HomeMy WebLinkAbout931086 J!lfectfve 11.j (j Form ML-2 (Revised 4-96) Piling Fee - $25.00· Non-Refundable . STATE OFWYÒMJil¡G BOARD OF LAND CO~IONERS OIL & GAS LEASE{NTEREST AsSIGNMENT . ~ "-'.'1 . ~¡¡nfJO' tt() ,'" '_.- ~.G Wyoming Oil & Gas Lease Serial Number 05 - 0038 0 A5s~ent~1'!'val Dale-. ASSIGNOR" with name and address at:' Lane Lasrich· ..~ 2597 East B·rid-!jèr Blvd-. Sandy, Utah·' 84'093 RetùmTo- Stale LandI &: Invesmenls lZZWest 25th Street AP__= IJUlf 1 9 ZOO] Beingtheownerol 100% ~t Leasehold . (I'ype óf InIenst Leasehold/Operating R/gh1l/Ovei'rIding lIoyalty) interest in this lease, described in particuJarillèss than the total leasehold as: Township 23· Nor·th, Range' 117 West, 6th PM, Linc'oln County, Wyoming Tract 56 (formerly All Sectïon~2} m_______._____. For good and valuable consideration, hereby assigns to: .ua...u.u.l1...........U.uU.uu~~~la~~~:".u.I.uU.uUA·~~.UUa.U.UIÚ.II.uai'&UlaauuulUUU_ 1) ASSIGNEE, wilhname and address at Fitzsimmo~s,· LLC 2201 Cabin Court Gillette, . wy. 8:2718, percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particWa1'. above. ~ e::: w e::: :¡: w ~ :¡: ...... <Doe::: :¡: ~ COw W .;t 00 .. z ~ oW(9 - '1-(9 ~- CO M~~ e::: ...... 0 Ø)~ W 0 w...J ~ =It: ZO ~ (9 zç z II)~Z 05 CQ. ::::> wiIi CQ 0 >0 ~ 0 -w 0 z We::: 0 0 ...J W m 0 u a:: z :J 100 2) ASSIGNBB, with name and address at percent interest in the total leasehold. or as described in pI!1'ticuJar above. 3) ASSIGNEE..withname and address at DetCent interest in the total leasehold. .or as described in particuJar above. 4) ASSIGNBB, with name and address at percent interest in the total1easehold, or as described in particuJar above. 5) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at percent interest in the total leasehold, or as descn'bed in particular above. and reserving unto ASSIGNOR: 4.5% of 8/8ths overriding .royalty TIús M8fgmaeat Is Abjed 10 any exlsliD& OYenIdIa¡ royaItlel prerioUlly relened. aese...atIoDs of ønrddIøg IDteresta mast be apprond by the DIRdor. ud lilY lach IpplDYQ Is labject to the amdItloa lhat onrrldløg royaItla...ay be cauceIIed by the Board of LIDd Cøørmlnloaen If it fiaols !hat nch lIYenIdIa¡ royaItIet crute I bardeD OD the lease which prevenll or IUllelSOllably Últelfaa with Ita denIo¡imeaL ASSIGNOR catlfia by Ilgnature OD renne,. that ASSIGNOR Is the owner of the iat_t abcw~ hereIII trIIIIfared. IIId ASSIGNEE(S) certify(ies) by IIgøJøg OD the reyene that this lII¡pmen! constitutes a blndløg acceptance of.n the IeJmI, c:oadItIoas, ItlpaIatlons, raldc:tloDS IIId .tatates gcwmúDg the luse desafbed aboYe,. lad of the Rula of the Board. at OIaplu 6. LeasIug of Sabndaœ ReIOIII'CeI. This form mJl]J lie dupliØlkd. If spøœ is n«ded for tuldilionllllWÍgnors or IIssignees submit œpies of this form only. Pllge of _ o/Lease #I assignment dated .n 1).f,'¡ O· ¡(;1:t ~¡;~l.~ .~ .;;" SIGNED AS TO 'lD..tL2 Title - Karen Lasrich State of Utah ) ) ss. County of Salt Lake ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, on this 27th day of March 2007 personally appeared LaneLasrich and Karen Lasrich, his wife, to me known to be the identical persons, described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument of writing and acknowledged to me that they duly executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; I have hereunto set me hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written. ASSIGNMENrREoUDŒMENTS Notary Public KATHLEEN M VAN WART 8174 South 2660 East <ì:~lìdy, UT 84093 My Commission Expires January 5, 2008 State of Utah My commission expires: o CIJ S-O.¥" Notary PUbIiC~ Ih . ¡;;;.. ¿J~ Note: Asslpunents 81'1! not valId until aporoved bv the Director. Offiœ of State Lands and Investments 18 uer State Oil &: Gås Lease Terms. and aporovllls solelv lor administratIve DUl'DOSes and .hould not be Interureted 18 wa~ that anY party to thl. aulmment holds lenl or mullable Interest In thIs lease. Asshnunents whim do not meet the reaulrements listed below and those In the Lease and Rules will be retumed unapproVed. 1) 1111. lorm mast be completed and I1Ibmlfted lor any assIgnment of State on &: Gas Leue leasehold interest,. undivided or ~vlded 18 to separate IracIs, lormatlons, zones or deposIts, and lor ovenlding royalty Intereat. 2) Assignments 01 Ie.. than a 10001. leasehold Interest, do not reUeve the assignor 01 the obUgatlonsl8 a lessee under the terms 01 the lease regarding the Interest conveyed unless the State lirat has In hand. . written agreement to be bound 18 lessee lor all obUgatloas under the lease for the assIgned portion from the assIgnee. ThIs requirement should not be construed In any way as a release or recisIon 01 the obUgatiollS of any surety bonding parties under the requirements of the State 011 and gu lel8e. Board Rules or this aaalgnment. (AlIleaaees 81'1! ultimately responsible for the peJÍOnnaJII:e ancIer the lease, and delault aabJects the entlæ lease to fmfelture not Jast the 1nfere8t related to any pedormanœ obligation conalclered to be In default.) S) A aIgned orlglnal and one copy 01 each _gnment mast be filed with the Wyoming State Lands andInveøtments. 4) Each aaalgnment, If approved,. Is recognized by the State 18 effectIve 18 of the date of approval by the Director. Adequate bond must be fumlshed covering any and all productIve zones prior to approval 01 any aaalgnment of Interest In an operating State 011 and gu . lease, whether weUbores exist on the leased lands or DOt, and In no case can clrilllng operations, Including to prospectIvely productive zones under operating leases, begin without a bond lirat being In place. 5) U there Is more than one party In Interest to this aslpment, then all such parties In Interest Dlast algn the document before I8Ilgnment approval will be given. 6) The appropriate legal deaaiptlon of the conveyed landa Intereata IIt1IIf be given. 7) Assignments creating a separate (relsaue) lease subject to the rules and regulations governing aU State 01 Wyoming Oil &: GI8 Lease do not change the tel'Dll and condItions of the original lease, the lease annIversuy elate, nor the obUgations and anulveraary date of the lease created there from being consIdered a If It had been Issaed on the ellectlve elate 01 the original lease. (See Board Rules, Chapter 6, SectIon A.) 8) Corporations, limited IlabUity companies, and limited partnershIps mast be qualified with the Wyoming Secreta1y 01 State's Office, and general partnershIp JMperI are required to be filed with the Slate Lands and Investments prior to, and 18 a condition of Board approval 01 any aslgnment. 9) Assignments will not be consIdered lor approval where assignor or any anlgnee cunently has a delinquent (late) royalty or rental payment obllgation(s) lor any State subsurface resource leae.