HomeMy WebLinkAbout931128 RECEIVED 7/10/2007 at 11 :29 AM RECEIVING # 931128 BOOK: 665 PAGE: 183 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY (01)1.83 QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that PRATER VIEW LAND CO., LLC, a defunct Wyoming limited liability company, 1595 County Road 119, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, acting by and through its Manager, Jerry Ray Humpherys, also known as Jerry R. Humpherys, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has hereby remised, released, and forever quitclaimed unto PRATER VIEW DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, 1595 County Road 119, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, GRANTEE, and its successors and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest property, possession, claim and demand, as it may have or ought to have, in or to the following described property situated in Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, to wit: See "DESCRIPTION FOR DERK IZATT TRACT C (SOUTHWEST PART OF HOMESTEAD ENTRY SURVEY NO. 62)" dated 15 September 2006, and revised 5 October 2006, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (.',0- f See "DESCRIPTION FOR DERK IZATT Wl/2 TRACT B (SOUTHEAST PART OF HOMESTEAD ENTRY SURVEY NO. 62)" dated 15 September 2006, and revised 5 October 2006, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ,/ () /' See "DESCRIPTION FOR DERK IZATT TRACT El/2 (SOUTHEAST PART OF HOMESTEAD ENTRY SURVEY NO. 62)" dated 15 September 2006, and revised 5 October 2006, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Together with and including all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements, and rights-of-way of sight and/or of record. WITNESS my hand this 6~ day Of~~2007. PRATER VIEW LAND CO., LLC, a defunct Wyoming limited liability company BY: STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) 5 -rL ~(j ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the --=-- day of }more, 2007, by JERRY RAY HUMPHERYS, also known as JERRY R. HUMPHERYS, acting as Manager of PRATER VIEW LAND CO., LLC, a defunct Wyoming limited liability company, pursuant to authority provided to him as Manager while said company was a valid Wyoming limited liability company. ESSm ficial seal. JACK D. EDWAhbS - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF . STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN,18, 2010 1\1y Commission expires: J""" \ ß 7"1{ -( di4- \j, f&wuJ/ NOTARY PUBLIC OS/22/2007 PrCIð!\AllII1nll,llnd S\'IY\IYtID Palll N. ScnerÞal Wyo. Røgl8lrallon No, 104 Ulah A9!llelrlllfon No, 1070 Ideho Aeglltl'lUon No. 3990 Nnvnlf11 RÌlgIs1III1Ion No, 01305 IiIccll A, !\charllel WyQ, FI.glslF81Ion No, :lOOS Idehc Roslolmlkln No. 8028 Utah Aeglllratlon No, 372111 MARLOWE ^. SCHERBB. Wyo. AeglelrOllan No, 53t!B 9uIVII)'O! SChnrbRI, ~TP, Anon, WYQl11lng BI~ Pin )', Wyoming Jndltlon, Wyoming lnvn MD1 SprlnQl, Idana Monlpcllnr, Idnhn 3078859809 RVEVOR SCHERBEL GE 05/08 DESCRIPTIOJ.'T ""0R .,0001,.8.;(1 (CO~)f ~.,I ""'_M" FORDERKIZATT i TRACT C (SOUTHWEST PART OF HOMESTEAD ENTRYþURVEy'·NO. 62) . I To-wit: - - An of that Tract G depicted bn that pfat No. 44-C filed in th: Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "RAYMOND G. HUMPHREYS P AT OF TRACTS IN HOMESTEAD ENTRY SURVEY NO. 62 T35N R118W' LINCOLN COUNTy, WYOMING'\ dated 18 August 1981., within Homestead. Entry, urvey (HES) No. 62 in T35N R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of those tr S of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County i.n Book 368 of Photostatic Rec rds on page 262 and ill Book 365 ofPhotstatíc Records on page 70 more particularly desc~bed as follows: I I I BEGINNING at Comer No. 1 of said RES No. 62 identjcal