HomeMy WebLinkAbout930571 'u .-1 ,-l '.J~ I?þ "t:J .~~ ~) G ,,:; ü o :;..., l~ ~.'_ . ~~ ~.,.. ~ ~'.. c:: 't.j) 0 0 ~ ~¡; ?: ~ ..!;) () .u "" .... tI) (;) ~ ~_ fI) ::s t: ~~~ 8 (0. -c' f' ,'. m ¿l ~¿, ~ {) q) C) 7j ~t=: "," <I) ~g t-'t\:I ~ '¡ -\ ,..,.,/ !t: f(¡1'i!"J\!¡.!i028 m Recording Requested by: First American Title Insurance Agency, LLC 1755 Prospector Avenue, Suite A-100 Park City, UT 84060 ( 435)655-6800 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Mary Jane Cummings Crystal P.O. Box 460942 Leeds, UT 84746 RECEIVED 6/21/2007 at 11 :18 AM RECEIVING # 930571 BOOK: 663 PAGE: 28 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE (3 v..~ X 5") FOR RECORDER'S USE SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Escrow No: 041-4804222 (mcm) A,P.N.: 3219-02-1-00-148-00 Peggy L. Olson, Nola L. Stauffer, Mary Jane Sagers, now known as Mary Jane Cummings Crystal, Mary Jane Cummings Crystal, James Roberts, Ruth A. Roberts, Lauri L. Rogers, Karry Lynn Andelin, who acquired title as Karry Lynn Andelin Felt, Thomas Kevin Andelin and Cynthia Merserly Andelin, who acquired title as Crystal Merserly Andelin, Grantor, of St. George, Utah, Washington County, State of Utah, hereby CONVEYS AND WARRANTS only as against all claiming by, through or under it to Mary Jane Cummings Crystal, as to an undivided 1/3 interest, James Roberts, as to a 1/9 undivided interest, Ruth A. Roberts, as to an undivided 1/9 interest, Lauri L. Rogers, as to an undivided 1/9 interest, Karry Lynn Andelin, as to an undivided 1/9 interest, Thomas Kevin Andelin, as to an undivided 1/9 interest and Cynthia Andelin Messerly, as to an undivided 1/9 interest., Grantee, of St. George, Utah, Washington County, State of Utah, for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerations the following described trades) of land in Lincoln County, State of \Vyoming See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Subject to easements, restrictions and rights of way appearing of record or enforceable in law and equity and general property taxes for the year 2007 and thereafter. Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this March 22, 2007 . ·, ! . O,9,~30~71 EXHIBIT "A" . 000029 ! , ¡ ! ..,....-. ,,---- Beginning ~2 rods West of the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northea$t Quarter of Section 2), Township 32 North, Range 119 West of the 6U1 P.M. In Wyoming and running thënce Sout1180 rods; thenc:e West:l8 rods; thence North 80 rods; , thence East 28 rods to ~he place ot beginning. Together with all water rights thereunto belonging, I _---..' !~ I! 'í I I I ;1 A,P,N.: .;)¿,u-J2-1-00-148- 00 Special WarranlY LJt::t::J - continued 0·0·0.030 \J.,.. Q.~lJ0571. Peggy L. Olson Nola L. Stauffer . ·71- CþQ ~~~ Ma ~ Sagers, n w known as Mary 1 ---IJMary Cummings Crysta Jan, Cummings crys~~., ~ . ~cp~t/<Y ftJ:.¡U t!u1 'fr/ 7?:tLl-{,¿¿/tt'l~' ,- ,/ --.-..--- James Roberts Ruth A. Roberts Lauri L. Rogers Karry Lynn Andelin, who acquired title as Karry Lynn Andelin Felt Thomas Kevin Andelin Cy thia Andelin Messerly, who acquired ti Crystal Merserly Andelin -"- ~ ~.. ^ n 1\1· ":>'''0 ·.n.~t AiL '1..1.0 0,9"'10 r'~I-f1. ".". \. . " , ~""._ ..