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RECEIVING # 930728
BOOK: 663 PAGE: 656
MIN 100037506860684720
THIS MORTGAGE is made this 25
Carson J King, A Single Han
day of Hay, 2007
, between the Mortgagor,
\1-40l ~ ~ 3"
(herein ·Bo~"), and 1h8 Mortpgee,
Mortgage mectronic Registration Systems, IDe. (·MBRS"), (solely as DODÜDee for Leoder, as bereiDafla'defiurJd, and Lmdcr's
successors and assigns). MERS is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, and has an address and telephone number
ofP,O. Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501.2026, tel. (888) 679-MBRS. GHAC Mortgage, LLC
existing under the Jaws of Del aware
7 Carnegie Plaza, Cherry H111. NJ 08003
WHBRBAS, Borrower is .indebted to Lender in the ~al aum of U.S. $ 50,000.00 . which
indebtedness is evideoced by Borrower's note dated OS/25/2007 and exteoaicma and rcmewaJJ
thereof (herein ·Note"). providing for monthly installuumts of principal and inœrest~ with the balance of indebtedness, Ü not
sooner paid, due aDd payable on June I, 2022 ;
TO SECURE to I..mJder the æpaymeut of the iDdebtedDeas evidem:ed by the Note, WÏd1 iDIeœst 1bereon; the paymeut of all
other sums, with inteœat thereon, advanced in accordaace heœwith to protect the security of this Mortpge; and the
performance of the CCM:IUIDtII and ~ of Borrower hetein contained, Borrower doea hereby ~ge, grant and conny
to MERS (solely as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns) and to the successon and' assigns of MERS, with
power of sale, the foUowing described property located in the County of L i nco 1 n
State of WyDIDÍDg:
see Attached legal
, C"Leuder ") il organized and
, aod has an address of
which bas the address of 182 Trail Dri ve lSIreet]
Alpine [CityI. Wyoming 83128 [ZipCodeI (be.rein .Property Address·);
TOGETHER with all ØIe improvementB now ~ beœatœr erected on the property. and all easemeot8, rigb1I, appunenanœs
and renta, all of which sba11 be deemed to be IIId. remain a ~ of the property ~ this M01'tJ88!I; aìid all of tho
fore~ing, topCher with said property (or the leasehold estate Ü this Mo~ is on a I d) are ~ refeIred to as
the Property.. BoD'O'Wel' undCr8tIndí aDd a¡rees chat MBRS holds ODly legal title to the inten:s1B granbId by BmroW1:f in Ihia
Mortgage: but. if neceuuy to comply with law or custom, MBRS. (as IIOIDinee for l.ender aDd lø1dei"s IUCCeIIIOß and
assigDS), has the right: to exaçise any or all of those interests, ioc1ud1111, but DOt limited to, the riJht Cþ foreclose IDd aell the
Property; and to tab any action required of Leoder inc1udiDg. but DOt limited to, RleasiDg or canc:elmg this Mortgage.
Borrower coveoants that Bonower is IawfDUy seised of the estate be:reby eonveyed md bas 1be ripu to mortpp, ¡rant IIDd
convey the Property, and that the Property ia uœocumbered, except for eaaønbranceI of xecon1. Borrowa: COveøan18 that
Borrower warranta ADd will defend geoeraUy the title to the Property agaÎDlt aU claims and dAm.....'. subject to CIIICIIßIbraace of
UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower aDd Lender covenant and 8p'ee as follows:
1. Paylll8lt of PriDdpaJ aDd IDåft.st. Borrower sball promptly pay when due the principal and interest indebtedness
evidenced by die Note ami late c1wps as provided in die Note,
2. .FuacJs for Taus IUId 1Døuranœ. Subject to applicable law or a writte:o. waiver by Lender, Borrower sba1l pay to
Lender on the day monthly payments of principal and interest are payable under tbe Note, unril the Note is paid in foIl, a sum
_ -76N(WYI103Oel.o1
VMP MCIftIgI SallltiOM, lno.
