HomeMy WebLinkAbout931294 KI:\,;t:IVED 7/16/"nn-. ~112:14 PM RECEIVING # :;,,)1294 BOOK: 665 PAGE: 736 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY J¡~07:?6 . 'Û, '. to:' Loan # 336925 WCDA Loan # 2246048650 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That it is hereby certified by WYOMING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY A corporation of the County of Natrona, and the State of Wyoming, that certain mortgage given by a Lo!!an Erickson and Me!!an Erickson. husband and wife. Mortgagor(s), MaioI' Mortg:a!!e. a Wyoming: Corporation as Mortgagee, to secure payment of the principal sum of $109,011.00 ~ dated on the 6th day of Aug:ust, 20 ~ and recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deed of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on the 11 f"h day of Allgm:t .2003 in Book 1)':\0 of Mortgages, at Page 198 Instrument Number 892345 , mortgaging the following described real property: SEE SCHEDULE C ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. that the mortgage described herein has been fully satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby cancelled, released and discharged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the below signed mortgagee has caused its name to be signed hereto by its propel' officers pursuant to due authority given this :;;¡::[ rc day of June ,2007. u Attest: Sco c¡ ST A TE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Natrona The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Executive Director, this -;;;:JI.~ì t\ day of June Cheryl Gillum ,2007. Witn. e'. ss. my hand and official seal. (J è ~, CQ' , C" -n:;:\c ~ í. .:(¿L.{ f ;t~ Notary Public My Commission expires , .... .. ~ . . .' . '. . ',' . , ," .' '" . ··.\t{!,,: " :', .: .. ..:.;., :" ..;. ··;·:.·.;C ..... .. . . .'...... ., ,'!'·;i:~>:':.:·· ..:.....; .;.!¡.; . OS~~345 ", '. ;. , .1" ~. .... ·.t¡·: .,\,;:}:'" , ..... '", .1';...... I" ";:," '. .. .... '.' " " : :,: ,'. '. " j' ," .' ., .'·1:"'.·.· .;.. , ..... " ,: ,r' .. '1t;;;:it::" 1,' .¡:~~~ :}.. , .... ..', ~~:...f. . ::,;',.;;~:;;': .' '.~I.':"': I,: . :'·:~'1~~~ . 1 i~ *:~d~: ';i'~,:~~~': '. '~'r"" .I.~ ·:'r.'~.: . ....,;.:. : :: i~Š,~;J;· ''', ,', ~~ .; '~;Ì'~ : .1 . ';i~l~:',/" '. 'I"~'Í:~ " . j~l;'.~~~(· '. , .' ,""'~l::' , "I ;\'~ ;':'. .' ...1...,,' . ,~7:~H::' ;t.;····,..\ '. 't. " ·I·~. . .!.... .1.. ),. .' , '1':." ". 10 ~~. " ~. ,'. "I '.'. . ,. . ',' . .:I~~,"'I, ,.":.,,,,,\0 l' . !I" ,·t , . ""~':~:l'~.: ',:: ,!.:,~: ..:", \", . . :!::~¡:'/~~ J'l,;":\'1 ".'.: . ~;~:¥f;::}~~(\ ~ '.: ·.:.·,:,;:;'::!::.::;t;;'!: .....,,:.\:::. ::'.: ,.:', '., , .. .... ! .,'.!.... 'O,QA~"7 \~ \-1t,':1''' ': :,,'::,, ··:;::{i;:-t \~~,:., 1 ::····:!.~i~r··· "'1. .. )~,~, 0:(;~1,: '1'.': ~. ;':: ,.. '.. , . .' \ . . . , 1;;:/:;:;::" .... ',. 206 Part of SectiOD 10, T31N R119W of. the 6th P.M., Uncoln County. Wyonúng being inore ParticuJa~ly described as fol1ows: . .'. , . I.,'.!'..:; . ,'.I'...:,:.L.::i::: .:::~ ,....:,.:;..~.? /' :I.:'.}';·; ,., . . . ':". " ,: :.~\ . ':,', :. ·t·\' ,... , ::.;,':.:;..;.:.,.'. :.·,1·[·..· .. .:,' ;·'.:.'::·6::!f:.:. ',' 'I' , SCHEDULE C , Beginning at a point 24 rods North of the Southwest corner of the said SW~NE';4 and running thence East 13 rods; . tbence NortfJ 12 rods; thence West 13 rods; thence South 12 rods to the poiot of beginning, 1.;,':;11:. ,...... .,. ;.....:. ~ ' , ~~lill~Þ . .! ' '.'1-: ",-:7~