HomeMy WebLinkAbout874018 ".- After Recording, Mail To: GAROLD L JENSEN 615 Kalab Circle Springville, Utah 84663 873857 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 01 JUN 13 iH, 9: l~5 Jr"AfIN- "," ''''J'"-O Co \11 c. ',"/ i!', bl\ t:. f\ QUIT-CLAIM DEED /16'-" KEMMERER. INYOMING BOOIC'::f.t 'U PR PAGE (12 '7 ,A1l#/=?Y Ltflt;. ryn:;.d5"tP/-? c;r.FA/SG/\/ , Grantor(s) of (city) ~h',1if"4//c.. (County) ap~ (State) t? -f ~.It , hereby QUIT -CLAIM to GAROLD LLOYD JENSEN AND MARY LOU TITENSOR JENSEN, Trustees of the JENSEN FAMILY TRUST dated the 28th day of September, 1988, of Springville. Utah County, state of Utah, grantees, for the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations, the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: ,_ p~rt l1rJ.lJr ~ p,r $I,&."" J1. ~- of -M.".- /W:--/-MrvWA,,{d"s, / t;-"":,,,.. C/llFr.oIJ( wjtr(? BEGINNING at a point which is 115 1\2 feet south from the Northwest Comer of Block 25 in the Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming Townsite and running thence, East 132 feet: thence, South 90 feet: thence, West 132 feet: thence, North 90 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH: all rights, privileges, improvements, water rights and appurtenances belonging or is anywise appertaining thereto, being subject, however, to easements, right-of-ways, restrictions, etc., of record or enforceable in law or equity. STATE OF IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL: NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ~ -1. &MII~ ftA. JIANg -"2otJ ( . ALAN L. CROSHAW ~ PUBUC ' STATE of 111M .. NORTH MAIN ST ~VILLE, UT 84563 ...... EXP. 3-6-2004 - - -