HomeMy WebLinkAbout931139 000260 Affidavit of Survivorshm State of Wyoming ) ) ss. County of Lincoln ) MICHAEL FAUBER, being first duly sworn upon HIS oath, deposes and states as follows: 1.0n the JANUARY 17, 2007, my FATHER, RONALD DAVID FAUBER passed away, as is evidenced by the official certificate of death attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. At the time of death my father jointly owned certain real property with me, said real property being located in the County of Lincoln State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: LOT ONE (1) OF THE BRIDGER FOREST RANCH SUBDIVISION, AMENDED, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF RECORDED FEBRUARY 6,1975 AS MAP NUMBER 116 AND INSTRUCTION NUMBER 463684 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. 3. Said real property was originally conveyed to RONALD D. FAUBER A SINGLE AND MICHAEL FAUBER A SINGLE MAN, by WARRANTY DEED, dated AUGUST 23, 2005, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds on AUGUST 29, 2005, in Book 595 at Page 779. 4. By reason of RONALD DAVID FAUBER's death, I am entitled to sole ownership of the above-mentioned real property. Dated this MAY 15, 2007, ¿YSi ~ MI H FAUBER Subscribed and Sworn to and acknowledged before me this MAY 15, 2007, by MICHAEL FAUBER. Witness my hand and official seal. HEIDI ROBE.RTS NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF . STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSIO.~ EXPII'fES~.16.2010 i;;L~ f?iwcf- N tary Public RECEIVED 7/10/2007 at 2: 11 PM RECEIVING # 931139 BOOK: 665 PAGE: 260 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 4. SOCIAL SECURITY NO. REGISTRAR'S NUMBER UI't I ,... - fl.' ~J1 ~,p;;!. t'; lw BLACK INK. FOR STRUCTlONS E HANDBOOK. REGISTRATION DISTRICT NO. I ï J 1. DECEDENrS NAME (Firsl, Middle, L.ast) Januar 18, 2007 7. BIRTHPLACE (City .nd 51818 or Foreign Country) Campbell COlmty, Virginia 8. WAS DECEDENT EVER IN U.S. ARMED FORCES? (XVes DNo DUnk. o Inpatient 0 ERlOutpatient o Residence ¡¡o Other (Specify) Hotel room 9d, COUNTY OF DEATH Saline 13d, ZIP CODE 45778 JOO 9b. FACIUTY NAME (If not Institution, give .t",.1 .nd number) 1355 W. College, Room 120 a: o ~ ~ f ~ ill :> ~ Ohio 130. STREET AND NUMBER Athens 12a. DECEDENrS USUAL OCCUPATION (Give /cInd 01 """'fñs'tfüë{'~ Il1o. Do nor use reUrad.) 13c. CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION stewart 580-2211(3-03) i 10. MARITAL STATUS - Married, N8Y9r MarTlod, _, ~, (SpacIIy) Married 13a. RESIDENCE - STATE 11. SURVIVING SPOUSE'S NAME (II wife, give 1ui/1I18/den nom.) Sandra Fay lamp 13b. COUNTY 19710 Felton Road 14. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN (Specify No or)i¡¡s . «yes, specify Cuban. Mexican, Puerto Rican. etc.) o IKI No 131. INSIDE CITY LIMITS 13g. YEARS AT PRESENT ADDRESS 1 2 1 2 o Yo. Œ No 0 Under 5 IKI 5-9 15. RACE - Amarlcan Indian, Black, Whlla, ole, (Spacify) 3 4 o 10-19 0 20 or more 18, DECEDENrS EDUCATION (Specify only hlghe.t gred6 oomp/etad) Rufus :b"auber ElemontarylSacondory (0-12) Colloge (1-4 or 5+) +2 o Ves Specify: White 17. FATHER'S NAME (First, MIddle, L.a.') M. Elliott 19b. MAILING ADDRESS (Street snd Number or Rural Route Number, City or Town, StBtS. Zip Codø) lace Lane 24501 : 20<1. LOCATION (CUy or Town, Slalol Columbia Missouri 22b. FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE NUMBER Memorial Funeral Home 1217 Bus. 70 W., Columbia Missouri 2005012238 23. PART I. Enter the diseases, injuries, r compllcallOO8 that caused the death. Do not enter the mode of dying, such as cardiac or respiratory BRest, shock. or heart failure. Ust only one tause on each line. . I IMMEDIATE CAUSE + .. Acute myocardlal lnfarction (FIn.' dJBS8'. or DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF)' condIlion resulUng . IndaBth) ( b, Severe arteriosclerotic disease =1:~lrf I~, DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): ~~~~~n~~r1l18d1ato c. Chronic renal insufficiency UNDERLYING CAUSE (dl..... or Injury thaI DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): initiated ..-enls resulting in d..'h) LAST PART II. Other significant condlUons contributing 10 death but nol resulting In the underlying cause given In Part I. Approximate Interval Between Onset and Death Instant Years 24. IF DECEASED WAS FEMALE 10-49. WAS SHE PREGNANT IN THE LAST 90 DAYS? 25., WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 25b. WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAILABLE PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF CAUSE OF DEATH? 1 oVes 2 oNo DUnk, XI Ves 2 o No 1 rx Ves 2 o No 26. MANNER OF DEATH 14 Natural 0 Pending o Accident Investigation o Suicide 0 Could not be o Homicide Determined 288, (Spec//y) o CERTIFYING PHYSICIAN MEDICAL EXAMINER/CORONER 27a, DATE OF INJURY (Month, Day, liI.r) 27b. TIME OF 27c. INJURY AT WORK? INJURY 27d. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED M 1 2 oVaa 0 No 0 Unk, 27e. PLACE OF INJURY· AI homa, farm .trea~ faclory, ollic8 building, ale. (specify) 271. LOCATION (Street.nd Numbsr or Rurel Roul. Numbs" City or Town, 51810) 1/24/2007 28d, TIME OF DEATH pronounced @ 11 : 45AM (Signature and Title) .. ~ ~. ~ (.Ð~\IL 28c. DATE SIGNED (Month, D.y, lllar) 28b. To the best of my knowledge, death occurred at the time. dale and place and due to the causø(s} slated. 29a, NA¥ïAiD,ADDRESS OF CERTIFIER (PHYSICIAN, MEDlpAL EXAMINER OR CORONER) (7ÿpø or Print) Wl lam W. Harlow, Sallne County Coroner 226 S. Odell, Marshall, MO 65340 29b. MO. LICENSE NUMBER 30. WAS CASE REFERRED TO MEDICAL EXAMINER/CORONER? 31. NAME OF ATTENDING PHYSICIAN IF OTHER THAN CERTIFIER (7ÿpø or Prinl) " THIS is A CERTIFIED COpy OF A~I C '1IGINAL DOCUMENT (Do nOÎ accupt if re¡;j'lOto~1 ap/;ed, or if seal imp, qss;on cannot be felt.) THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS PROHIBITED BY LAW (sec. 193,24j, 193.255, & 193,315 ilSMo 1994), STATE OF MISSOURI } ¡: , ss I HEREBY CERTIFY that this is an exact reproduction of the certificate for the person named therein," records of the Bureau of Vital Records of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Witness my hand as ounty Registrar of Vital Stat Department of Health and Senior Services this date of . ~. .... MQ 580'1103 110,011 (