HomeMy WebLinkAbout930521 RECEIVE: 2007 at 9:36 AM RECEIVING # 930521 BOOK: 662 PAGE: 767 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That James Neil Vargason and Tamera Vargason, husband and wife, of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, in consideration of the trust created herein and for the other covenants contained herein convey and quitclaim unto James Neil Vargason and Tamera Vargason and their successors, Trustees, for the uses and purposes set forth in the Star 6 Ranch Trust between Grantors and Trustees, dated the 1st day of May, 2007, James Neil Vargason and Tamera Vargason, beneficiaries, of PO Box 1598, Thayne, WY 83127, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as they have or ought to have, in or to all the following described premises, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: -L That part of the SW1/4 of Section 1 and that part of the NW1/4 of Section 12, T33N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described on the attached "Description for James N. Vargason and Tamera Vargason Vargason Adjusted Tract", which is incorporated herein by this reference. 7"7 Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, James Neil Vargason and Tamera Vargason, husband and wife, have hereunto set their hands as of the /8 day of June, 2007. ""^-- ~(~ ~:tQ.~ I Tamera Vargaso 1 O:tj30~Z1 000768 STATE OF WYOMING 55. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by James Neil Vargason and Tamera Vargason, husband and wife, this I ~fh day of June, 2007. Witness my hand and official seal. County of Lincoln State 01 Wyoming ~~~ NOTARY PUBLIC GERALD L. GOULDING· NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires May 2, 2011 My commission expires: May 2, 2011. 2 ()t~_·H~ t~:~",! ..roIenloftalland .....,.,. 'IUfN........, Wyo, ......-..., "' ....... ......,..... He. DR Utah """WII"", No. '170 NevIctI Reali.".. No. 1105 508. A. 8cMrbtt Wp. R",aIIDn tft. 3111 iii'" RtglllI'atIoft NIl. 1021 UtIh ""1"".11 No.:I7IIII lot.... A.. IcherbeI w,ø. ..........._ ND. ÐII S""""" ........, LTD, ..... wvo..... ........ wvo..... ......Gf\Wyonr¡ rtg LI.,IHoIa,rtnvI,"''''' .............1Iifaho VA:RGASON ADJUSTED TRACT 350 I.... 1\:1 ¡; fô.: ,'-3 \1 A. t}¡j-' ;.~. ..1\J A. ¡'..II\. ,..~, I~,'., I' ~ \ .,' ~ ¡ ¡ . . ,!" '-:1"'\ ,\.1 .r\,.1"'t..___ _ To-wit:-- 06";,;'~~& That part of the SW~ of Section 1 and that part of the NW~ of Section 12, T33N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest comer of said Section 1; thence NOl°-27'-30"E, 1318.96 feet, along the west line of said Section 1, to the northwest comer of the SW~SW~ of said Section 1; thence continuing, NOl 0-27'-30"E, 65.03 feet, along said west line, to a point; thence S89°-21'-58"E, 675.67 feet, to a point on an existing east/west fence line; thence S85°-50'-29"E, 113.51 feet, along said fence line, to a point at a fence comer; thence S62°-08'-41"E, 142.65 feet, along said fence line, to a point on the north line of said SW~SW~; thence S88°-54'-56"E, 410.62 feet, along said north line, to the northeast comer of said SW~SW~; thence continuing, S88°-54'-56"E, 216.60 feet, along the north line of the SE~SW~ of said Section 1, to a point; thence continuing, S88°-54'-56"E, 50 feet, more or less, along said north line, to the left bank of the Salt River; thence coursing said left bank as follows: S24°-14'-42"E, 27.86 feet, to a position; S39°-38'-04"E, 90.89 feet, to a position; S600-47'-50"E, 71.68 feet, to a position; S69°-02'-16"E, 63.95 feet, to a position; S89°-42'-28"E, 73.86 feet, to a position; N800-37'-12"E, 130.22 feet, to a position; N61 °-15' -OO"E, 168.19 feet, to a position; S73°-46'-35''E, 155.94 feet, to a position; S78°-07'-45''E, 157.70 feet, to a position; S68°-54'-06"E, 142.72 feet, to the westerly right-of-way line of Highway 89, and leave said bank; , thence S25°-17' -31"W, 50 feet, more or less, along said right-of-way line, to a point; thence continuing, S25°-17' -31 "W, 1101.46 feet, along said right-of-way line, to the northeast point of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 123 of Photostatic Records on page 257; "Modification in any way of the foregoing description lerminates liability of the surveyor" (~,n 30r.