HomeMy WebLinkAbout931087 ASSIGNOR,. withnaine and address at· Return To- SIt'" Lands,. In_lmenls 121Weit 25th Street HenchIer BuIIdfng. 3 West aieyenne. WY 82iIo2-o6oo Wyoming Oil" Gas Leise Serial Number 0 5 - 0 0 3 7 9 Ass~em~þp'rvval Dale-.~ Lane Lasrich' ~ . . 25 ~n East B~.idgèr Blvd.YUN 19 ZOU1 Sa.ndy, U:tah" 84'093 Effective 11~ Form ML-1 . (Revised 4-96) Filing Fee - $25.00 . Non-Refundable STATE OF WYOMING BOARD OF LA~ COM(WSSIONERS OIL & GAS. fUSE ~REfl AsSIGNMENT O~...· ~'0"'~ ~#') , .... .~~. "tw.J1f..Jr.~ . Beh1gtheownerof 100% percent Leasehold (Type ôf Inteæsl: Leuehold/OpenUng RIgh../OvenidJng Royalty) interest in this lease, described in particular jf less than the total leasehold as: Township 22 Nor'th,Rànge'l17 West, 6th PM, Linc'oln County,. Wyoming ·Section 7: Lotè 10, 14 .M..,_.".._...._.._d..,. Por good and valuable consideration,. hereby assigns to: IU.UUU.u....IU.t.u...U1.~"1~~~U~U.U......I.uU.u.I.·~~IUUA:lI.,uu..:...U.l.UUilluduluaUUAIU 1) ASSIGNEE,withnamearuiaddressat: Fi tzsimmons,· L;LC 2201 Cabin Court Gillette,. . Wy· 82718 1 0" 0 nereent Interest In the total leasehold, or as described In parti~ above. perœnt Interest In the total leasehold, or as described In ~ above. ~ cr- w cr ~ w ct. :E ,.........C'fcr:E "It 00 w w -ö:t~LÜzx: -"'(!)(!)x:'" C\ M«~cr !:)cnct.:>W o W...J ~~ zÜ ~~ Zç C~:g~~ WWCD 0 >üx: ü ¡¡¡WO Z OcrO ...J W CD 0 0:: ~ ::; 2) ASSIGNEE. with name an4 address al: 3) ASSIGNEE..with name and address at: /; perœnt Interest In the total leasehold, or as described In particuJar above. 4) ASSIGNEE. with name and address al: perœnt Interest In the total leasehold, or as described In particWar above. 5) ASSIGNEE. with name arui address at: percent Interest In the total leasehold, or as descn'bed In particWar above. and reserving unto ASSIGNOR: 4.5% of 8/8ths overridinq .royalty ThIs assIgmaeat Is lubJect Iø l1li7 exlsliøg CIftIddiDg royaltiea prevlouly ..,served. l\eIervatlollll of 0YeIIIclIn& IDterallmut be approved by the DIrector, and UIJ' aach approval Is nbJed 10 the coDdlllon that ovaridlng l'O)'alllea may be canceUed by the Boud of Land CommIsaloneølf it finds that neb IWmidJrIs royalties aeale a bardea on the leue which pmeals 0. lIIII1!uonably mtmau with III denloPmenL ASSIGNOR artIfIea by Ilgnature onmme, that ASSIGNOR Is the owner of the lntaett ahav,! bereln lraDSfaml, and ASS1GNEE(S) m1Ify(lea) by IIping on the mene that this Ullgmnent coDllltuteaa binding acceptance of all the tenDI, condltloru, ItlpaJatlOlll, rutdcllOlll and ltatutea &overnlng the 1_ deaalbed above, and of the RaJea of the Board, at Oaapter 6, Leuhlg of Subl1lrfac:e Reaoarca. This form may be dupUazkd. If spaœ is nwIed for IIdditiorud IISSÍgnon or IIssigneu submit œpies 0/ this form only. Pøge of_a/Lease # assignment daled OG'O083 'lJJ¿:¿:;2 Title- Karen Lasrich Souse INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Utah ) ) ss. County of Salt Lake ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, on this 27th day of March 2007 personally appeared LaneLasrich and Karen Lasrich, his wife, to me known to be the identical persons, described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument of writing and acknowledged to me that they duly executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; I have hereunto set me hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written. AsSIGNMENT REoI:JrREMENTI; Notary Public KATHLEEN M VAN WART 8174 South 2660 East f;',mdy, UT 84093 ~"Il Commission Expires January 5, 2008 Slate of Utah My commission expires: () (.... ðS_()9' Notary PUbliC.¡(.aZI.1u- fiI.//J- u/~ Note: Asslmments 1ft not valid antll aDDI'OVed bv the DIredor. 0ffIœ of State Lands and Investments as uer State Oil &: Gås Lease Terms. and aDDl'OValls solely for administrative DUl'ÐOSes and .hoald not be Intemreted as warranty that anv Dartv to this uslmment holds lenl or makable Interest In this lease. Asslmments which do not meet the reaalrements Uated below and those In the Lease and Rales will be returned unaDÐroVed. 1) This form mast be rompleted and submitted for any assignment of Stale on &: Gas Lease leasehold Interest. undivided or dMded as to separate tJacIs, formations, zones or deposits, and for ovenldlng royalty Interest. 2) Assignments of less than a 100"10 leasehold Interest, do not RIIeve the _gnor of the obllgatfona as al_ under the Iem1s of the lease regarding the Inlelat convqed unless the State first has In hand, a waiUen agreement to be bound as lessee for all obllgatfona under the lease for the assigned portion from the assignee. 1hIs requirement .hould not be ronatraed In any way as a release or recision of the obUgatlOJlS of any surety bonding parties under the requirements of the State on and gas lease, Board Rules or this assignmenL (Allleseees ere ultimately respoosfble foe the perfomwJœ under the 1ease, and default sabjects the entire lease to forfeiture not Jast the Intereet related to any ped'onnanc:e obligation coosfdered to be In defaulL) 3) A eigned original and one ropy of each assignment maet be filed with the Wyoming State Lands and Investments. f) Each assignment, if approved. fa recognized by the Slate as effectlve as of the date of approval by the DIrector. Adequate bond must be furnished covering any and all productive zones prior to approval of any assignment of Interest In·an operating State on and gas lease, whether weUbcires exist on the leased lands or DOl, and In no case can drilling operationa, including to plOlpectively productive zones under operating leases, begin without a bond first being In place. 5) if there fa more than one party In Intereet to thIa assl~nt, then all each puties In Interest mast eign the dOClllllent before assignment approval will be given. 6) The appropriate legal description of the ronveyed lands interests auut be given. 7) Assignments creating a separate (rei_e) iease eabJect to the rules and regulations govemlng all State of Wyoming Oil &: Gas Lease do not change the terms and rondltlons of the original lease, the lease IUIlIlversary date, nor the obUgatlona and annIvel'llll)' date of the lease created there from being considered as if It had been lseaed on the effective date of the original lease. (See Board Rules, Chapter 6, Section A.) 8) Corpontlons, limited lIabUlIy companies, and limited plltnerehlpe mast be qualified with the Wyoming Secretai}' of State's Office, and general partnenhlp papers are required to be flied with the Slate Lands and Investments prior to, and as a condition of Board approval of any uslgnmenL 9) Assignments will not be considered for approval where a..lgnor or any a..lgnee currently has a delinquent (late) royalty or rental payment obllgatlon(s) for any State subsurface resource lease.