HomeMy WebLinkAbout931079 Retùm To- Slate Lands to: InftSlDtenls 122WeSt2Sth Slreet Herschlet Building. 3 West I. . cheyenn~ Wy 82002-0600 Wyoming Oil & Gas Lease Serial Number 06 - 0 0 214 Ass~entAÞ~val Dale-APPROVED Dolar Energy, L. L. c!JUN 191007 935 E. South Union Ave, D-202 Midv~le, Utah 84047 Beingtheownerof 100% percent Leasehold (Type of InIeÆSt: leasehold/Operating Rights/Overriding Royalty) interest in this leaSe, described in particular if less than the total leasehold as: . Township 24 North, Range 116 West, 6th PM, Lincoln County, Wyoming Lot 38 (formerly All Section 36) Effective 11-86 Porm M1--2 (Revised 4-96) Piling Fee - $25.00 - Non-Refundable . STATEO,WVOl\flNG BOARD 0' LA!'Iì> CO~ISSIONERS OIL & GAS LEASE ~TEREST AsSIGNMENT .; .., ·1 . . .. ASSIGNOR,. with name and address at· For good and valuable consideration, hereby assigns to: .....u.uuUU..U...A.u~...~~....~~~......~....u........."".üUU(~~UiU.....UAUUU1..uu,nUAduu....lUUAUA 1) ASSIGNEE,wilhnameandaddressat: Fi tzsimmons ¡ L;LC 2201 Cabin Court Gillette,.wY. 8'2718 1 0 0 percent fnlérest In the total1easehold. or as described jß par~. above. 2) ASSIGNEE, wilh name and address at: ~t Interest In the IotalleasehoIcl, or as described in particular above. :2 a. LOG) ~,... 'l':tC) - .... \'0 M ~Ø) o ~~ C~ WW >u:;¿ -WO Wo::O frl IX) 0::: -7 l.j 3) ASSIGNBE,.wilh name and address at: f / V .....1 10 percent Interest In the Iotalleaseho.Icl, or as described In pari:icu1at above. 4) ASSIGNEE, wilh name and address at: percent Interest In the total leasehold. or as described in parlicuJar above. 5) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: percenllnterest In the total leasehold. or as descn'bed in particular above. and reserving unto ASSIGNOR: 2".08333% of 8/8ths overriddinq royalty ThIs uslgnmenlls subject 10 lID)' exlslIng ovmldlng royalties previously reserved. Reservations of ovmldlng Ioteresls must be approved by the DIrector, and any such approval Is subJed 10 the condition that ovmldlng royalties _y be cancelled by the Board of Laud Commlaslonen If It finds thai sach O1'enidIng royalties c:rsle a burden on the lease which pR!1'enls or unreasonably fnteñera with lis dl!1'elopment. ASSIGNOR certifies by signature on rev me, that ASSIGNOR Is the owner of the Interest aboVi! herela traasfemd, and ASSIGNEE(S) mtlfy(les) by signing On the revme thaI this asslgnmenl constitutes a binding acceplance of all the terms, conditloaa, stlpaJatlons, resblctloaa and statutes governing the lease deaaibed above. and of the Rales of the Board, al (]¡apler 6, leasing of Subsurface ResOlUte&. This farm nlRY be duplialled. If 6pIIƓ is needed for Rddilio/U1l IISsignors or Rssignees submit copies of this form only. Page of_of Lease 1# assignment dated ~ 0::"' W 0:: W :2 CQ D:: :2 CD W W .. Z ~ ~C!>~ ~~ffi ...J ~ü U)~~ CD '"') ::> CD 0 Ü Z ..J o Ü z :::J " '::. .þ- .'" " :(1 000067, SIGNED AS TO TRANSFER 2°4 L.L.C. By- Title- Mark S. ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Utah ) ) ss. County of Salt Lake ) On this 27th day of March 2007 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State personally appeared Mark S. Dolar, Managing Member ofDolar Energy, L.L.C., to me personally known to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instrument in writing and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the use and purpose herein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; I have hereunto set me hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written. My commission expires: t:J1... 05-(') r Notary Public KATHLEEN M VAN WART 8174 South 2660 East Sandy, UT 84093 My commission Expires January 5, 2008 Stata 01 Utah en not valid until a ve he I r om f ta nds and In e tme r t O' Gas Terms. and aoorovalls IOlelv for adDÚnlstratlve puruoses and should not be Interpreted as wamntv that any oarty to this asslpullent holds leol or eGultable Interest In this lease. AssIsmments which do not meet the reQuirements listed below and those In the Lease and Rules wll1 be returned unaooroved. Notary Public ~ ~ /J1. 1//k¿jtJÆ£- Residing in Sandy, Utãh AsSIGNMENT REOUlREMENTS 1) This form must be completed and subDÚtted for any aSsignment of State Oil ,. Gas Lease leasehold Interest, undivided or divided as to separate tracts, formations, zones or deposits, and for ovenidlng royalty Interest. 2) Assignments of less than a 100% leasehold Interest, do not relieve the assignor of the obligations as a lessee under the terms of the lease regarding the Interest conveyed unless the State first has In hand, a written agreement to be bound as lessee for aJl obligations under the lease for the assigned portion from the assignee. This requirement should not be construed In any way as a release or recision of the obligations of any surety bonding parties under the requirements of the State 011 and gas lease, Board Rules or this assignment. (All lessees are ultimately responsible for thè petformance under the lease, and default subjects the entire lease to fotfelture not just the Interest related to any performance obligation considered to be In default.) 3) A signed original and one copy of each assignment must be filed with the WyoDÚng State Lands and Investments. 4) Each assignment, If approved, Is recogn1zed by the State as effective as of the date of approval by the Director. Adequate bond muSt be furnished covering any and aJl productive zones prior to approval of any assignment of Interest In an operating State 011 and gas lease, whether wel1bores exist on the leased lands or not, and In no case can drilling operations, including to prospectively productive zones under operating leases, begin without a bond first being In place. S) If there Is more thsn one party In Interest to this assl$ßlllent, then all such parties In Interest must sign the document before assignment approval wllI be given. 6) The appropriate legal desaiptlon of the conveyed lands Interests mnst be given. 7) Assignments creating aøeparate (reissue) lease subject to the rules and regulations governing al1 State of WyoDÚng 011 " Gas Lease do not change the tenus and conditions of the original lease, the lease annlvenary date, nor the obligations and anniversary elate of the lease created there from being conaldered as If It had been issued on the effective date of the ·origlnallease. (See Board Rules, Chapter 6, Section A.) 8) Corporations, limited liability companies, and liDÚted partnerships must be qualified with the Wyoming Secretary of State's Office, and general partnership papers are required to be filed with the State Lands and Investments prior to, and as a condition of Board approval of any assignment. 9) Assignments wUl not be considered for approval where assignor or any assignee currently has a delinquent (late) royalty or rental payment obllgatlon(s) for any State subsutface resource lease.