HomeMy WebLinkAbout931085 RetIim To - Slall! Lands It Investments 122 West 25th Street HerscbIer Building, 3 West . . . . . aieyenne. WY 82002-0600 05 - 00 381 ASs¡~eht~vaJ DaIe.AePRO\lED Lane Lasrich" '·l . 'tIUllt· ß .JD07 2597 East B·~·.ìdg.èr Bl vf1~. ., 1fJ· Sandy, Utah·' 8.4'093 I!ffectfye 11-% Form ML-2 (Revised 4-96) Filing Fee - $25.00· Non-Refundable STATE Of WYOMING BOARD OF LANJ> CO~ISSIONERS OIL & GAS LEASE~RE8T AsSIGNMENT ~ - - . 1· .. Wyoming Oil & Gas Leise Serial Number A$IGNOR. with name and address at' Jì:¡ .~~ '" ~f,1 +'7 'i'(':¡~'D .",.... -.~. '.11 if (:) Being the owner 01 100% percent Leasehold (Type òfInlerest Leueho1d/Operatlng RlghIs/Ovenidlng lIoyaIty) interest in this lease, described in particular fleas than the total leasehold lIB: . Township 23 ·North, Range'll? West, 6thPM,·Ï.incoln County, Wyoming Tract 49 (formerly All Section. 13) .".- For good and valuable consideration,. hereby assigns to: JU&Ul"'U1UU.IAJ.AU~.~U~~~u~u."U"'''''UIU.u.·~U.uUI.UU&&UU''u.u...'IUUU.uUIUUUU 1) ASSIGNEE,withnameandaddressat Fi tzsimmo~s ,.. LLC 2201 Cabin Court 10.0 Gillette,..WY. 8:2718' percent interest in the total leasehold. or as described m: particuJai-above. 2) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at ~t interest in the total leasehold. or' as described in pI!l1icuIar above. 3) ASSIGNHB, .with name and address at percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particuIat .above. 4) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at -z 1, \ percent interest in the tota11easehold, or as described in particuIat above. 5) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at pen:ent interest in the tota1leasehold. or as described in particular above. 4.5% of 8/8ths overriding -royalty ønd reserving unto ASSIGNOR: ~ ri w 0::: ::!: w ~ D. It) coo::: ~ ,..... """w w ..,. co .. Z :J::: ~ oWø ~ 'tií 'l""ø M«~ 0::: ,..... enD. W 0 w...J 0 ~ =It: zU ~ ø z~ ,.... z U) i1i z C~ co -, ::> WW co 0 >ü:;¿ ü -wO z WO:::o ...J o m 0 W ü a::: z :J ThIs anJgmuent II labJect to any wIlD¡ o..mIdiøg royallfel prevloady merved. Reservaticnia òf cwurIdJD¡ IntaatI mut be appnwed by the DIrectar. &Del III)' lach approI'll II labJed to !be amdiIIOD !bat ot'enicUøc royalties my be caaceUed by the Board øf Lud CouuaIHIoaaw If it findl !bat lach ovmldiøg royallfel aeate a barclea OD the leue which plumls or __bly hdaf_ with ill developmenL ASSIGNOR catlfiel by lignatare on ftvme, !bat ASSIGNOR II the owner øf the inlen!it abcw~ herein InDSfmed,. and ASSIGNEE(S) mtlfy(ies) by Ilgning on the m'me !bat this Ullgnment COJlltltateJ a blncUøc acceptince øf all the !emu, coødltlonl, ItlpalatlODl, ftltrictlODl and .tatatea gOl'eming !be lease described above, and òf the RaleI øf the Board,. at OJapter 6, Leuing of Sabnrface Resoarces. This form rIIIlY be duplialted. If space is needed for addititmalllSSignora or assignees submit copies 01 this fo"" only. Page 01_ o/Lease # assignment dated O~1)079 á-? 20~. Title - Karen Lasrich State of Utah ) ) ss. County of Salt Lake ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, on this 27th day of March 2007 personally appeared LaneLasrich and Karen Lasrich, his wife, to me known to be the identical persons, described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument of writing and acknowledged to me that they duly executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; I have hereunto set me hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written. AsSIGNMENT REOtJI1ŒMBNT!I ~,-?~ (ir'~!ft, ~~~ ~7 Notary Public KATHLEEN M VAN WART 8174 South 2660 East Sandy, UT 84093 My Commission Expires January 5, 2008 State of Utah My commission expires: Ó/~6r; - Of( Notary PUbli~~ /n. ~ ¿¿)~ Note: Asslpments IJ'e not ",lid until aooroved bv the Director. Office of State Lands and Investments as Der State 011 Ie Gås Lease Terms. and aODl'OVal Is solelv for admlnlstntlve DIIrDOSes and should not be InterDmed as wamntv that anv uartv to thk ~ss~: holds !enl or multable Interest In this lease. Assltzl1lllents which do not meet the reaulmnents listed below and those .;; U;; and Rules will be mamed unaoDI'IJ'Ved. 1) This fonn mast be c:ompleted Uld aubmltted for any assignment 01 State on .. Gas Lease leasehold Interest. undivided or ~vlded as to leparllte tracts, lormatlons, zones or deposits, and lor overriding royally Inteœst. 2) Assignments of letIIJ than a 100"1. leasehold Interest do not relieve the aaafgnor of the obligations as a letllJee under the terms of the lease regarding the Interest t'Onveyed unless the State first has In hand, a written agreement to be bound as I_lor all obllgatlous under the lease for the assigned portion from the assignee. ThIs reqafremeot ahouId not be construed In any way as a release or redalon of the obligations of any aarety bonding parties under the requirements of the State 00 and gas lease,. Board Rules or this aaafgnment. (All 1_ IJ'e ultimately respouslble for the perfOl'll1lllœ under the lease, and default subjects the entire lease to fmfeftare not jast the Interest related to any performance obligation t'ODSlcfered to be In defaaJt.) 3) A signed original and one c:opy of each ISIlgnment must be filed with the Wyoming State Lands and Inveøtmenta. C) Each assignment. flapprovecl, Is recognized by the State as effective as of the date of approval by the DIrector. Adequate bond must be famished covering any and all productive zones prior to approval of any ISIlgnment of Interest In an opel'lltfng State 011 and gas . lease,. whether weUbores exist on the leased lands or not, and In no rile an drilling operatlolll, Including to plOlpedively productive zones under operating leøeø, begin without a bond ffnt being In place. S) U there Is more than one party In Interest to this assl~nt. then allIUm parties In Interest mast sign the doc:wnent before assignment approval will be given. 6) The appropriate legal deøaiptfon oE the c:onveyed lands interests mast be given. 7) AssIgnmenta aeatlng a separate (relasae) lease aubject to the rules and regalatfous governing all State 01 Wyoming 011 .. Gas Lease do not change the terms and t'Onditious of the orfgfnalleue. the lease anniverlll)' date, nor the obllgatious and annlvenuy date of the lease created there lrom being t'Ousldered as If It had been Issued on the effective date of theorfgfnallease. (See Board Rules, Chapter 6, Section A.) 8) CorpontlOIll, limited IlabUity t'Ompanles, and limited partnerships must be qua1llfed with the Wyoming Secretuy 01 State's Office, and general partnership papers are required to be filed with the State Lands and Investments prior to, and IS a c:onditlon 01 Board approval of any ISIlgnmenL 9) Assignments will not be considered for approval where assIgnor or any assignee currently has a delinquent (late) royalty or rental payment obllgation(s) for any State &ubsuåaœ resource lease.