wItli the southwest corner of Section 30, T35N R 118W, Lincoln County, WyomiJ'lg; : I I I thence NOoo-IO'-E, 1321.64 feet along the west line of said HE~O. 62 to the south one- sixteenth comer for Section 25, T3SN R1l9W and Section 30, T35N R118W, identica} wi.th the southwest comer of that tract of record in said Office i 'Book 441 of Photostatic Records on page 641; r I thence N89°-51.0'E, 1323.54 ~eet, along the north line of said Ttact C, identical with the south line of said tract in Boók 441, in part, to the northeast comr' of said Tract C; , , thence SOoo-01.7'E, 1319.57 feet, along the east line of said ']ract C, to the: sou1l1east comer thereof on the south liàe of said RES No 62; ¡ ! thence S89°-45.7'W, 1328.04 feet, along said south line, ~to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; : ENCOMPASSING an area of 40.19 acres, morc or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west Hl'le of said i" S No. 62, being NOOO- lO.O'E; TOGETHER with a right of ingress, egress and utilities over, urtder and across a strip of land thirty (30) feet in width with the south line described as fOllot's: I Beginning at the northwest comer of the above described Tra~t c; I " I thence N89°-51.0'E, 1323.':54 feet, along the north line' of sa.i4 Tract C, to the northeast comer thereof, AND : TOGETHER with a utility easement over, under and across the e~t twenty (20) feet of that tract of record in sa.id Office in Book 513 of Photostatic RecorJs on pa.ge 685, identica.1 , with the east twenty (20) feet of Tract D of record on said Plat No, 44-C; AND TOGETHER with a right of ingress, egress and utiHties over, wider and across the south :fifteen (15) feet of that Traot A depicted on said Plat No. 44-C, í~entica1 with that tract of record in said Office in Book 546 of Photostatic Record on page 8f64; I SUBJECT to an easement over and across the west thirty (30) (eet for the Muddy String County Road No. 12-117; AND ; " , SUBJECT to an easement over the north thirty (30) feet of the abqve desoribed Tract C; , er Record filed or t, be filed in ,the Office of :1 il'ro!lIalonal Lancl Surveyol! P~ I N, ScI!o!rÞ, Wyo. RooJllmllon ND, 1 $4 Ulnh RII 1I\1r:Illon No. IG70 Idlno Ra~I!IIIßIIIIß NO, 3990 NOVIIdtI RDgmlmllen No. 800& Scoll ^' Schorbnl WO o, R~gl~'l'IIllan No, !!lIAR ldallo Aeg!nlmdon No, 8028 IJlnh RJogI.lrnllnn No, :\n111 MARLOWE A, SCHERBEL Wyo, ReQlslrnllcn No, 6a8D $urvoynr l\Qh8ibt1l, LrÞ. Allon, ~g Big !"IIIIY, Wyoming JaeIClIGrI, wyoming I..,V" Hol Spnnpl, Idcho Mon\ lllllor, Idaho , OM~~51 CC <0 ß2>Y I WYi TRACT B {SOUTHEAST PART OF HOMESTEAD ENTRY SURVEY NO. (i2) '-/ DESCRIPTION FOR DERK IZATT To·wit: . . All of the Wy, of that Tract B as depicted on that Plat No. 44-CJfiled in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, CCRAYMOND G. HUMPHREY~ PLAT OF TRACTS IN HOMESTEAD ENTRY SURVEY NO. 62 T35N Rll8W¡ LINCOLN COUNTY, 'WYOMING", dated 18 Au~st 1981, within Homestead EntTY ~u1'vey (liES) No. 62 in T35N R118W, Lincoln County, Wyomíng, more particular.ly described as fotJows: I BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said Tract B; I thence SOO"·O 1. TE, 1319.57 feet, along the west line of said ~ract H, to the 50uthwcst comer thereof, on the south tine of said tiES No. 62; I thence N89°-4S.7'E, 664.02 feet, along said south Jine, to a Positiin; thence NOO°·07.4'W, 131.8.54 feet, to a position on said north Hnef thence S89°·51.0'W, 661.81 feet, along said north line, ~o the CORNER OF BEGINNING; I ENCOMPASSll'JG a.u area of20.07 acres, more or Jess; I . I the BASE BEARING for this: survey iè the west line of said ~s No. 62, being NOOo- 10.0'E; . 