~ '\ ~ .!fH .I- . t , _ _ _. _ _ ._ '-.:... . _ _.1 ,3\ .a f&~ peg~ ./ , Nola L, Stauffer , Mary Jane Sagers" now known as Mary Jane Cummings Crystal Mary Jane Cummings Crystal ~A~ Ruth A. Roberts James Roberts /fJU4',t. ~ Lauri L. Rogers Karry Lynn Andelln, who acquired title as Karry Lynn Andelin Felt i I Thomas Kevin Andelin Cynthia Andelin Messerly, who acquired ,title as Crystal Merserly Andelin ' I I I "- . H" ~.. _..... . 000032 A.r.N.: 3219-02-1-00-148- 00 Special Warranty Deed - continued O~30SÞ;:;1. -----. Peggy L. Olson Nola L. Stauffer Mary Jane Sagers, now known as Mary Jane Cummings Crystal Mary Jane Cummings Crystal \~t>J ~t~~C' ~mes Roberts Ruth A. Roberts Lauri L. Rogers Karry Lynn Andelin, who acquired title as Karry Lynn Andelin Felt ' , Thomas Kevin Andelin Cynthia Andelin Messerly, who acquired title as Crystal Merserly Andelin _... . ""-~' .... A.P.N.: 3219-02-1-00-148- 00 Special Warranty Deed - continued 09,30S~;;1. 000033 '~;J? :# /;1Þ ?i /~-: /2/ J...;1 3- ôltJt) 7· N'ola L. Stauffer (/.. , Peggy L. Olson Mary Jane Sagers, now known as Mary Jane Cummings Crystal Mary Jane Cummings Crystal James Roberts Ruth A, Roberts /1'1 i . L--l/, ?,23.ði , who acquired title as Karry I lauri L Rogers ~~ Cynthia Andelin Messerly, who acquired title as Crystal Merserly Andelin 000034 i - I me, the signer of the within Instrument, Notary Public 1/ j/1t£~1 (Printed Name) My Commission expj!~s.,:. . .,_",rwr_~_. ,_, ' .." -:.':'';;),,''-, ",,:.. M':<~>, ,; ¡GI{~ hí,m "",'< ~;.\ AO East ~:t Georq... ÐI',cI ~íil.' I ~ cl': . ~¡~¡ '~i Saim 8')<)lge, Utah iJ4ï70 \\~\, ~If My CC'mlì\!n..ion Expires \;.:~~....,'''''':/ .1:11'!'·1ry 7, 200f! ",~,.?.:;,...,.. ,'3TilIE O,F UTi,,!) {Seal or Stamp} _,_.._.__."__.......__'..........d......'.___......___,..~_~...._~.. I I !' 09,aOS":;';1 000035 STATE OF ~ I ofTA~o , - I ) / )55, (,. Ani''''' t,(7 ) L¡lft., 20 0 1- p~rsonallY appeared before me, ~o ()fl~ ~~ ~ R...T~ 4, íìuKer~\ the signer of the within Instrument, who duly aCk~ed '" ~uœd the sa e. Notary Public ~ I ~ I þS~ -rrAN:I>~,..I (Printed Name) 0 -ùcreíl "0 'ClIO _. . My Commission expires: ~.' ~ peal or :.la ,'P} COUNTY OF On _J1]Aí7cU. RUtta HANSEN NOTARY PUBLIC STArE OF COLORADO 00mmIssi0n Expfr8S 10l2OI2010 , I . ! 000036 , , O~130'st'1. STATE OF -ÞI'If) COUNTY OF J~,~\ Y\ (" (') \r\ I - I ) )55. ) 20~ personally appeared before me, , tbe signer of the within instrument, otary, Public bkJ ~aíOt1 klJr (Printed Name) My Commission expires: ~ -I L/-o X' [~_._--~~:.~- SHARON WALKEH NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WfOMING " \ ,~~~.9,<?~:~'¡!.~;::;,~?.~,::P!;~.!;!,~:r;.,~~!.,~~~ ~....,~_.,.......~".,...~....,........._~..........~----._..._- {Seal or Stamp} Q(')¡ or" (.)t::"~~J1. ...,:;J,.j , ) i On STATE OF ) )5s. ) . COUNTY OF U who duly acknowledged to me that he execute No personally (Seal or Stamp) 000037 ,ap~eared before me, the signer of the within Instrument , NOTARY PUBLIC ~OEY HANSEN 1344, West 41175 South Rlverdale, Utah 64405 My Commission Expire. FEBUARY 15, 2011 STATE OF UTAH Qo30t"""-'1. ,...7,'- .:.1 ,. State of Utah ) :ss, County of Salt Lake ) 000038 On March 29,2007, personally appeared hefore me Thomas Kevin Andelin, the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same, ~ (ì~ Nota~) tr State of Utah Iv1y Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC EVELYN J, McCONKIE 180 East 100 South Sail Lake City, Utah 84111 My Commission Expires May 1, 2008 STATE OF UTAH ~ I, ;}-pCJ%