HomeMy WebLinkAbout930890 /.( ') \ ' \)~ /z / ! (¡ ") <, I,..J r,r.\\A"t.110 Recorded at the Request of at .M. Fee Paid $ by Dep. Book Page Ref. : Mail tax notice to Address QUIT-CLAIM DEED That HIGH DESERT LLC., grantor, of 1337 Canyon Road #32, Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby QUIT-CLAIMS jointly, an undivided one half interest each, to CANYON COVE ASSOCIATES, LLC., grantees, Of 1337 Canyon Road #32, Kemmerer, Wyoming, for the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the following described property in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: The real property located flowing south and east from the southeast corner of Canyon Road and Carbon Street more specifically described in the attached legal description under Exhibit ~A", Kemmerer, Wyoming, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. Witness the hand of said grantor, this , 2007, A_D_ HIGH DESERT LLC_ By: ~0.~, Del Bar el -Manag~ng Member day of RECEIVED 7/2/2007 at 2:13 PM RECEIVING # 930890 BOOK: 664 PAGE: 310 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY By: Member Signed in the Presence of: STATE OF WYOMING ) 55_ Bartel DelK. ~K1tR'ì and , 2007, A_ D. Dfi18 n'Th~~i~~~d of the foregoing instrumen , ed the e. County of LiI1.cOln ) On the 2 day of July personally appeared before me, tne signer who duly acknowledged to me that she My commission ,- CIlMY Of llNCOUI My COIi'VIÙ3sion Exølres STATE (J WfOf.W EXHIBIT "A" ...., ~J~(J' ()~!Oí~"..I '. . bd" . I GLO I d d d This uescnptlOn of land was created usmg su IVlSlon pats, pats a.D ee s recorded in the Lincoln County Court House of the lands lying adjacent t<> this property. The intent oftrus description is to include all lands within the boundaries of the adjacent property. '- '..... ...... ".. ..I. ."," \ The property is located in T21N-RI16W, Sections 14 and 23, and in particular in Resurvey Tracts 52, 53 and 58, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Beginning at a point which is the intersection of South Right-of-Way of U.S. Highway 30, and the East Right-of-Way of Canyon Road, located in Resurvey Tract 58, Section 14, T21N-RI16W; Thence Soo 33' 15" E, 750' along the East Right-of-Way of Canyon Road to a point being the intersection of Canyon Road and the South Right-of-Way of Carbon Street; Thence along a curve to the left, having a central angle of 89° 45' 58" and a radius of25', the chord which bears S44° 19' 44"E, 35.28', an arc length of39.17'; Thence N890'12' 43"E, 146.55' along the South Right-of-Way of Carbon Street to a point; Thence along the South Right-of-Way of Carbon Street, a curve to the left, having a central angle of 27° 54' 02" and a radius of780.95 " the chord which bears N750 15' 42"E, 376.54', an arc length of 380.29' and intersecting the West boundary ofthe Fossil Butte Subdivision; Thence S26° 34'E, 316.16' along the West boundary of the Fossil Butte Subdivision to the Southwest comer of said subdivision; Thence N63° 26'E, 360.0' along the South boundary of the Fossil Butte Subdivision to the Southeast comer of said subdivision; Thence S26° 34'E, 60.0' to the Northeast Comer, Block 4 of the Sunset Subdivision; Thence along the North and West boundaries of the Sunset Subdivision the folIowing bearings and distances; S63° 26'W, 300.0' S26° 34'E, 116.02' S6JI> 26i,w, 60.0' S26° 34'E, 66.71' Sl1° 26'W, 224.94' S63° 26'W, 161.5' 826° 34'E, 500.0', to the Southwest Comer of the Sunset Subdivision; : , ]30890 £'1··00 3"'2 ljlJ:,.~.,tt~.. .L Thence S45°W, 63.25' diagonaIJy across Ash Street to the North Corner afthe Lincoln Heights Subdivision, being the Northeast Comer of Lot 1, Block 1, ofsai <f subdivision; ¡ Thence along the North and West boundaries of the Lincoln Heights Subdivision the foIJowing bearings and distances; S63° 02'W, 320.0' S26° 58'E, 137.40' S66° 58'E, 124.47' S26° 58'E, 127.25' S63° 02'W, 196.25' S26° 58'E, 140.0' S63°02'W, 8.09'; SIO° 10' 30" W, 439.59' to a point on the Northeast boundary of the City of Kemmerer Water Tank: Tract; Thence along the Northeast boundary of the City of Kemmerer Water Tank Tract, N270 00' OO"W, 128.93' to the Northeast comer of said tract; Thence N900 OO'OO"W, 255.42' along the North boundary of the City of Kemmerer Water Tank Tract to the Northwest comer of said tract; Thence SO° 00' OO"E, 301.78' along the West boundary of the City of Kemmerer Water Tank Tract to a point being the comer common to Lots 4 and 5, of Block 1" of Lincoln Heights yd Subdivision; Thence N90° OO'OO"W, 269,16' along the North boundary of Lincoln Heights 3rd Subdivision to a point being the Northwest comer of 5th West Avenue; Thence SO° 00' OO"E, 140.00' along the West boundary of 5th West Avenue to a point being the Northwest corner of 5th West Avenue and Sorensen Drive and the Northeast comer of the Utah Power & Light Company substation tract; Thence N90· 00' OO"W, J 62. ] 5' along the North b ounclary of the Utah Power & Lij¡ht tract to a point intersecting the East boundary of Lot 2, Block 7, Lincoln Heights 4 . Subdivision; Thence N15° 39' 15"W, 2.09' to the Northeast comer of Lot 2, Block 7, Lincoln Heights 4th Subdivision; Thence continuing N15° 39' 15"W, 73.50' across Canyon Road to a point on the North and West boundary of Canyon Road; Thence along the North and West boundary of Canyon Road, being a curve to the left having a radius of 565.50' and a central angle of38° 40' 36", with a chord bearing 0930830 N55° 00' 27"E, 374.53', and a arc length of381.73', to a point which intersect the North/South tract line between Resurvey Tracts 52 and 53; 0003,1..3 Thence NO° 13' 38"E, 117.32' along the Resurvey Tract line between tracts 52 and 53 to the closing comer being the intersection of Sections 14 and 23, T21 N- R 11 6W, and Resurvey Tracts 52 and 53; Thence NO° 13' 38"E, 148.50" to the corner common to Resurvey Tracts 52, 53, 55, and 58; Thence NO° 13' 38"E, 1317.73' along the line common to Resurvey Tracts 55 and 58 to the corner common to Resurvey Tracts 55, 56 and 58, and also being the Southeast corner of the South Lincoln Special Cemetery District parcel; . Thence NO° 01 'W, 1505.2' along the line common to Resurvey Tracts 56 and 58 to a point on the South Right-of-Way of U.S. Highway 30; Thence Easterly along the Southerly Right-of-Way of U.S. Highway 30, to the Point of Beginning. The forced closed bearing and distance being S86° 15' 23"E, 117,77'. This parcel contains 45.9 more or less acres