Farm 3851
ArMnCIed 2101
OfìJ'Jt...~) "'-""J
ItJ 'It!' ~t." ,~, (
(herein "FuDds·) equal to One-twelfth of tbe yearly taxes IIDd 8UP.fIIImP.llhl (iDcludiDg coDdomWum 8Dd plamled UDÎt
development asresamøtf, jf any) wbicb may attain priority over this Mortgage aDd ground œnta on the PropeRy, if any, plus
one-twelfth of yea1y premium installments for hazard iDlUllll\ClC, plus one-twe1fth of yearly premium ~11_ts for mort¡a¡e
iosuraoce, if any, all as rusonably estimated initially and ftom time to time by Lender 011 tbe. basis of IIBØe8SIBeDtS and bills and
reasonable eøtimatc!I tbamf. Borrower shall DOt be obligated to mm IUd1 Pl}'IDCDts of P1mds to liender to tho eXIaIt tbat
Borrower makes sud1 payments to the holder of a prior mortgage or deed of trust if such holder is an iDStitutionallender-
If Borrower pays FuDds to Lender, the FwuIs shall be held in an instinttion the deposita or accounts of which are insured
or guaranteed by a federal or staœ agency (including Leø.der if Leoder is mch an iDStimtioo). Lemler aball apply the Foods to
pay said taxes, ..~f!IIbI. ÌDI\D'IUICe pICmiuma aDd ground reDtI. Lœder may DOt dJarge for 10 holcliD¡ IIIId applying the
Funds, analyzing said accouot or verifying and compUiDg said ~ IDI1 bills, unless l.eDder pays Borrower intereat on
the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to maIœ such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agtee in writing at the time of
execution of tbia Mort,. tba1 intereat on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, aod uø1ess such asr-nem is made or
applicable law œquires such iDteœst to be paid, I..endtz shall not be œqoired to pay Borrowa' my ÙI1íIR!8t or earaiDp on the
Funds. leDder aball give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showiDg çredita and debits to tho
Funds and the purpose for whkb each debit to the Funds was ma(Ie. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums
secured by 1bi8 MortgaBe.
If the II1DOUDt of die Fuods held by Lender, together with the future monthly ÙlJh'1Jmf!IItJ of FundI payable prior to the due
da1ea of taxes, ~ts, insuraoœ premiums and ground tents, shall exœed the amount required to pay said taXes,
assessments, insuranœ premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such exœas shall be, at Borrower's option. either promptly
œpaid to Boøower or credited to Borrower on mœtbly iDstaUmeoÞ of Funds. If the amount of the Puad.s held by Leader sba1l
not be sufticient to pay taxes, assessments, insuraDce premiums IIId ground æoÞ U they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Leader
any amount ~ to maIœ up the deficieœy in one or more payments as Lender may require.
Upon payment m fuO of all sums secur:a( by this Mortg., l.endet shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by
Lender. If UDder JIIU38IIPh 17 hereof the Property is sold or tho Property is otherwiJe acquired by lAmder, Louder sbaIl apply,
no later tban ÍIDIIledÎately prior to the salc of the Property or ita acquisition by Lender, any Punc1a held by Lender It the time of
application as a credit ~ the sums sec:ured by this Mortgage.
3. Application of PayIDaItI. Unless appUcable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the Note
and paragraphs 1 and 2 boreof shaU be applied by l..eoder fint in payment of amouDta payable to Leader by Borrower undor
pantgrapb 2 hereof, tha1 to Ìntcn:It payable on the Note, aod tbe:D. to the priDcipe1 of the Note.
4. Prior Mortpaa IDd Deeds of Trust; C......; LIeas. Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations under
any mort.., deed of trust or other security agreement with a Jim which has priority over this Mortgage, including Borrower's
covenants to ma1œ payrmmta when due. Borrower &hall pay or cause to be paid alt taxes, aaaeaamenta and other dw'ges, fines
and impoIriJioDB attribatabl~ to the Property whiOO may attain a priority over this Mortp¡e, and leuebold payments or ground
reuts, if any.
