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~~j .n.o~r:l",a .Øi ~;"¡ 'i¡"F . .¡J ,t..:t!..:;,) EASEMENT Steven J. Ellison and Lauralynn Ellison, husband and wife, of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, grantors, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is acknowledged, grant and convey to the Town of Afton, a Wyoming municipal corporation, of PO Box 310, Afton, WY 83110, grantee, the following described perpetual right-of-way easement for the following purposes: 1. Purpose of Easement. This easement is for the purpose of providing a perpetual non-exclusive right-of-way easement for ingress and egress and all underground utilities to operate and maintain an existing irrigation canal and to construct, install, operate, and maintain all underground utilities, and including the right to inspect the easement. 2. Conditions of this Easement. The conditions of this easement are: ,( a. By accepting this easement, operating or maintaining the existing irrigation canal, or constructing, installing, operating, or maintaining underground utilities in, using, or providing for or allowing any third parties to use the herein described easement, grantee assumes the risk of any and all damage including property or personal damage and agrees to indemnify and hold grantors harmless from any damage, whether property or personal, arising from any such activities conducted by grantee on or in the easement. If any third party is injured or damaged in any way related to the use or maintenance of the herein described easement, grantee agrees to indemnify and hold grantors harmless therefrom. This indemnification and hold harmless includes the expenses of reasonable attorney fees, court costs, and any damages assessed against grantors. b. consent. Grantee may not fence the easement without grantors' prior written RECEIVED 6/29/2007 at 3:50 PM RECEIVING # 930841 BOOK: 664 PAGE: 148 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY On~r~'{! .!II ',q)".,J' !Ì "t:: 0930841. 3. Property Benefited by Easement. This easement is for the benefit of the following described real property In Lincoln County. Wyoming: Rockbridge Meadows First and Second Additions to the Town of Afton and any and all future additions or phases - within Section 19 and Section 30, T32N, R118W, Lincoln County. Wyoming. 4. Description of Easement. The easement is described as follows: That part of Lot 52 of Rockbridge Meadows First Addition to the Town of Afton, of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County as Plat No. 360-D. within the E1/2SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 19, T32N, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as more particularly described on the attached "Description for Steven J. Ellison and Lauralynn Ellison Bridge Easement", which is incorporated herein by this reference. 5. Binding Effect. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs. successors in interest and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. 6. Waiver of Homestead Rights. The grantors hereby waive and release all rights to the described easement under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming to the extent that such rights may interfere with the purposes of this easement. 'J'9 711 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands as of the ~ day of June, 2007. d~+~r ~ Lauralynn Ellison 2 0:930841 . . f)·~~lr~1~~ ~_(~',;\ ".- '... ·...._t' ~. 1._.,,t.'i..1') STATE OF V\Aw,ÁII ss. COUNTY OF r111\-WA.11 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Steven J. Ellison and Lauralynn Ellison, husband and wife, this Zlt> day of ,1:NC ,2007. Witness my hand and offig~!I~Eltlllilll//1. ~\\~'l Tru&J."~ ~ ",.\'~ ....... <V~ ~ ~ ,v.· -. 0 ~ ~ 0·· .... Ai .. 0 ~ ~ "") "+0 ..,.,It.·' 0- ~ ª*:- --... :*§ = . . = % ~..f.t c,.: § '~ÕI·'. (1s1,..'- ." ~~ ~ ~. .bo-~ ~..'...d .. ........,,, ....