HomeMy WebLinkAbout930777 ·....'1 ~.,, OO"\'¡.',,:~· f" .. \~.)., . _ to · Recorded at the Request of ~ L ~ at .M. Fee Paid $ by Dep. Book Mail tax notice to Page Ref. : Addres s f'. tJ. ho J. "Z~ oJ 1.~~;J¡n,;;ru;¡t..) r ?3 It) I QUIT-CLAIM DEED That HIGH DESERT LLC., grantor, of 1337 Canyon Road #32, Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby QUIT-CLAIMS jointly, an undivided one half interest each, to Del K. Bartel and Dale Thurgood, grantees, Of 1337 Canyon Road #32, Kemmerer, Wyoming, for the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the following described property in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: All the real property included in the attached legal description under Exhibit "A", Located adjacent to Canyon Road and Highway 189, Diamondville, Wyoming, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. * witnl'is the_hand of said grantor, this Z.5? - day of ~_ ' 2007, A.D. HIGH DESERT LLC. By: GLk,~ Del . Bãrte -Managing Member RECEIVED 6/28/2007 at 1:10 PM RECEIVING # 930777 BOOK: 663 PAGE: 817 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY I f i.. By: Member TAMMY LAFAVE NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF . STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOVEMBER 13. 2010 Signed in the Presence of: STATE OF WYOMING ) : ss. County of Lincoln ) ~ On the .1Ç?fh day of } , 2007, A.D. personally appeared before e, the s~gner of the foregoing instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that she ~~~~~~ {~ R1;)-~ing in: ~'A.flA ./ My commission expires: I / ... I. ~ - ;)t7/t') Zt/f' OOOF.¡1}~ PARCEL 1 A parcel of land located in the NE~ of Section 26 and in Tract 42 of the Resurvey of T21N Rl16W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of said Section 26 and thence S 17°15' W, a distance of 2545.20 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also being the point of beginning ~f the Diamondville Cemetery parcel as recorded in Book 24 of Deeds on page 163 in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk; thence S 86°22' W, a distance of 33.67 feet; thence S 76°04'39" W, a distance of 243.65 feet; thence N 00°17'36" W, along the West line of Tract 42, a distance of 525.37 feet to a point on the Southerly Right-Of-Way line of u.S. Highways 30N and 189; thence S 77°19'34" E, along said Highway Right-Of-Way a distance of 217.91 feet; thence along said Highway Right-Of-Way line along the arc of a curve to the left through a central angle of 10 °36'46" a distance of 364.87 feet, the radius of said curve being 1969.86 feet (chord bearing S 82°38'55", chord distance 364.35 feet); thence S 00°39'16" E, a distance of 351.07 feet;., thence S 86°22' W, along the Northerly Boundary of said Cemetery 305.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS AND EXCEPT the land contained in the Deed recorded June 15, 1983 in Book 202PR on page 99 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. LESS AND EXCEPT the land contained in Deed recorded March 20, 1985 in Book 224PR on page 726 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. PARCEL 2 A parcel embracing portions of Tracts 4~, 45 and 46 of Johnson and Jaeckle's resurvey of Section 26, T21N" Rl16W Ç>f the 6th P.M., an addition to the Town of Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: ~" BEGINNING at an aluminum cap set on line. 5-6 of tract 46 from which Corner No. 1 of Tract 45 thereon bears N 0°13'57" E, 655.73 feet distant; thence around the parcel: Legal Description Continued. Continued N 70°58'48" E, a distance of 583.68 feet to an aluminum cap found at the Southwest corner of Harrower Parcel; thence N 79°39'13" E, along the South line of said Harrower parcel, a distance of 34.63 feet to an aluminum, cap found; thence continuing N 79°10'14" E, a distance of 119.85 feet to an aluminum cap set at the Southeast corner of said Harrower Parcel, said point also being on the West R/W line of U.S. 189; thence S 2 °39' 17" E, along said West R/W line of U. S. 