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, ' ~---- d:d- ...... .~-"I'f\ r- .,.." 1-) I! !,I,I ~", \; ". _ u" '1.... ,,__ ......' ...,.a....}J~, Date: -Ju.L'1 ,3-, ~ 007 RECEIVED 7/5/2007 at 12:37 PM RECEIVING # 930958 BOOK: 664 PAGE: 530 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH for the SATISFACTION and RELEASE of MORTGAGE DEEDIPROMISSORY NOTE Comes now, EU:>A Au..Cl:€.D ~, by virtue vested in me as F or Ronald Allred. I, 8LD A. A LU2eD \.ù f;;~e;e., do attest and declare that the Mortgage Instrument No, 426649, Book 92 PR, Page 184, executed and recorded on November 30, 1970 in Lincoln County Clerk's Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming by Ted C Frome Attorney at Law between Ron Allred, Mortgagee, and Edward and Joeen Lesoon, Mortgagor, The Instrwnent payable and due on or before June 1, 1971 has been duly paid and satisfied in full hereby grant and releasing any encumbrances of the Mortgage/promissory note, stated above, on said property and grant complete release with prejudice as of this date being The 3 th day of J u. L..,., , :2Cö'l. Property described: Lots 3 and 4 of Block 5 of the Grover Townsite located in Lincoln County, Wyoming with one share of water in the Grover Domestic Water Works. T hereby declare the above AFFTDA VTT is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. ISI ~ a¿4U{_F?I~· Date: ~'~' ,.2ððJ -.:1u.ly ACKNOWLEDGMENT On the 3 v-J. ' day of J»I:r(e 2007 before me, a Not~ Public in and for the State of Wyoming, personally appearëd £/,lA $/vd ¿J~¡f!r . , known to me, or proven to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrwnent, and acknowledged to me that '5A~ (he, she) executed the same ~ ~~ :.t..".TIPp'S- Notary Public ..;¡___ ¥.f# ./ ~"': 0 TA" r)- My ComrmsslOn Ex s _ ~ _ ~ I r 1- \P AFFIDAVIT page 1 of 1 -...----......-- -...- --.. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE - FORM UCC-3 STATEME~TS OF CONTINUATION, ASSIGNMENT, PARTIAL RELEASE, TERMINATION, ETC. INSTRUCTIONS 1. PLEASE TYPE this form 2. Remove Secured Party wid Debtor copies and send other 2 copies with interleaved carbon paper to the filing officer. Enclose filing fee. 3. At the time of filing, filing officer should return second copy as an acknowledgement. ------.------------------- -. ---. .- _.,- ...- --- ..- .--..-. - ..-. -- -- -- .. --- --. .... .. - _. -.. -... - - _... -. .. -..-_.._- -- .--- -.- ..- ---.. _.. _u__ '.'" ThI. Statemeat i. p.......nted 10. Filing Officer for filing pur.u.ntlo the Uniform Commercial Code. M.turity Date (if anyl: For Filiog Officer (Date. Tim., Number and Filing office): Debtor(.) (La.t Nam. firet) and mailing addr...: Secured Party(i..1 Name and addrøu: Le.so 0 V\ 1'Y\a,,, t (l, h- 'p. ð. ße}<. ll2. Gn....o V~ y" t \,ù~ om \ '" 8 31;2 .2. ..-yh a.:'r" (ot.,oh LQ....$ C CI\'V f>r c, ßð« 1i:L Gr-oveV", lA.,1yo·yY\\ Y\~r?311 ~ fi r¡:"~:; l' A'8 \)..I;~, ........... ...I¡,. O~)~j09SS. . ThIø Stateme.t r.fer. 10 Original Fiuncing Statem.nt File No.: t) Date Filed: '?11a.vc... PARTIAL RELEASE Th. Secured Party rel..øe. tb. collateral d.øcribed below from tho collateral deøcribed in tho Financing Statement bearing tho Fil. No. .ho,", abov.. CONTINUATION 0 The Órlglnal F'nanc'n3 Statement between m::. ~e~u;~~:~~~:.~ 1:':~:IO~.rr~~~[~~~ the ;L3 ASSIGNMENT 0 The Secured Party .tate. that the Secured Party ha. a..igned 10 tho A..ignøø whoøe name and addro.. i. .ho,", below. Secured Party'. righlo und.r tho Financing Statement bearing tho Fil. No. and filed on tho date .hown above in tho collateralli.ted below: TERMINATION ThI. .tatem.nt of Termination of financingi. pr.oented 10 a filing officer for filing pur.uantlo th. Uniform Commercial Cod.. Th. Secured Party certifieo thatth. Secured Party no longer claim. a oecurity intere.t under tho Financing Statement bearing th. File Number .hown abov.. ~ i~v ~~ ~ ~ ~~.