5. Huard 1Nunmce. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected Dn the Property iDlUted
against 1018 by f'iœ, hazards iDduded within the term -extended coverage, . IIId sud1 other bazIrds as Lender may requi!e and in
such amounts and for suc:b periods as Lender may require.
The insuranœ cmier providing the insw:mce &hall be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender; provided, that
such approval sba1l DOt be unreasonably withheld. All insurance policies and renewals tbereof shalt be in a form aœeptable to
Lender and shall include a standard mortgage c1awJe in fa¥Ol' of aod in a form IICCCptabIe to Lender. Le:nder shaI1 have the right
to hold the policies and renowa1s thereof, subject to the terms of my mortgage, deed of 1IU8t or 01ha' security apeeme:a.t with a
lien which bas priority over 1bis Mortgage,
In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. LeDder may make proof of lOBS
if DOt out.Je ='1 by Borrower.
If 1I1e is 8baDdoned by Borrower. or if Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days from the dale notice is
mailed by l.eI:Ider to Borrower that the insunmce carrier offen to settle a claim for insurance beœfits, LeDder is authorized to
çollect and apply the insuraace proceeda at Lender's option either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured
by this Mortgage.
6. Pr_T.tIon 8Dd MIIøteøIøH:e of Property; Leufbolcltj CODdont.....N; PIaDoed. UDit ........... Borrower
shall bop the Property in good repair and Iball DOt commit waste or permit impairment or deterioratiou of the Property and
shall comply with the provisions of any lease if this Mortgage is on a leasebold. If this Mortgage is on . unit in a condominium
or a plaDned unit development, Borrower Iball perform all of Borrower's obligations UDd.er the doc1ara1ion or coveGaßtl creatiDg
or gowming the condominium or plamæd. 1IDÏt development, the by-lBWB and regulations of the coad....mnium or planoec1 unit
development, and amatituent documents.
7. r.-oteetion or I..euder'. Security, If Borrower fails to perform the çoVeD8Dts and agreements contained in this
Mortgage, or ü any action or proceeding is c:o.mJDCDCed whiOO materially affrA:cs Lcmdcr's.intaeat in the Property, dial LeIIder,
at Lenders option. upon DOtice to Borrower, may malœ sud1 appcaraoccs, disbuIle such suma, including reasonable attonIe)'I'
fees, and talœ such action as is necessary to pt'OteCt Lender's interest. If Lender requiIed mortgage ÎDI111'8Dce as a condition of
malcing the loan secured by dùs Mortgage, Borrower shall pay tbc premiums required to maintain such Ù1S\1I'ImCe in effect until
such time as the requirement for such iosurance terminates in acconlanœ with Borrower's and I..ende(s wrluen agreement or
applicable law,
Any amOUtWl disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, at tbc Note rate, shall become
additional iDd~btlXlDeas of Borrower secumI by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lœder agxee to o1ber terms of payment,
SUèh amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting paymeot thereof. Nøthing contained in 1his
paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take any action hemmder,
8. 1Dspecdon.Le:ndet may mab or cause to be made reasooable entries upon aod inspections of the Property, p1'OVÍdcd
that Lender sba11 giv.e Borrower notice prior to any such inJpection spccifyin¡ msouablo cause therefor œlated to Lender's
interest in the Property.
,. CoadeanIaaioD. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or oonsequential. in coœcction with aoy
condmnnAtÎon or other taking of Ibe Property, or part thereof, or for c:onveyance in lieu of COD~~, are herdJy ..siped
and øball be paid to Lender, subject to 1110 œrms of any mortgage, deed of tmst or other security a¡reëment with a lien wbicb
bas priority over 1his Mortgago.