1 TOGETHER with a right of ingress, egress and uti1jties over, u der and acrosS a strip of land thirty (30) feet in width with the south line described as fOll0rS: Begim1ing at the northwest comer ofthe above described Trabt C; I , thence N89°~51.0'E, 1323.54 feet, along the north line of sai1' Tract C, to the northeast comer thereof, AND TOGETHER with a. utitity easement over, under and across the e~t twenty (20) feet of that tract of record in said Offioe in Book 513 of Photostatic Recor~s 011 page 685 identical with the east twenty (20) feet of Tract D of record on said Plat NOf 44-C; AND , I TOGETHER with a right of ingress, egress and utilities over, ~der and across the south fifteen (15) feet of that Tract A depicted on said Plat No. 44~C. i!icntica1 with that tract of record in said Office in Book 546 of Photostatic Record on page ~4; each Ucomer" found as described in the Comer Record filed or tJ be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; " \ ).,0 , ,Q: , I "Modification in any way of thf' ~""'M')¡ng description terminatesiliabllity of . ",~ ~""'/eyor" I 12J5/22/200ï Pro'~uIC1'111I L.JI~d SUrvoyo~ PAUl N, Scherool Wyo, AlIQlelrøllon No, 164 UI~~ FI"Ii!atmUon No. 1670 Icf¡\ho R!I! l~rI1tlot1 N~. 3990 Navndn RftRlnlllllb1I'4.. _ GccII A. ~~rb~1 WyQ, f\f g1aIrnUOn No, 3889 Id~ho Floøtallllllon No. 8026 Utøh !'\8\1iIUøIlOn No. 312111 MAAlO~^.SCHeRBEL Wyo. Aogl~lmllon No, !l(!BB SUM1yOI ScM'h~l, ~TO. AIIon. Wyatnlr1ø Dig Piney, Wya"""g Jock!lOlI, Wyomln9 lIIVo Hol Sþril1R~. Idnh. Monlpollor. IdahO 9 3078859809 DESCRIPTION FOR JRVEYOR SCHERBEL IGE 1216/08 .. O(þOf86 COfP>Y ..." ~ ... N· ""-/ !I--,' , . DERK IZATT E~ TRACT B (SOUTHEAST PART OF HOMESTEAD ENT~Y SURVEY NO. 62) I I ! I To-wit: - - i i I I I I All of the E% of that Tract B :as depict~ on that Plat No. 44-C _~led in the. Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, liRA YMOND G. HUMPHRBY~ PLAT OF TRACTS IN HOMESTEAD ENTRY SURVEY NO. 62 T35N R118Wi LINCOLN COlJNTY, WYOMING", dated 1.8 Augu,st 1981, .within Home~tead . Entry S.urvey (RES) No. 62 in T35N Rl18W, Lincoh1 County, Wyommg, more partll;ularly described as follows: I I I BEGINNING at the northeast comer ofsa.i.d Tract B; thence SOoo-13.2'E, 1317.52 feet, along the east line of ~aid liES No. 62, to Corner No.4 of said BES No. 62; r , I 1 thence 889°"45. TW, 664.02 feet, along the south line of said HE~ No. 62, to a position; thence NOoo-07.4'W, 1318.54 feet to a position of the north line úrsaid Tract B; f thence N89°-51.0'E, 661.80 feet, along said north line ~o thc CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 20.06 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for thi~ survey is the west tine or'said H ES No. 62, being NOOo- 10.0'E; : j I TOGETHER with a. right of i:rJ.gre..~ egress and tltiHûes over, u4der 81Jd across a strip of land thirty (30) feet in width with the south line described as folloFs: i Beginning at the northwest comer of the above described Traþt C; ¡ thence N89°-51.0'E, 1323.54 feet, along the north line of sai4 Tract C, to the northeast comer thereo~ AND t I TOGETHER with a utility easement over, under and across the e:' t twenty (20) feet of that tract of record 1n said Office ·.in Book 513 of Photostatic Reco 5 on page 685 jdeDlical with the east twenty (20) feet of Tract D of record on said Plat N 44-C; AND I I TOGETHER wit.h a right of ingress~ egress and u~1ities over, Jder and across the south fifteen (15) feet of that Tract À depicted on said Plat No. 44-C, ttlentical with that tract of record in said Office in Book 546 of Photostatic Record on page ~64; I I each "comer" found as described in. the Corner Record filed or tt be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; ; ¡ 1eptember 2006 1'5 October 2006 - ra ised ¡ i I "Modification in any way of the foregoing descrip1ion terminates~liabmty of the surveyor"