<r-)l1. .'0:"" .)IN . PrOl...1onI1 land SUN.yon; P..... H. Ich.rl)el Wyo. ".Ir.11on No. 184 Ideho .....ar.1Ion No. 3010 UtIhAeaitIt.11ønNo. 1.70 Novlda ROOJI....... No, 6105 ScoI A. 8~.. Wyo. "-cPI".11on No. 3H8 Idaho Rtglllfalion No. 102' Ulah AtgIIlr.1Ioq No. 37211t M...... Þ,. Bc:hMItl VIto. ReQlllflllon No. 53" S...,..,.. SchII'HI. LTD. .....,- 81g Pint.,. Wyoming -- Uv. Hot Sprlng..Id.M ..........,- DESCRIPTION FOR JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMm~ . ARGASON VARGASON ADJUSTED TRACT PAGE TWO OOOï.v OH';';'~~lj 351 thence continuing, S25°-17' -31 "W, 256.50 feet, along said right-of-way line, identical, in part, with the easterly line of said tract to a point; thence S900-00'-00"W, 483.73 feet, to a point on the westerly boundary of said tract; thence coursing the westerly boundary of said tract as follows: SOoo-28'-28''E, 55.00 feet, to a cap; SOoo-3I '-33"E, 261.58 feet, to a cap; S12°-09'-24"E, 207.71 feet, to a cap; S81 °_21 '-37"E, 40.07 feet, to a cap; S08°-46'-49"W, 421.10 feet, to a point on ajog line of said right-of-way line and leave said boundary; thence N64°-39'-02"W, 25.06 feet, along said jog line, to a pomt; thence S25°-1S'-13"W, 572.15 feet, along said right-of-way line, to the northeast position of that tract of record in said Office in Book 387 of Photostatic Records on page 510, as shown on Plat No.161A; thence coursing the north and west lines of said tract as follows: N89°-01 '-55"W, 919.30 feet, to the northwest point of said tract; SO 0°-54 ' -07"W, 466.53 feet, along the west line of said tract, to the northwest point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 3 87 of Photostatic Records on page 517, and leave said tract; thence continuing SOoo-54'-07"W, 589.47 feet, along the west line of said tract on page 517, to the southwest point thereof on the south line of said NWV.; thence N89°-0I'-55"W, 383.65 feet, along said south line, to the southwest comer of said NWV.; thence NOoo-57'-03"E, 2646.07 feet, along the west line of said NWV., to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 136.12 acres, more or less; It is intended that the actual left bank of the Salt River as it moves with changes caused by accretion and erosion of the river be the actual boundary of the tract for that part of the above described tract referenced as coursing the left bank of the river; the above caUs along the left bank of the Salt River are an approximation of that bank for the purposes of determining the ~pproxùnate acreage of the above described tract; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the SWv. of Section 1, T33N, R119W, being N01 o-27'-30"E, as determined by GPS survey methods; each "comer" found as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Off1ce of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed: "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS5368" and appropriate details; each "position" is a calculated position with no monument found or set; "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" 0930S21,; PtoI..ltonalland 8urv.yo,. 'i'i N. IIGhlIMI Wyo. "-oi."atIøn No.1'" Idaho Regl",.lIon No. 31tO U&IhRIQIIIraIIonNo. 1170 Htvldl Aeglllrllion No. 6105 ScotIA.Sc:I'ItfIIII w,o. AeoIclralion No. 38511 Idaho Regtantlon No. 11021 utah """".Ion No. 31111' UatIowe A. S~I w,.. _..... No, ...... SUf'II''''' Scf\øbtl, LTD. -,- IIIgP...,.wro"""o Jadq;OfI, Wyoming ltv. Hot Spring', idahO 'anrp.IIw.1dIIho .u.&:la3'-'~"" J.J.v.n ~v.n. JAMES N, VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON VARGASON ADJUSTED TRACT PAGE THREE 3 5 ~0077 Ot'J";';'::J\~.," "" 1..1 each "cap" marked by a steel T-shaped stake with metal cap inscribed: "RLS482"; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in said Office titled: "PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT TRACTS FOR JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON JUNE NIELD REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED 4 JANUARY 1990 DAVID E. RITCHIE AND CAROL DEE RITCHIE JOINT LIVING TRUST, DATED 10 JULY 2000 WITIllN TIIE Wy. SECTION 1 NWY. SECTION 12 T33N Rl19W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 26 November 200 as revised. vargason "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"