10. Borrower Not It.de8sed; FOI'bearaDce By Leader Not 8 Waiver. Bx.tension of the time for payment or modification
of amortization of the sums aecmed by thia Mortgage granted by I..endcr to any socœssor in iDt.eEest of BoIJO'ft'l sball DOt
operate to n'ilease, in any maDDer, the liability of tbo original Bonower IIDd Borrower's øuccessors in iDterat. I.aIder sba11 not
be required to ('.ntImC!I1CC proceedings against such II1JCCeSlOr or refuse to extend time for paymmU or otherwise modify
amortizadon of the sums secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand out.Je by the original Bor1"OWef and Borrower's
suc:cessors in ÏDteRIt. AIry foJbearance by Lender in exercising my right or remedy beœunder, or otberwiae affonJed by
applicable law, IIball not be a waiver of or preclude the exen::iae of any such right or œmedy.
GIt -7INIWY) 103081.01
Pe,. 2 Df 4
Form 3861
oa307~~ 000658
11. Suemson lIBel AIIips Boaad; Joint aad SmnI Liability; Co-sipm:. The coveaancs IIDd ~ herein
contaiøed sball biDd, IDd the rights be.reunder ahal1 inure to, the respective successors and assigus of l..eDder aDd Borrower,
subject to the provisions of paragraph 16 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower sbaU be joint and aevenl. Any
Borrower who co-sigas this Mortgage, but does not execute the Note, (a) is co-signing this Mortgage only to mortgage, grant
and convey tbat Borrower's inteœst in the Property to Leoder UDder the terms of this Mortgage, (b) is DOt pe:nouaIly liable on
the Note or under this Mortgap, ad (c) agrees that Leøder IIDd 8Il)' other Borrower hemmder may ape to extend, modify,
forbear, or maIœ any OCher accommodatioos with regard to the lenDs of this Mortgage or the Note without that Borrower's
consent BOd without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Mortgage as to that Borrower's interest in the Property.
11. Notice. Exœpt for any notice reqnirecI under applicable law to be given in 8D01ber 1DI1IDer, (a) .any DOtiœ to Borrower
provided for in this Mortpge ahaU be given by delivering it or by mailing sud1 norice by œrdfiec1 mail addressed to Bonower
at the Property AddIesa or at aw:h other address as Borrower may dcaigoate by notice to Lender as provided beroin. IIDd (b) any
notice to Lender sbaU be given by certified mail to LeD.de.r's address stated herein or to suc:h OCher address as Lender may
desipate by notice to Borrowet as provided heæin. Any notice provided for in this Mortgage sh811 be deemed to have been
giWll to Borrower or LeDder when gÎVcu in the ID8DI1e1' deaigaated beœin.
13. GovenIDg LaW; 'SewrabfUty. Tbe state and local laws applicable to this Mortgage sha11 be the Iawa of the
jurisdiction in whidJ. tho Property is located. The foregoing sentcmœ shall DOt limit tbe applicability of œderal law to dùa
Mortgage. In the eveot that any provision or clause of this Mortgage or the Note conf1ids wiIh applicable law, soc:h conflict
shall DOt affect other provisiooa of this Mortgage or the Note which c:an be given dfec:t without the coøf1ìcdng provision, 8Dd to
this end the provisions of this Mortgage and the Note are declared to be severable. A1I1JSCId hemn, -«HIts,. -expenses- and
wattotœy&' fees- iDcIude all SlDDS to the extent not probibiWd by applicable law or limited herein.
14. BoIIVW'u·' Copy. BoIfOWm' aball be fumishcd a confotmed copy of tile Note and of this Mortgaae at the time of
cxecudøn or aftm rcc.mdIdcm Junof.
