HomeMy WebLinkAbout931233 rL( RECEIVED 7/13/2007 at 10:08 AM RECEIVING # 931233 BOOK: 665 PAGE: 591 RELEASE OF EASEMENT JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that The Town of Afton, successor to North Afton Water and Sewer District, a Wyoming Corporation, of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, does hereby release that certain easement as to the property owned by Rockbridge LLC, and/or their successors in interest, said property being described in the Warranty Deed recorded February 28, 2003 in Book 513 Photostatic Records on page 715 described on Exhibit A attached hereto. The easement which is to be released was recorded June 2, 1987 in Book 251 Photostatic Records on page 698 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming. The Town of Afton, successor to North Afton Water and Sewer District does forever release, convey and quitclaim to Rockbridge LLC, and/or their successors and assigns all right, title and interest in and to the easement, this release to be effective as of the date hereof. -z '7 J L- \ ¿I :·0 J 1 ,jl IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have set their hands and seals this ~ day Of~, 200~~_.", " 0-- 0 - ,~ " ,~\ OF A.Þ~ ,,, &ii' .......,":0". ';0 ~""'Iti .' ·'9 "~ "," o. "...6 v.... s,,"'þ ~.. ·0 :;¡" 1_, r :~..¡ ß,~¡Y ~ '; ~, : ()Ã, .(...~~ · , >' · U .. y. .: 1 -·0 ",.- f"'A. .., ;ð "0 flIt "','J . T;-" eo .. :'\;~, . ,..,. ').. ·00>.....0 !\~ ~ :1'- t ON W'(O~,:.-· , ~,,'7 HE TOWN OF AFTON ~~, ~4'A~) Lisa Hokanson, Clerk STATE OF WYOMING ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Alan Stauffer, this J ~ th of \. \ \ À \ LÀ , 2007. ~_""",,,",,,,, ) HEATHER WARREN NOTARY PUBLIC day Witness my hand and official seal. County of . Lincoln . My commission expires: ~ ~ \ D! ~ D \ a NOTARY PUBLIC r t'J;~I'" . T EXHIBIT NO. A ] DESCRIÞTIOH FROM TOWN OF AFTON P'qR OQ05~2 LAWRENCE O. YOUNG, BVELYN R. YOUJIG, DERALD A. YOUNG i'OR ACCESS WAY ALONG WEST PART or CANYON VIEW PARK ANNEXATION T~CT B To-wit:-- .. That part or the canyon View Park Annexation being part of the SW~NE~ ot Sect'ion 30, T32N, R118W, within the 'b.ounds of the Town'of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of s'aid SW~NEJ.¡ found as described in the Co~nQr Record tiled in said. Office; thence sooa-241-42"E, the base bearing for this ,survey, 455.36 teet, along the west line ~f said 5W~N~~, to the southwest point ot said Annexation; thence S88~-15'-36~E, 60.04 feet, along the south line of said Annexation to a poiht; thence NOO'O-24'-42"W, 457.17 feet, to ~ point on the north line of said SW~NE~ and said Annexation; . thence Na9 0 -59' -00 "w,. 60.00 fe'et along said north line to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.63 acres, more or less; each "point" rna:rke.d' by a 5/B" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "St.1RVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD BIG PINEY' WY PLS 5358.11; the BASE BEARING for this survey 16 the west line of the NE~ Section 30, T32N, RI1BW, be1ng NOoo~24'-42"W; all in accordance with the plat prepared attached here~ith as EXHIBIT. IrB" and made a part thereof titled,' "EXHIJ3IT "B" LAWRENCE O. YOUNG, EVELyn R. YOUNG, DERALD A. YOUNG PLAT OF TRACTS IN NE% SECTION 30 TJ2N RllSW PARTLY IN THE TOWN OF AFTON LINCOLN COUNTY" WY'OMI , dated 23 December 1996. lal'1Q' ú'.;. c~ ;¿ 1'", _ t) . ''''; f·.··~"', ~J!'¡1¡; ,::¡:It. -...---..~-. '" '.~, N....&._ ., ..,.'" (, .._~--~....,. ,..' , , 0005::-'3 ", . Exhibit nAil " . T32N" R118W of th~ 6th P.M~, Liric~ln CðUnty, ~wyominq' section 19: ',SW1/4SE1/4 and,Wl/2SE1/4SEl/4 Section' 30:' Nl/2NE1/4 AND _" BEGINNI~G, at. the Northwest ,Corner ot' the Nl/4· of" !;iaid S~ction ·30 and.running thence South 109' rods to the North side of t.h~ street of A~ton Town~ite, known as First Avenue; thence ~ast 2 'rods; , thence ,North' 109 ~QdSi thence·Wèst 2 rodS ,to 'the POINT OF BEGXNNrNG. ALSO thät tz:act, of land descri~ed, on' ,'the åttached' Exhibit "A" , I:, ' " , ' EXCEPTING th'eretrQm' 'Roékbridqe Hèadóws Subdivision, Lincoln 'county, Wyoming" accordi~9'. to that plat recorded Octobér 24 2001. as Plat No~ 360-5 .' ','. ' '. ..... , '. . AlsQ-'Except~nq thereifrQm that, parcel ot land' conveYéd to, ,the .To'Wn of' Art'on, recorded Jànua.x::y' ·23, ..1.997,' Book -393P.R.. ,paqe 159. . .. . '''.' . . . , , " . iY';