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~ Wade Peavler. and Teresa. Peavler, husband and wife-, GRANTORS, of Lincoln
Co'unty, Wyoming, for and in consideration of _Ten and noll00 _ Dollars and other good
and valwible consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY
, , '
AND wARRANT to _TERESA PEA VLE~ as an individual-, of P.O. Box 1712, Afton,
WY 831 to, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming,
hel-eby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtues of the homestead exemption laws of
the State~ to-wit:
, part of that tract of land known as Tract 5 of the Peavler Family Exemption, as
,. I
described in a De~d of Record, executed June 13,2003, and recorded in Book 524,
P~ge 477 in the Öffice of the Lincoln County Clerk, said tract being located within
thb SEl/4NEl/4 of Section 29, T32N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, with
bqundaries more particularly described as follows:
CÙMMENCJNG at the Southeast Comer of the SEl/4NE1/40f said Section 29;
TI;rnNCE S 89048'42" W, along the south line of the said SEl/4NEl/4, a distance
of1324.43 feet to a point; ,
, rtrnNCE N 37°47'17" W a distance of262.l2 feet to the true Point of Beginning;
: an;d runningfro~ this Point of Beginning
, 11IENCE N 37°47'06" W a distance of 326.11 feet to a point;
rtrnNCE N 37°47'11" W a distance of 95.00 feet to a point;
THENCE N 0°03'45" E a distance of 226.68 feet to the intersecûon with an
e~isting road centerline;
rtrnNCE along a centerline circular curve to the right, with a beginning bearing of
S :83045'00"E and a radius of 125 feet, through a delta angle of 49°31 '50", along an
a.q; distance of 108.06 feet;
THENCE S34°1:3'10" E a distance of 67.48 feet;
, '
, TßENCE along a tangent circular curve to the left, with a radius of200 feet,
tli-ough a delta ~gle of 51019'03", along an are distance of 179.13 feet;
'qIENCE S,85°32'13" E a distance of 45.33 feet and leave said centerline;
THENCE S 10°14'44" W a distancè of365.10 feet to the Point of Beginning;
ENCLOSING an area of2.00 acres, more or less;
TOGETHER WITH easements for access and utilities as described in the said
D:eed of Record.
RECEIVED 6/29/2007 at 3:34 PM
RECEIVING # 930833
BOOK: 664 PAGE:,127 '
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Witness our hands this ' ~ 1
dayof fA!( ,2007.
Teresa Peavler
, ) :ss
County qf Lincoln)
The foregoing i11strument was acknowledged before me by Wade Peavler and
Teresa Peavler this 29
day of J~
, 2007.
Witness my Hand and official seal:
M.OIf tw.1- Þffl Pœ.1C
,w«U..~ SNOV.22,2OOI
No Bublic
My co~ssion expires: ¡jtJ¿;/L4t~ 22,. 2"07'
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