HomeMy WebLinkAbout931288 American Collection Systems, Inc. ...07 S. 21 ST STREET PO BOX 1289 LARAMIE. WY 82073 Phone: 307-7"'2-3711 800-773-43049 Fax: 307-7"'2-2167 Emall: ACSI@americancollectJonsystems.com June 5, 2007 LIEN STATEMENT As evidenced by the attached Transcript of Judgment, American Collection Systems, Inc., hereby places a lien on the property situated at: 258 Twin Creek on County Road 342 also known as PART OF NORTHEAST OF SOUTHWEST QUARTER WITHIN SECTION 15 TOWNSmP 21N RANGE 117W Together with any improvements thereon or appurtenant thereto; Subject to all rights-of-way, easements, reservations and restrictions heretofore of record. --¿I 11 Owners of record: Amount owing: Lewis Brown $9,812.91 í-5 The alnount. of this lien, including interest, shall be subject to the terms and conditions prescribed by the Judgment and applicable laws. , RECEIVED 7/16/2007 at 11:22 AM RECEIVING # 931288 BOOK: 665 PAGE: 727 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY .....-- Notary Statement: STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF ALBANY ) Subscribed Î\A. d_ sworn to (or af.firmed~ before. m. e this 5 day 0 20JiL ~4r')eoM~ , . HOU':::: ;':TU..V-NOTAF{'y' PUULV:: :'};:î~1~~ç\ };,~¥~~9 ,::¡()n Ex.pln~s " ~':.Y~.~':~':. ".'.' ~-I d007?8 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT DOCKET NO.: 2007-48-DC COUNTY OF LINCOLN AMERICAN COLLECTION SYSTEMS, INC. A Wyoming Corporation, Plaintiff, Defendant(s ). ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) <'< t)_'7..·'.:.j; ,," .~". /;,)i) , . . ..::l).,~/: vs. DEFAULT JUDGMENT !; LEWIS L BROWN AKA LEWIS BROWN, .".' ... TI-IE ABOVE-ENTITLED MATIER having come before the Court upon Motion for Entry for Default Judgment, and the Plaintiff, American Collection Systems, Inc., having appeared by and through its attorney, Jennifer P. Hanft and the Defendant(s), Lewis Brown, having failed to answer Plaintiffs Complaint or otherwise plead within the time required by the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure, was declared to be in default. The Court, having examined the file and pleadings contained therein, finds as follows: 1. That this Court has jurisdiction over the parties as well as the subject matter herein; 2. That the Plaintiff filed a MOTION FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT with supporting Affidavit; and 3. That an ORDER FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT was entered by this Court. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that Judgment for the sum of Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety-Nine And Thirty-Nine Cents ($9,799.39) is hereby entered against Defendant(s) in favor ofthe Plaintiff. Judgment is entered as follows: Principal $8,927.99 Interest $646.40 NSF $0.00 Statutory Fees $0.00 Court Costs $95.00 Reasonable attorney fees owed to Plaintiff, American Collection Systems, Inc., in the amount of $130.00 :~~~::~ Sh~ be:~n~:res,;:¡ry rare of t~I::ere:n~ (10%) or oon~~ted amount. ¡¿J~~__ District Cuurt Judge Copies to: American Collection Systems, Inc., Plaintiff Lewis Brown, Defendant(s) C(j( If ,)<f' ,uj 14 T Á.e.d,'i/ C' , _c c..<-I cI Y å !-( .sT;.¡. Ie /'11 e.."V í- ~ /« r?- ,; 1? "J.e.,£..- i ,.- , ¡/12#1'I.;{"'- .i f-Tl\TE. OF WYOMING 1 CCìUNTY OF U\\\COLN,~ ! I\enileth D, Rr:'beri:S, C\ød, oj' tho T '~d J' Ó· , I District r'¡)m: ,vi¡:h;n ~md ¡-¡,m ",1Id L: ,tCla -'.'., .,' '..'.., ...~ . .... . .,.,. ".,' ,,'() I (I Hl ¡t..... """;'" ,I \..\; ",II _. .1 coul1,:Y an . "\'..-' ''':...~, II I' .. '. '. .'... -, . C· . Ie. r.! II hereby cø!'Jni ,'1:: "" , ,,' '.'" .. ,.- , true, anc! COli;:',' ' ~ SS. J /: .. "'. ,_ j L )C'I -- ;4 /1' C:' ,-eo" (Á k' ( 1/ /5' 02. .d J III c;' / .:? te /; ~'. itl --- . .I-- L..../~ ,,(.< SIGNED ".....".