15. RehabßItatfoD LoaD Agreement, Borrower sbal1 fu1fi11 all of Borrower's obligatiollS under any home rehabilitation.
improvement. n:pair, or OCher loan agœemcnt wbidI Borrower entr:m into with Lender. Lender, at Lender's option, may require
Bol1Ower to executa and deliver to Lender, in a form acceptable to Leoder, an assignment of any rights, e1aima or defeoaes
whid1 Borrower may have apinst parties who supply labor, materials or JCnIÍces in c:onoection wiIh improvements made to the
Property ,
16. TraDsfer of Cbe Property or a Ba1eftdallDtenst to Borrower. If all or auy part of the Property or my inteIest in it
is ·sold or transferred (or if a beIIeficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is DOt a iIatUral penon) without
Lender's prior written CODSeDt, I..ender may, at its option, require immediate payment in full of ø111U1DS secUIed by this
Mortgage. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lcmder if exercia ia prohibited by federa1law as of the date of this
If Løoder exemises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acœleration. The notice sball provide a period of not
less than 30 days from the date the notice ia delivered or mailed within whidI Borrowa' must pay aD sums seemed by this
Mortgage. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to "the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies pennitted
by this Mortgage without further notice or demand on Borrower.
NON-UNJFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender ñu1ber coveaant and agree as foUows:
11. Ae:c:dendollf RaDedIrs, Exœpt.. pI"Oftdecl In paragraph 16 hereof, upon Borrower'. hradI. of aJf1 coftlWlt or
agreemeøt 01 BoIl'OWa" In tIds MøI1pae, iDdu..... tbe COvaaaDts to pay wbea due any IUIIIII Iecui'ed by tIds Mortgage,
IAmIer prior to acœlentloD aba1l give DOtfœ to Borrower .. proYided to parqraph 11 hereof apeclfyføø: (1) the breach;
(2) the adlou reqaInd to cure soda bnad1; (3) a date, DOt .. tUa 10 da)'l from the date .. _lice ill mailed to
BorroWS', by wbkIa øada breKIt must be cured; and (4) that I'tdIare to an IUda bn8da OD 01' Won the date apedIIed In
tile DOtiœ may resa1t ia 8£œIendoD or the 8liliiii øeeund by this Mortgage. TIle DOUce sball further iDfonn Bomnft.. of
tile rIgbt to reIDòate aftao acœIentioa aud the right to brio¡ . com 8dioa to aseert the DODe1dIteaœ of a default or auy
other dtf_ of Bomnnr to aa:eleratioD IU1d sale. If the breach Is .. aired OD or before the date apedfted .. tile DOdœ,
Leader, at Leada:'. option, ...., dedaft aU of tile BUIDI aecured by tIdI MorIpge to be '-edIatdy due aDd payable
without further cIemud 8Dd may lavoke the power of we and auy other remedfes permitted by IppIIeable law. Lender
mall be entIded to coUect aD l'eI8Oaable COlts 8Dd apeases IDcurnd in pursuiJIg tile remedlelprovlded ID tbas .........ph
17, lDdudln¡, but DOt lbaitaI to, ftIIOaable attorDcys' fees.
U LeIIder in_" the pGWIiI' of we, Leader øIuill give notiœ or latent to foreclose to Bornnnr and to the perIOII Ia
possessIoD of tbe Property, if difYfftDt, ill acconlaaœ with appUc:able law. Leader shall maD . copy of. DOtiœ of the sale
to Bomnnr In tbe lD8anër provided In paragraph 12 hereof. LeadeI' øhaJl pubUsh the øotke of IBle and the Propel1y
sbaD be IOld In the maIDHI' pnscrihed by applieable Ia.. Lender or Leade:r's desipee ID8y purdI8Ie the Property at ny
sale. 'l1ae proceeds. of the IIIe øhaIl be ap¡l6ed in the foUcnriDg ordfr. (a> to aU nuoaable œsts IUId apeaIeI of the sale,
incIadIoa, but DOt 1Iadted to, reuonable attorney.' fees and tcIIds of title evIdeDce; (b) to aD 8UIDI secured by this
Morfpp; aad (e) the exœa, If IDY, to the penon or persons 1epUy entitled th~.