189, a distance of 223.27 feet to an aluminum cap set at a Hwy R/W jog to the West; thence S 87°20'43" W along said Hwy R/W jog, a distance of 74.66 feet to a R/W marker found at the beginning of a curve; thence along said West Hwy R/W line on a curve to the left, a radius of which is 3969.74 feet and whose long chord bear~ S 6°39'45" E, a distance of 554.89 feet to an aluminum. cap set where said R/W curve intersects the Northerly boundary of a Wyoming Hwy Dept~ parcel on file with the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds for Lincoln County in Book 200PR on page 772; thence S 43°39' 57" W along the northerly boundary of said detention pond parcel, a distance of 598.62 feet to an aluminum cap set at west most corner thereof; thence N 74 ° 53' 48 II E along the Southerly boundary.qf said detention pond, a distance of 500.00 feet to an aluminum cap set at a point on the curve of the west Hwy R/W line; thence along said West Hwy R/W line on a curve to the left, the radius of which is 3969.74 feet and whose long chord bears S 16°00'0711 E, a distance of 117.55 feet to a R/W marker found at the end of said curve; thence S 16°54'43" E along said west Hwy,R/W line, a distance of 80.12 feet to an aluminum cap found at the Northeast corner of a parcel on file with said County Cle~~ in Bo~k 175PR on page 155; thence N 89~56'4311 W along the North boundary of said parcel, a distance of 514.90 feet, to an aluminum'cap found at the NW corner of said parcel on file with said County Clerk in Book 175PR on page 155; , thence S 13 ° 11' 23 II W along the West boundary of said parcel described in Book 175PR on page 155, a óistance of 350.69 feet to an aluminum cap found on the North R/W line of U.S. 189; thence N 76°45'26" W along said North Hwy R/W line, a distance of 245.90 feet to a R/W marker found at the intersection of said North Hwy R/W line with line 5-6 of Tract 42, said point being also a corner on the corporate boundary between Diamondville and Kemmerer; . Legal Description Continued. O~"\f,)F,oI¡\ (-~ ......J 'I~ ,..1J....,.~ Continued thence continuing N 76°49'39" W along said North Hwy R/W line and corporate boundary, a distance of 771.93 feet to an aluminum cap set at its intersection with the Easterly R/W of Canyon Road; thence N 13°23'34" E along said Easterly R/W line of Canyon Road and corporate boundary, a distance of 462.69 feet to an aluminum cap set at the beginning of a curve; thence along said East R/W line of Canyon road and corporate boundary on a curve to the right, the radius of which is 565.50 feet and whose long chord bears N 24°18'35" E, a distance of 214.20 feet to an aluminum cap set at the end of said curve; thence N 35°13'03" E continuing along said East R/W line of Canyon Road and corporate boundary, a distance of 459.93 feet to an aluminum cap set at the beginning of a curve; thence along said East R/W line of Canyon Road and corporate boundary on a curve to the left, the radius of which is 634.50 feet and whose long chord bears N 28°56'22".E, a distance of 138.75 feet to an aluminum cap set at a point on the curve; thence S 67°20'19" E, radial to said point on the curve, a distance of 69.32 feet to an aluminum cap set; thence N 75°06'03" E, a distance of 171.09 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ,. " LESS AND EXCEPT the land contained in War~anty Deed recorded March 10, 1993 in Book 325PR on page 447 of the r~cords ~f the Lincoln County Clerk. LESS. AND EXCEPT the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded July 18, 1995 in Book 371PR on page 22 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. LESS AND EXCEPT the land contained in Warranty Deeds recorded July 20, 1995 in BOQk 371PR on pages 127 and 129 of the records' of the Lincoln County Clerk. LESS AND EXCEPT the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded December 10, 1996 in Book 391PR on page 576 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. O O· ßÌ\ ;;:H'''}\ AJ' ¡ . ~..¡: I .,V ,'~~w Q(