HomeMy WebLinkAbout930836 OO(~l1 ~ '"p' WARRANTY DEED 'Ii \. ? , I , I , I I LRiCk Peavler. and Maureen E. Peavler, husband and wife-, GRANTORS, of ! Lincoln f0unly, Wyoming, for and in consideration of _Ten and n0/1oo _ Dollars and other good'anq valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ! , CONVE-r AND WARRANT to _RICK PEAVLER, as anindividual-, of P.O. Box 1.088, I Aiton, "fY 8311.0, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of I Wyomink, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtues of the homestead , i exemptidn laws of the State, to-wit: I I I I , PF of that 1ract'ofland known as Tract 4 of the Peavler Family Exemption, as d~scribed in a Deed of Record, executed June 13,2.0.03, and recorded in Book I :, 663, Page'694 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, said 1ract being located Jitbin the SEl/4NEI/4 of Section 29, T32N, Rl 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, , ~th boundaries more particularly described as follows: I I, BEGINNING on the south boundary line of the said SE1I4NEI/4 of Section 29 at alpointwhich bears N 89°48'42" E a distance of 465.95 feet from the Center East tV16 Comer of said Section 29; and running I , 1 HENCHN 19°.06'46" W a distance of312.87 feet to a point; 1!HENCE N 45°07'13" E a distance of241.86 feet to a Point; I I 1ÎHENCE S 37°47'.06" E a distance of 326.1 1 feet to a point; I . 1jHENCE S 37°47'17" E a distance of262.12 feet ~o a point on the said south I ' bpundary line; 'IfHENCE S 89°48'42" W a distance of 429.36 feet to the Point of Beginning; , , ! :GNCLOSING an area of3..o8 acres, more or less; "1 ,---' L , I I ¥TERNATELY DESCRIBED as Tract 11 of the 'Peavler Family Exemption, as shown on that Record of Survey Plat entitled "RECORD OF SURVEY, I . ~EA VLER FAMILY EXEMPTION TRACTS, TIllRD FILING, recorded June i 27,2.0.07 in the Office of the Lincoln County Cle~ as Document No. 93.0737; I ' ¡OGETHER WITH easements for access and utiIi~es as described in the said Öeed of Record :and said Record of Survey Plat; ! ! RECEIVED 6/29/2007 at 3:36 ÞM RECEIVING # 930836 BOOK: 664 PAGE: 133. JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMER R, WY Page 1 of 2 , O~30836 , : 000:1.34 Witness þur hands this ~ 9 I day of ::¡ ~ ,2007. ~~L I I I . State of'}Vyommg) ! ) :ss County qfLinco1n) i I 1jhe foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Rick Peavler and I Mauree~ E. Peavler this cRq ~ day of T ú.---e . 2007. , i ! I I Witness ~y Hand and official seal: i I ¿Q~d-~ Notary Pbblic My co~ission expires: T LJ1 :;¡ II dOl Ô i ! i DEBORAH SCHWAB - NOTARY PUBLIC ¡county of ' State of I Lincoln Wyoming I My Commission Expires July 21, 2010 Page 2 of 2