HomeMy WebLinkAbout931202 V' \,\1 ,,,~,,..a.. ., ".... NOTICE OF EXISTING REAL ESTA TE PURCHASE AGREEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: It is hereby made of public record that a Real Estate Purchase Agreement, dated the ~~ay of April, 2007, by and between Chad Cazier, Seller, and Val E. Astle and Helen Astle, husband and wife, Purchasers, exists for the purchase of the following described real property situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: See Description for Chad Cazier, et ai, 12.81 acres attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference 7 <--/ {i Said Real Estate Purchase Agreement is being held in escrow by the Bank of Star Valley, Afton, Wyoming. DATED this I f.p'-JA..aay of April, 2007. SELLER: CHAD CAZIER RECEIVED 7/12/2007 at 10:26 AM RECEIVING # 931202 BOOK: 665 PAGE: 439 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY BrÆ~G-= PURCHASERS: uJ. L 0dJp ~ .~~ HELEN ASTLE COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ) ss. ) STATE OF WYOMING The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Chad Cazier who appeared before me and was,personally known to me, and was by whom duly sworn and upon . oath, acknowledged, this Uday of April, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires: <6-- 5-6 q HBOI County t:I . State of Uncaln Wyoming My Conmlsalon expIres August 5. 2009 STA TE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Val E. Astle this If!::day of April,2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: ~ - $\Ùf STA TE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) )ss. ) HEIDI BROWN - NOTARY PUBUC County of State of Unooln Wyoming My Commission Expires August 5. 2009 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Helen Astle this £ day of April,2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal.~_ ~ 11 _M' I~t{~ N TARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: Õ.,. S"'ÙC¡ HEIDI BROWN . NOTARY PUBUC County of State of Uncoln Wyoming My Commission expires August 6. 2009 c: . ~ -to, It . . Exhibit A File 661 6616322 Description 'I'bb, l3nd referred tb in this document ìs situated in the State of Wyoming, CoUnty of Lincoln, and ìs ddcribed as fonow~: .' . . . ;-! . , i . : ;*~act of lan~ iying within and being a-part of the W1/2l'Œ1I4 of Section 28, Township 32 :~J!rth, Range:U9'W'est,Lincoln County, Wyoming,beinga'portion of the land described in : 'th~t dee~of r~cò1diD. ~?ok373PR~ 'page 513, in the OfficeoftheLincoln County Clerk, with ,boundanes more particularly described as follows: '. . '!~~GINNING,~ the point of intersection oUhe East boundary line of the W1I2NE1/4 of Section '28::mththe Soµth right-of-way boundary line~ofHarinony Creek Lane, said point being due . ,North a distaoceof1187.51 feet from the Southeast corner ofthe said W1I2NE1I4 (also known ás ¡the C-E l/L? Corller). of Section 28;: and rumiing . .tlt, ence South,86°30~OO" West, aløngright-of-way boundary, a distance of 824.11 feet; , ':: .. -. I :.. ,: _ . '_ . . _ . :fhenêe South 81028~39" West, continuirigalong South right-of-way boundary, a distance of .' !. 499.40f~f to,t~e West boundary line ofthe said W1I2NE1I4; . . ·thénce North0062'~8"West,along said West boundary line, a distance of 66.66 feet to the . .... ....,LNorth.r.i~]j¡t..,of~w.ay.boundaryof Harmony.Creek Lane;. . ',___. .__u_" ..___.. thþce Nortb~1°28¡39"E8st, along North right-of-way boundary, a distance of3'03:Jrfëët to ! the Southeast corner of the Gatdner property tract: thþnce'Northp002'38"West, along the East boundary of the Gardner property tract, a distance .;. of 129.8Vfeet; , '. ,... thþ'nce NorlhOOOl'OS" East, continuing along the East boundary of the qardner property tract, '. ". .. I . .. . .' :,; a ,dIstance: of,37:8!88 feet to the South boundary of the Hawkins property tract; . .' I.. . . tbþnce ~orth~9°03'54"East, along the South bouridai-yof the Hawkins property tract, a '. distance o'10~6j65 feet to the East bOwídary line of theW1I2NE1I4; thence due So~th, along the East boundary ]ine of the saið W1/2NE1/4, a distance of 446.46 feet to thepoiDt of beginning. ..-.----.... '. .) .....