~ '-;r, -1'" ..... ~... ~ ;;''l,:IJJ I ~ 0 F 'r\ IX ~ø My commission expires: "il//IIIIII/IlII\\\\\\'~'\ ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC Jeremy Trueblood Expiration Data; Septßmber 12, 2008 3 033084:1 00'·'" " , :,' F'''¡' "'-'}: ,..,,,. ,..i> L:......: :\ì 343,70' 588'27' 49"E 371.84' Steven J, Ellison a.nd 606 PR 86 LOT 52 PART ~y, LOT 52 ;; HC)f..lJJW PART Of f1 LOT 51 ~~ ~ ~ ~ c .... If) » I c ö If) Z 'T1 i£ (/) .0{ w '" w (r, « '" ~ ¡: oon 00- ~~ -0 o z LOT 51 501'05'16"E 1.85 Acres I 95,46' \ Steven J, Ellison a.nd La:u.ra.l ynn Ell ison 606 PR 86 303,20' NB5'07'53"E 331.....5' IB3BND GÞ indicates a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed. "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL L m PLS 5368 AFTON WY"', found or of record, . indicates a calculated position. no monument found or set. o . .f 00 . ~ 200 . i SCALE" .1 u - .100' EXHIBIT TO ACCOIviPAÑx EASEMENT DESCRIPTION FOR CURVE TABU! LOT 51 ROCKBRIDGE :MEADOWS FIRSTADDffiON TO THE TOWN OF AFrON WITHIN ElI2SE1/4SE1/4 SECTION 19 T32N R1l8W LINCOLN COUNTY, VITOM1NG CHORD BEARING 51,'41 46 E SOT48'+8"W Copyight © 2006 by Surveyor Sch~cl LTD. All rlghh r~:SC'l"wd. PA 1£' /.f) CLoINT1bl!1" .P~ MANN BY: CA[ cutA Jll) BY: CA lECO'?!/1"OI' T.- fi£liJ ßIXI'(.' C04IPUlER filE.' r @7 J1:::7.R "VB'YOR SC.E:J:BR..B.ELr L:.c .L/. ,s.. flrV'~ ¿.w; ~ ;) BOX .(_>gp 8fC fJ'\fY -- VARSl.ETO\~ If?'v. -- Œl£PHO'i£ .J07-27Ô-J.."'(7 DtU' J'2:5 ATJrJf. nt1.--lEL .J(}?-8ß5-gJl9: J4'0öVY, 1f?rJ,--i!1.. .%'/...-...·,·..U-£~· LAVA. Ll~hV--m. .?.1S-??ð-SSJO .~~.....;.~ "...,\.~, O~3084 Prolessianal Land SurvCïClIS Pau!N. Schcfbe! Wyo. RegisuationNo. \64 Ulan Regl511alion No. 1670 Idaho Repislr.llion No. :!g90 Nc\'¡¡d~ Reglwa:ion No. iiE:}S StollA. Scherbel \"1)'0. Regi!llrllion No. 3689 Id.ahO Reoisllill¡on No. 8026 LI:ah Rßg~suall!)n No. 312111 MARlOW£A. SCHER8EL Wyo. RI!!)iSlralion No. 5366 Sun'c}'Or Sd'lerbel, LTD. Ahon, \.v·oming Big ~jMI'. W)'amìng JackSOn,Wyomin9 lilvö'! Ho: SíW'ings. ld~h( Monll'eii(!l,Id..iu'l DESCRIPTION FOR STEVEN J. ELLISON AND LAURALYNN ELLISON o {} ;f.f~þ ~1. ~ ~; :.~~;~ BRIDGE EASEMENT To-wit: - - That part of Lot 52 of Rockbridge Meadows First Addition to the Town of Afton, of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County as Plat no, 360-D, within the EV2SE1/4Sm-:, Section 19, T32N R 118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, descrihed as fo11ows: BEGINNING at the northeast position of the forty (40) foot shared access easement appm1enant to Lot 51 and Lot 52 as depicted on said Plat No, 360-D; thence NS70-43'-46"W, 56,32 feet, along the north line of said shared easement, to a position; thence N880-31 '-53"W, 39,54 feet, along said north line, to a position, and leave said shared easement; thence N52°-27'-32"E, 68,61 feet, to a position; thence S42°-34'-39"E, 61.18 feet, to the POSITION OF BEGINNING; AND BEGINNING at the northeast position of the forty (40) foot shared access easement appurtenant to Lot 51 and Lot 52 as depicted on said Plat No, 360-D; t11ence S42°-34'-39"E, 28,21 feet, to a positiOll on the sO\lth line of said Lot 52; thence N87° -43' -46"W, 1 9,89 feet, along said south line to a position on the east line said forty (40) foot shared access easement, and leave said south line; thence N2°-16'-14"E, 20,00 feet, to the POSITION OF BEGINNING; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the east line of the E'I2SE'I.SEV. of Section 19, T32N Rl18W, identical with the east line of said Lot 52 being NOoo-29'-13"W; each "position" is a calculated position with no monument found or set; all in accordance with the attached exhibit titled, "EXHIBIT TO ACCOM,PANY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION FOR LOT 51 ROCKBRIDGE JvíEADOVlS FIRST l\DDLT¡I0Y"fiO THE T01~'-~F AFTON WITHIN E'I2Sm-:,SEV. SECTION 19 T32N #~~;~d"'d 19 S'pt'mb~ 2006," revi,,' IA June ..007 -~.vvlsed ,þ ,""-,,.!;!;..- ¿\ 19 September _006 I·.>; H" .~~~ '"~J''' _:.: i,'~':f ff:.Ji~ f),\' \\;~::)B'6l "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of tile surveyor"