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THIS INDENTURE, Made the \d.1.h
day of :r I.M'\.(l.. in the year of our Lord
between Wv Vortno.. (J. slt.d ~ '-t.eYd.cuv1
of 5he.ll i ' of the County of ~I~~
of the first part, and L,',JU1 b 4 Ttp/{a /I- Sku!
of J4 ffoV\ , of the County of L; nco I.,
and State of V4Cl \"'0'\\ 1'\5 ' the party of the second part,
WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of
-reJ1.dodO/s rwj,otJ DOLLARS,
lawful money of the United States of America, to he-v' in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the
receiPt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doeS by these presents demise, release and forever Quit claim unto the said
party of the second part, and to fhfYY'\ and assigns
Due. T/.u",,,u,r~J. N-iJe8 }bmtlred and
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and State of ~ the Party
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all the cer~ain P'DPU fy
County, of the State of ~;~~articUlarlY described as follows, to~wit:
situated in
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Beginning at a point sixteen and one..half (161/2) rods east of the Noit~tt~~r~6,Yh~~~ig~10t
Three (3) Block Twenty.. eight (28) AftonTownsite survey, as the same is recorded in the
office of the County Clerk and Ex..Officio Register of Deeds of said County, and running
thence South Twenty (20) rods; thence East Three and one-half(3 1/2) rods; thence North
Twenty (20) rods; Thence West Three and one-half (3 1/2) rods to the place of beginning.
Being a retangular piece of Land, part of said lot three, Block 28, Town of Afton,
Containing Seventy (70) square rods of land, Together with water rights and
Together with all and singular, the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise
appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances unto said
of the second part, and to
and assigns forever.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said part of the first part ha hereunto set
seal the day and year first above written.
hand and
Signed, Sealed and DeUvered 1'n the Presence of
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On this I;;"'~ day of C,LiLL in the year jJ.(i51 ,before me
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in andfor said County and State personally appeared 'wLjAlcnvh..a.. C- St.u...d tf(Lh.l?~M
known to me to be the person whose name
me that ~he executed the same.
subscribed to the within instrunent, and acknowledged to
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this
""tift<a". firs' obo,,, written. #~~'~~"~;;"'~ . ..~&t.l?:.mm..mmm..m
J-' 't'-'.................. % Notary Public.
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