ð o.M. ~~ ~ (). .~d ~ ci:tL,:CMAüVJN"'ct /1Lð; 0f?3S;2.23 O~ ~...jf ·~.l.'g11'l q '1 ~ ß~ '1~: 5~5 PR - 'p(~ ~4\1 .. Dated: (ð / C3/-0 7 I "' æM~ Jj/y~--- By:~nlD-r ~\ - - - Sig...ture of artyl- 19_ o --.-..--....--.-.--- FDY: Form U c:..--c~--'~ :t!: 25~L\ ooe}532 0930~~~{j ACKNOWLEDGMENT: State of Wyoming ss County of Lincoln On the JL day of June, 2007 before me, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared Mariah Lesoon, known to me, or proven to me, to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above document. l:kn 1f¡ ®I /;jTh)uLV\ Notary Public Seal: i~.:'· HEATHER WARREN NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires December 15, 2010 Fõ 1--'. Fo r m U c:..Q - 2>:tt 25 '5 Lf ~~M)~-..~ · -. ..-.--.., _n...__'...._.___-...- UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE - FORM UCC-3 STATEMENTS OF CONTINUATION, ASSIGNMENT, PARTIAL RELEASE, TERMINATION. ETC. INSTRUCTIONS 1. PLEASE TYPE thi.ø form 2. Remove Secured Party and Debtor copies and send other 2 copies with interleaved carbon paper to the filing officer. Enclose filing fee. 3. At the time of filing, filing officer should return second copy as an acknowledgement. - ...- -- -_. - -... --. . - -... .--. - - .-- - _... ..- __ .._ - ._. . _. ,_,.,_ ._. _n _. .... __ __ __ __ - _, .. ~ 0'_' _... ._0_ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ __._ _ _ _._ -. ,- "-.'- '... -. ThI. Statemeat i. pr_nted to . Flliog Officer for filing pur.uan~ to ~ha Uniform Commarcial Code. Ma~uri~y Data lif any): For FWng Of6_ (Date, TIme, Number and Flliog office): OOÜ5.3;} Debtorls} (Las~ Name firs~) and mailing addreøa: : t.~C(')Y\ ~)Oe.eJt)"; Cop~riq ht_· f c 6o~ (Öi'f ~r;..Ic 0","\ W~O~\~ 33.1 (Û Secured PartyUea) Name and addre8ø: : joeBn.:lesoo~\1 Cc P'i"" ''j\-.d- ; ?O. BCXr9IY- ~tO"\) ~\¡&nlt\., "83/17) 09:30958' Thla Stalemeat refers to Original Financing Statemen~ File No.: Date Filed: CONTINUATION 0 The Original Financln3 Statement between :J1re ~;u:~~::~~;:e I:':m~~',,~~~r;~~ the ASSIGNMENT 0 The Secured Party states that the Secured Party has assigned to ~he Assignee whose name and address is shown below. Secured Party's rights under the Financing Statemen~ bearing the File No. and filed on the date ShOWD above in the collateralUÍlted below: PARTIAL RELEASE The Secured Party relea..a the collateral de.ocribed below from the collateral described in the Financing Statement bearing ~he File No. ShOWD above. J TERMINATION Trus statement of Termination of financing~is pre..nted to a filing officer for filing pur.uant to the Uniform Commercial Code. The Secured Party _tifies that the Secured Par~y no longer claims a _urity interea~ under the Financing SLatemen~ bearing the File Number shown above. ~~: ~ ~~ .l"\L~ CLr\j ~¿-rJ1.,; ~~~ ~ ÓU1~ o{a... ~l.t..~ ~ ~ ;tt~:r:~4 /YL6: 0'&35223 ~ ~~'i ~~(qq'1;, ~ M.ð: '3C¡S PR- p~~ 3L{'7 Dated:-¥~ \ q :L · +' ~. - ::. ~). .. By: '" ~ rt~ " ~'" , (Signature of art ~ o '~--------' '--.. .-.---.----' Fa r- ~ ~o r m U c...c...- ~ ~. it·· ~;(~ 2- 09~i09S8 0005,34 ACKNOWLEDGMENT: State of Wyom.ing ss County of Lincoln On the ~ day of]une, 2007 before me, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared] oeen Lesoon, known to me, or proven to me, to be the person whose nmne is subscribed to the above document. JJ~Oj-h~)} {Á Dn~ oJl Notary Public Seal: HEATHER WARREN NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln Wyoming i.. :I" My Commission Expires December 15, 2010 L..........:.:........