HomeMy WebLinkAbout930567 .. .,)00'0,20 MINERAL QUITCLAIM DEED Gnmto~s) FOSTER PAPI, also known as FOSTER A. PAPI, and WANDA PAPI, also known, as A, WANDA PAPI, as tenants by the entirety, whose address is 2764 South Meade Street, Denver, Colorado 80236 City and *County of Den.ver and State of Colorado , for the consideration of TEN AND NO/lOO ($10.00) ------------------------------------------------ Dollars, in hand paid, hereby sell(s) and quitclaims(s) to AwP LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, whose address is P.O. Box 1223, Englewood, Colorado 80150-1223 also known as street and number: N / A County of Arapahoe ,and State of Colorado , the following ~ing real property, in the County of Lincoln and State of G do-,to wit: South One-Half of the North One-Half (SI/2 Nl/2) and the North One-Half of the South One-Half (Nl/2 SI/2), Lots 5 through 8 of Section 2, and the South One-H f .of the North One-Half (SI/2 Nl/2) and the North One-Half of the South One-Half (Nl 2 SI/2), Lota 5 through 8 of Sectio~ 3, ·and the South. One-Half of the North One-Half (SI/2 Nl/2) and the North One-Half of the South One-Half (Nl/2 SI/2), Lots 5 through 8 of Section 4, Township 22 North, Range 112W, Lincoln County Wyoming North One-Half (Nl/2) , and the North.One-Ha1f of the South One-Half (Nl/2 SI/2), a the South One-Half of the Sou~hwest One-Quar.ter (SI/2 8Wl/4) and the Southwest One Quar~er,of the Southeast One-Quarter (SWl/4 SEl/4) of Section 33, Township 23 Nort , Range 112W, Lincoln County, Wyoming INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, any and all right, title and interest (including any oil and gas overriding royalty interest) of Grantors in, to or under the following oil, gas or mineral leases:,' Lea8es: USA W-0321436 andW-0321436A (Oríginal Lessee: James D. Bea;rd); effective 1/1/66; 0.05% ORRI " RECEIVED 6/21/2007 at 11 :02 AM RECEIVING # 930567 BOOK: 663 PAGE: 20 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Z, . I .-¡ I -...-I assessor's schedule or parcel number: N / A with all its appurtenances ,'" ;I Signed this 5th day of June , 2007 . AP . A. WANDA API 1 J S5. County of Arapahoe The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 5 th by FOSTER PAP I, also, known as FÙSTER A. PAP I, A. ~.uw,ê PAPI. '~+"i'i HÖW~/I" f~ «~, I ,,01AR~ ;1 i-tc ~ o§' \ P/J8\.\V Qt '\~ ./if,"§" ...-tl'~ ......~..., 0 ", "" 'L OE co~"" *Inscrt ·'City'lUtd'Ii,if'iipplicablc. STATE OF COLORADO day of June ,2007 . and WANDA PAPI, also known as Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: (~):.- ! l ~Ó) '1 '-;1'10-1'1 DLL '-rÄJ&-c.ue.¿·f -. J U Notary Public Name and Addrcss ofPcrson Creating Newly Created Legal Description (§ 38-35-106.5, C.R,S.) No. 898. Rev. 494, QUITCLAIM DEED (Short Conn) ~