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OIL & GAS LEASE tNTERESr AsSIGNMENT SlaIeLands &: lnveslDtenls
.; .. , . ·1 m·West2SthSlreet
. ': Herscbler B~ldlng, 3 West
. : . ai~ WY 82002~600
Wyoming on & Gas Lease Serial Number 06 - 00 213 A5s*entAÞ~roval DaIe~UVED .
Dolar Energy, L . L . ~UN 19 m07
935 E. South Union Ave, D-202
Midvale, Utah ·84047
Beingtheownerof 100% percent Leasehold
(l'ype øf lnlerest Leasehold/Operallng RIghts/Overriding Royalty)
interest m this lease, described in particuJar if less than the tota1leasehold as: .
Township 23 North, Range 116. West, 6th PM, Lincoln County, Wyoming
Lot 38 (formerly All Section 36)
EffectIve 11-86
Form ML-2 .
(RevIsed 4-96)
FlUng Fee - $25.00 - Non-Refundable
ASSIGNOn. with name and address at:
For good. and valuable consideration, hereby assign9 to: .U.u.UI...........I.Iu...uUu.u~~~.u.~U.A.UA.u.i:u~..U~~UiL.uI.UI'UIUA.uUUA·..""U
1) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at Fi tzsinunons,. L¡'C
2201 Cabin Court
Gillette, NY. 8-2718
1 0 0 percent Interest In \he totalleasehoJd. or as described In parti~above.
percent Interest In the total1easehold, or as described In particular above.
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2) ASSIGNEE. with name and address al:
3) ASSIGNEE,.withname and address al:
percent Interest In the totalleasehoJd. or as described In particular above.
4) ASSIGNEE. with name and address al:
percent Interest In the total leasehold, or as described In particular above.
5) ASSIGNEE, with name and address al:
percent Interest In the total leasehold, or as described In particular above.
and reserving unto ASSIGNOR: 2'.08333% of 8/8ths overriddinq royalty
ThIs asslgament Is sabject to any existing overriding royalties previously reserved Reservatlotis of overriding lateresls must be approved by the
D1redor, and any sach approval Is sab/ect 10 the condition that ovenldlag royalties may be canceI1ed by the Baud of taDd Commlsalonen If It
finda thalsach ovenldlng royalties ae¡1e I burden oa the lease wldch prevenls or unreasonably interferes wlth lis development.
ASSIGNOR cert1fJes by signature oa revme, that ASSIGNOR Is the owner of the latensl abov~ hen1a transferred.audASSIGNEE(S)
œrtify(les) by signing on the revme that Uús assignment constitutes a blndlag acceptance of aI1lhe tenus, condltioaa, stipulations. restrictions and
statates governing the lease desalbed above, and oC the Rales oC the Board, at Otapter 6, 1..eaa1ug of Sabsurface Reaoørcea.
This form mllY be duplicøted.
If spIll% is needed for Ilddilionlllllssignors or Ilssignees submit copies o/this fonn only.
of _ 0/ Lellse #
assignment dated
.. .þ_ .... . . ..it
ANCEthis~daYOf.r.ø-t'· 2042·
Assignee (1) - F 1..
Title -
State of Utah )
) ss.
County of Salt Lake )
On this 27th day of March 2007 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State personally appeared Mark S. Dolar,
Managing Member ofDolar Energy, L.L.C., to me personally known to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instrument in writing
and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the use and purpose herein set forth.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF; I have hereunto set me hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written.
My commission expires:tJ I-oS - O~
Notary Public
8174 South 2660 East
Sandy, UT 84093
My Commission Expires
January 5. 2008
State of Utah
Note: sl m ts are v n V the' o~ I aie nds and Investm er tate iI as e s
Terms. and approval is solely for administrative purposes and should not be interpreted as wamntv that any Dar(y to this assltmment
holds lenl or eGultable Interest in this lease. Assllrnments which do not meet the reaulrements listed below and those In the Lease
and Rules will be returned unaPDroved.
Notary Public rl.: ~ /J1. f/1.¿¿)~
Residing in Sandy, Utah
1) This form must be completed and submitted for any assignment of State 011 '" Gas Lease leasehold interest, undivided or divided
as to separate tracts, formations, zones or deposits, and for overriding roysIty interest.
2) Assignments of less than a 100% leasehold interest, do not relieve the ssslgnor of the obligations as a lessee under the terms of the
lease regarding the interest conveyed unless the State fInt has In hand, a written agreement to be bound as lessee for all obligations
under the lease for the assigned portion from the assignee. This requirement should not be construed in any way as a release or
recision of the obligations of any surety bonding parties under the requirements of the State 011 and gas lease, Board Rules or this
assignment. (All lessees are ultimately responsible for the performance under the lease, and default subjects the entire lease to
forfeiture not just the Interest related to any perfonnance obligation considered to be In default.)
3) A signed original and one copy of esch assignment must be fIled with the Wyoming State Lands and Investments.
4) Each assignment, if approved, is recognized by the State as effective as of the date of approval by the Director. Adequate bond must
be furnished covering any and all productive zones prior to approvsI of any assignment of Interest in an operating State oU and gas
lease, whether wellbores exist on the leased lands or not, and in no case can drilling operations, including to prospectively
productive zones under operating leases, begin without a bond fInt being In place.
S) if there Is more than one party in Interest to this assignment, then all such parties In Interest must sign the document before
assignment approvsI will be given. .
6) The appropriate legal description of the conveyed lands Interests must be given.
7) Assignments creating a separate (reissue) lease subject to the roles and regulations governing all State of Wyoming 011 .. Gas Lease
do not change the terms and conditions of the originsI lease, the lease anniversary date, nor the obligations and anniversary date of
the lease created there from being considered as if II had been issued on the effective date of the ·originsI lease. (See Board Rules,
Chapter 6. Section A.)
8) Corporations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships must be qualified with the Wyoming Secretary of State's Office,
and general partnenhlp papen are required to be filed with the State Lands and Investments prior to, and as a condition of Board
approval of any assignment.
9) Assignments will not be considered for approval where assignor or any assignee currenlly has a delinquent (late) royalty or
rental payment obllgatlon(s) for any Slale subsurface resource lease.