HomeMy WebLinkAbout930834 0001.2 WARRANTY DEED _Earl H. Peavler, Jr. and LuAnn C. Peavler, Trustees of the Earl H. Peavler, Jr. and I1-uAnn C. Peavler Family Trust dated May 7th, 1997,_ GRANTORS, of Lincoln County, , ' Wyoming, for and in consideration of _Ten and nolI 00 ~ Dollars and other good and , ' ~aluable !consideration, in hand pai~ receipt of which is hereby acknowledge~ CONVEY AND WARRANT to _EARL H. PEAVLER, Jr., as an individual-, of P.O. Box 395, Afton, W:Y 83110, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, liereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtues of the homestead exemption laws of thç State~ to-wit: Part ofiliat tract.ofland known as Tract 3 of the P~avler Family Exemption, as I" ' d¢scribedin a Deed of Record, executed June 13,2003, and recorded in Book 663, Page,697 in:the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, said tract being located Within the SEl/4NEI/4 of Section 29, T32N, RI19¡W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, with boundaries more particularly described as follows: , I (t/ft1 ~EGINNING on the west boundary line of the said SE1/4NEl/4 of Section 29 at a pþint which bears N 0°08'09" W a distance of377.~3 feet from the Center East If16 Corner of said Section 29; and running ; liHENCE:N 0°08'09" W a distance of 550.52 feet to the intersection with an existing road centerline; I ! " . ! 1JHENCE along a centerline circular curve to the right, with a beginning bearing ofS 62°23'25" Hand a radius of250 feet, through ~ delta angle of21 °44'54", ~ong ~,arc distance of 94.89 feet; : T¡HENCE: S 40°38'31" E a distance of 85.71 feet; , 1lHENCE' along a tangent circular curve to the left,! with a radius of 150 feet, through a delta angle of35°07'20", along an arc d~tance of 91.95 feet, and leave s~d centerline; I 1lHENCE S 18°57'11" E a distance of 205.45 feet to a point; 1iHENCE, S 20~9'18n W a distance of36.37 feet t9 a point; ]HEN~H S 78°23'03" W a distance of 45.33 feet to a point; T¡HENCEN 66°09'51" W a distance of72.l1 feet ~o a point; T¡HENCE, S 62°15'21" W a distance of 48.67 feet to a point; 1\HENÇE'S 9°42'55" E a distance of 113.13 feet t~ a point; 1ìHENCH S 73°41'18" W a distance of 130.18 feeUo the Point of Beginning; I 1 -.,./,- ENCLOSING an area of2.00 acres, more or less; , ! J\L TERNA TEL Y DESCRIBED as Tract 8 of the p¡eavler Family Exemption, as shown :on'tbat Record of Survey Plat entitled "REGORD OF SURVEY, PEAVLER FAMILY EXEMPTION TRACTS, TH;IRD FILING, recorded June 27,2007 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk~'as Document No. 930737; I 'j;OGETHER WITH easements for access and utilities as described in the said Deed of Record and said Record of Survey Plat; I Page 1 of 2 RECEIVED 6/29/2007 ati3:34 PM RECEIVING # 930834 BOOK: 664 PAGË: 129 JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK,'KEMME ER W'f , ¡' I i0930834 0001.3 ; i . Witness bur hands this 2 q7ft daYOf~: ,2007. Þ~FJ.?~~. Earl H. Peavler, Jr., Trustee dÂk-ll?~ LuAnn C. Peavler, Trustee $t~lte of Wyoming) , '¡ ) :ss , I <county ~fLinco1n) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Earl H. Peavler, Jr. and r1uAnn C. Peavler this d7~ day of :J~ , 2007. W![tness my Hand and official seal: 0~xd.~ ï%tary P~blic . MJ~ co:nnirission expires: ÚÚ/i -:1...(/ ;Jö/ò -...- : DEBORAH SCHWAB- NOTARY PUBLIC ! ~ ' . State of Wyoming : County :of Lincoll) My Commission Expires July 21, 2010 Page 2 of 2