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,","'II I.J LUUI I UI.,j/U ,.. ~'o;o 3~4 ~tr ~ .);; '~' \t.,., " PROMÎSSORY NOTE- In col1sideration of value received, the undersigned (hereinafter. "Borrowers") do hereby JÓlntty and. severally promise tQ pay to SARAH D. SCOTT (hereinafter "Lender"), the amount of $50,000.00, upon which Interest will accrue at 0, ,percent. Borrowers agree to pay in conformity wfth these terms: TWO PAYMENTS OF $25,000.00. FIRST PAYMENT DUE ON OR BEFORE. AUGUST 1. 2007, FINAL PAYMENT DUE ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 1, ,2008 ' TI1Js Note may be paid In full at any time without penalty charges. tender resèrves the right ~o demand payment in full or In pa~, 'at any tIme and for any reason a~ the Lender deems a breach of contract. In the event this Note shall be In defaul~ and collection proceedings are instituted, then the Borrowers agree to pay aJl reasonable attomey fees and costs of collection. Payments not made within 5 days of due date shall b,e subject to a late oharge of $500.00. The undersigned and all other parties to' this ,Note, whether Be endorsers" guarantors or sureties waive demand, presentment and protest and all notice,s thereto and further agree to remaln'bound, notwithstanding any extension, modificatloo, waiver, or other indulgence by any holder or upon the discharge or r~fease of any obligor hereunder or'to this Note, or upon the exchange, 'substiMion, or release of any collateral granted as . security for this Note. Collateral granted 8S seourity of this note to be: ' . LOT FOUR (4) OF ASPEN HILL SU13DIVISION AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AUGUST 8, 1975 AS MAP NUMBER 109 AND DOCUMENT NUMBER 469248 IN 11IE OFFICE OF THE ~RK, LINCOLNCOUN~/W~~G. " ' /~~~ ?/1-</7 :SARAHD.~co,n'Lr2~ .. Dale ~~. ~. - ú.-;}~-07 K~""INE R~~.BORROWER. _~ .... Dale. ~~~ ~·Z~-ðl CORE .L. RICKS, . -BOR OWER " Date ~~~ , , có~nj ~ ~lr~OLN ) . ' ' . on~, personally appeared before me KEVIN E.: RICKS and CORENA ~. RICKS the signe;'(s) of the within :~~:::;:~"~~~~ Expires 2-'J..{ -01 ' State Of&~)\":t\l tot , County of rc........ d ) On j"he /q (7«J:1erso~aIlY appeared before me SARAH b. SCOTT the signer(s) of the within Instrument, who duly ab~owledged,to me that,they executed the sar:ne. .' . ., . . , ~~acte Notary Publlo , " CHERYL A. JONES - NOTARY PUBUC County of Slate of Lincoln Wyoming My CommissIon expires Feb. 4, 2009 Residing: ' Expires: ---..............-.....-........} ERIKA ANDRADE }@ Commilllon # 1657608 , ¡ Notary Public . California ~ ,! Merced County ~ i ~ _ _ ~:o:m:.~~1~2~ RECEIVED 7/2/2007 at 4:26 PM RECEIVING # 930908 BOOK: 664 PAGE: 374 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 09J090S CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~~~~.ëõ><>.ëõ><>~~~"""'"",^"",^""",~~~~ [ì. ,(1\ .1":, "'1I1""~ tt- .~,. ),' Eo' '\/i '.~ ( .,:) State of California County of )J)eY-Ged OnjUYte \ ~ J 2GXJ1 Dale before me, ~r~h t;"h A rdva.de otor\.-, ?~{ I L Name and 1111e of Officer (e,9,. "Jane Doe, Notary <~~~ ----------- personally appeared ~ ~ - - - - ... ~R~~;~E - - ~ @ Commission # 1657608 i .. Notary Public . California ~ j Merced County t ~ ~ _ ~:o:m:.~re:.~1~2~O o personally known to me ~or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person~ whose name~) is~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that ~/she/'the;'o executed the same in4lis-lher~ authorized capacity~ and that by--Aisfherlthetr signature~) on the instrument the person~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(kJ acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~cv Q)_~çie OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove va/uàble to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Place Notary Seal Above Description of Attached Doc!¡UJ}ent 1-.. I Title or Type of Document: _1 ro m \-550 '0..f I" o+-e Document Date: (C)"' I q . 0-, Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ~,(Q~ "DrP~y-Sc.d-t- Sign r's Name: ~ Individual 0 Indi al o Corporate Officer - Title(s): 0 Corporate icer - Tltle(s): o Partner - 0 Limited 0 General 0 Partner - 0 Li o Attorney in Fact 0 Attorney in Fact o Trustee 0 Trustee o Guardian or Conservator 0 Guardian or Conservator o Other: 0 Other: Signer Is R~ting: " Signer Is Representing: .~~.~ © 2006 National Notary Association' 9350 De Solo Ave,. P,O. Box 2402 . Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402 Item No, 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-6827