'21"S. parallel with the South line of Elkhorn Drive, as shown on Plat lOS-A, reèorded with i~8t~ment. number 578.380., ·with said Off.tCë, 290.26 feet; . thence N36°17'31ØW, parallel with said East Right-at-Way, .450.75 feet, to point in said South line of Elkho~ Drive, being a point in the Boundary line of Alpine Village Subdivision No. 1 Plat J Amended, as shown on said Plat lOS-A, recorded with instrument number 578380, with said Office; thence along eaid Boundary line the fOllowing COurses: N54°47'21"E 265.17' feet, S35D17141-E 1,079.67 feet, NB9°19'S9"W 476,86 feet, SOD41'05"W 26.0s feet, NB80S5IS7"W 20.00 feet, Noo41f.01t1E 25.94 feet, and NSgo19159f.W 174.60 feet to the Point of Beginning . oonB';'3