HomeMy WebLinkAbout930564 RECEIVED 6/21/2007 at 10:52 AM RECEIVING # 930564 BOOK: 663 PAGE: 10 , JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY í Î J & ( t:¡. 3 Dr z, ( IV ..) ..\ " 1., ' 7 v L.. \q -I (p J QUITCLAIM DEED 000010 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Ted C. Frome and Betty B. Frome. of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, referred to as husband and wife, respectively, in consideration of the trust created herein and for the other covenants contained herein convey and quitclaim unto Ted C. Frome and Betty B. Frome and their successors, Trustees. for the uses and purposes set forth in the Ted C. Frome and Betty B, Frome Revocable Trust between Grantors and Trustee, dated the 14th day of June, 1993. Ted C. Frome and Betty B. Frome, beneficiaries, all such right, title. interest, property, possession, claim and demand as they have or ought to have, in or to all the following described premises, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: The real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made r part of this Quitclaim Deed. I ¡ SUBJECT TO all easements, exceptions, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of sight or record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ted C. Frome and Betty B. Frome, husbafd and wife, have hereunto sel their hands the day and year first above written. I c:::::-,/~ a: ~h Ted C. Frome i --- I I /:? '}1(-1 /, .../ /',.--, // ~: ~~~ é ,'. Frome/ I ~ i I I I I I The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was a~nowledged before me by Ted c.1 Frome and Betty B. Frome, husband and wife, this IS - day of ()~ , 1993. Witness m hand and official seal. ..., (" ,/ STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN (I) LYNN $, SMITH ; : Notary Public . State 0' Wyoming LNaIn CcM\~. WyomIng CommIllkIn EIqIII-. ÅN 2. t086 L~<;, S~ Not RY PUBLIC My commission expires: June 2, 1996. O~,)3056t1: Exhibit A 01000,11. 1, Home Tract ...........'"........_~....~._... ...._~,~......._.;~_.......... -..-...-........... Beg,fn'nlng at ,a point 362,5 teet :East of the NE Corner of Blbc<IÇ'26i,n th'ØTöwn o!Alton, Lincoln C OUT! t y, W yo Itr ihg<a¡.¡,~."i'Ú,~~,~n~t:tten c,.e' :E a I t 38 0 . £ee t more, or lesI "to ,t~e>NE·Co;r;n;erpo..£ Block H, ,Town of' Alto 1'1 ,Wyomin.g,thence S·.0.ul.ñ6 60 feet,m'ore 0 r lesI, toth,ë BE Corner of ,safd,Bl-ockZ5 , thence Welt 42.'3 feet, more or less,th·ence N, 6° 40"E, 665 feet to the point of beginning.. together with all water a,nd water rights, ditches and ditch rightl, And all improvemen.tl. 2, Swift Creek Tract 3. Motel Tract Beginning at a point which is 55, rods Ncirth of the Southwest Conler of the NW-;l- of Section 31, T 32 N, R 118 W,6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence South 330£eet, thence East 400 feet, thence North 330 feet, thence West 400 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, 4. Hospital Tract Lot 3 of the Ted Frome Addition to the Town of Afton, according to Plat 163-B as filed with the Lincoln County Clerk on May 21,2001, Lincoln County, Wyoming, (Continued on next page) (J~')a0564 5. Highway 89 Tract 0000.12 LESS AND EXCEPTING tHAt portion of the above described land contained in QCD 496PR, Page 485, Lincoln County Wyoming; AND LESS AND EXCEPTING that portion of the above described land contained inWD 457PR, P~ge 246, Lincoln County, Wyoing.