18, ØoITower's RIght to Reilutate. Notwitbstandiog Leodet's acceIerarion of the sums secured by tbia Mortgage duo to
Borrower's breach. Borrower ahall have 1be right to have any proceedings begun by l.eDdet to totorce this Mortgage
discontinued at any time prior to the earlier to occur of (i) the fifth day before sale of the Property pursuant to the power of sale
cootaiDed in this Mortgage or (ü) entry of a judgment enfotciøg this Mortgage if: (a) Borrower paysLtmder all sums which
would be then due UDder this Mortgage and the Note bad DO acœ1era1ion 0CCIIIIed; (b) Borrower cures all breachea of any Olber
covenants or agreementS of Borrower contained in this Mortgage; (c) Bommer pays all reasonable expenses incurred by Lender
in enforciDg the covaumts 8Dd a¡reemeots of Borrower contaiued in this Mortgage, aDd in enforcing Lender's remedies as
provided Ü1 paragraph 17 hereof, including. but not limited to. reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d) Borrower tabs such açtion as
Lender may I'CIIISOIUIbly œquiœ to assure that the lien of this Mortgage, Leader's inteRst in die Property IIIId Bonuwer'.
obligation to pay die aums secuæd by this Mortgage ahall continue UDimpaired. Upon sud1 pa.ymø ami cure by Borrower, this
Mortgage and the obligations secured horcby shall remain in full force aDd effect as if DO acceleration had oc:cumxl.
19. AMfgoment of Reuts; Appolntmeut ot Recdver; LeIader in Poøessiou. As additionalsccurity hereunder, Borrower
hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Property, provided that Borrower sbaU, prior to aa:e1eratioD under paragraph 17
hereof or abandomoeot of tho Property, have 1be right to collect and main such l1III1a as they become duo and payable.
flit -78N(WYJ I0308I.01
Farm 3881
Upon acceleration under paragraph 17 bereof or abandcmmeDt of the Property, aad at my time prior to the expiration of
any period of redemption following judicial sale, LeDder, in penon, by agent or by judicially appointed ruceiver. &ball be
entitled to enter upon, ta1œ poslleUÎon of and III8118p the Property and to collect the reDtI of the Property including those past
due. All œntI coUected by lADder or the receiver sbal1 be applied first 1:0 payment of the C04tS of IDII1qeDJent ot the Property
and collection of rents, iød.udinS, but not limited to, œceiver's fra, premiums on receiver'. bcmda ~ maIODlbIe attomeyI'
fees, and that to the IIUIDI secured by this Mortpae. Leader and the receiver &baU be liable to ICCIOI!Dt oaIy for those RIDtI
actually received.
20. RdeaIe. Upon payment of all sums scaJred by this Mortgage, Lender shall release thiB Mortgage witbollt cbarge to
Borrower. Borrower sbal1 pay aU costa of IeC01'dation, Ü any.
21. WaJ.... of Rom...... BoI'rowa' Iœreby waives aU right ofhome8te8d exemption in the Property.
Borrower and Lender request the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust or other encumbrance with a lien which has
priority over this Mortp¡e 10 ¡ive Noûce to Um.cIer, at Leader', address set forth on page one of this Mortgage, of any default
under the superior enwmJmmœ aucl or any sale or OCher fondosure action.
IN WITNESS 'WHERBOP. Borrower bas executed this Mortgage.
Carson J. King
[Sign OrlgiMl Only]
The foIegoing ÌDStnIIIumt was actoowledged before me this
Cu~~ J l<.J ~
County 81: T~-Þl'\
m~ ,;)r;' J )-1701
My Col1lD1iision Expires: ,3... j )..; J I
County of State of
Teton Wyoming
My CommIssIon expires J.-IJ-;J
at -76NIWYJ 103081.01
P8Qt 4 aJ 4
Form 3881
If) (,JI41, J('" ','~' JI"r.
'(,/1... "1,)' ¡1')"iJ\~ß
Permanent Parcel Number: 3718 293 0804900
Loan Reference Number 686068472/686068472
First American Order No: 12401325
111l1li111111111111111 KING WY
When recorded mail to:
ATTN: FT1120