_.._._.-...___. \=OX-" F6 r-m lA. Q.c. - 0 ~<f'~~ # r¿'fJUJ Z. ~: .. ." ·... - ..-.---- ------ -.--. .-- ..-.-- -. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FORM UCC-3 STATEMENTS OF CONTINUATION, ASSIGNMENT, PARTIAL RELEASE, TERMINATION, ETC. . INSTRUCTIONS 1. PLEASE TYPE this form 2. Remove Secured Party and Debtor copies and send other 2 copies with interleaved carbQn paper to the filing officer. Enclose filing fee. 3. At the time of filing, filing officer should return second copy as an acknowledgement. - .._ .__ _~ .._ .. ~ _. ._.~ __._. _. ... .__ ___ .._ 0_- _._ .. _ _..~ .._ -_ - - - - .-.. . -. -.- - ..- . -. -.. - -- ..- - -- - --. -- --. DebLor1.IILa.t Name fir.tl ODd maiJiDg .ddreoo: Secured Partylieal Name ODd addreo.: Maturity Date (if anyl: For Filing omcer ¡Date, Time. Number ODd Filing officel: TW. State....t i. preoented to a Filing Officer for filing pur.u.nt to the Uniform Commercial Code. Am be v- Le.socvv PO, Bo)<. (("~ A~tðV\\ WV ~311() A ~ b e;r Le,so OYl.> ~. o· 'Box 116 'f AfE:.oV\) wy ~3i1D OO(P:~a5 0930958 ASSIGNMENT U Tb. Secured Party .tate. !.bat tbe Secured Party ba. a.signed to the Assignee who.. name end addre.. is sbown below, Secured Party'. rigbt. und.r the Financing ~~~::":b=:,,~ei:~e~~u:..~.T~~ below: Date Filed: o TW. Stateme.t refer. to Original Financing Statement FiI. No.: CONTINUATION 0 The Original Flnanelna Stetement between ~~re ~e;,u~h~:~~to"v~ I~:mlo~,,~~~r~~~ the PARTIAL RELEASE 0 OTHER Tbe Secured Party rei..... tbe coilateral deøcribed below from !.be collateral deøcribed in tbe Financing Stetement bearing !.be File No. .bown ebove. TERMINATION This .tatament of Termination of financing is presented to a filing officer for filing pursu.nt to tbe Uniform Commercial Code. Th. Secured Party certifies tbat tb. Secured .Party no longer claim. a _urity Interest under tbe Financing SLatement bearing tbe File Number .bown above. . ~~~~~~~"Örv :S-~ fJa4:¡ cI.:iÂJL ~ '11ð: ð tt 3 5 :2.:1.. 3 ~ ;J;b. p~ of; ~: ;z.g; t'l'17: Dated:_~ q -I 2 - 2tsJo 'i .19_ BY:~{~uredpartYI 093095tj OOúsa~~ INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT State/ComAlEJn'.'Jgalth of ttJ ~ (f) 1M I' /AS County of I.- r' V\ (.r0 { '/I\- } ss On this the I ~ day of S...· ¡/J f..-e VV1 & v D I Month me, Qa. U d {((1 ~ d..ç - <;;C.J "^- Name of Notary Public Public, personally appeared ~ hoP Y ;;;<"">tYl Year before , the undersigned Notary ~ (? <; Q(1J lr\.. ame(s) of Signer(s) ~erSOnallY known to me - OR - o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that helshelthey executed the same for the purposes therein stated. fcLAûDìÃAÑDERSON - NðfAR¥ ~UgLIC t . .8 STATE OF ~. COUNTY 0..1.' WYOMING 1 LINCOLN. t~ COW~!SSION EXPIRES MAY 25, 2006 WITNESS my hand and official seal. f?!á.acúd &dLM~ Signature of Notary Public t ðWr- }[ Other Required Information (Printe Name of Notary, Residence, etc.) Place Notary Seal and/or Any Stamp Above OPTIONAL Although the information in this section is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Top of thumb here RightThumbprint of Signer ' Description of Attached Document 1.1 (IJ ê - .ð Title or Type of Document: Document Date: q -18..-0 A/' Number of Pages: ( / """- ~{4';".5 >~ ~( Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: © 2002 National Notary Association· 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402· Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402. www.nationalnotary.org Item No. 5936 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-800 US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827)