HomeMy WebLinkAbout874051 - KNOW ALL MEN BYTIIESE PRESENTS, 1'hat - First National Bank - West - 1C0rporatloD, ofthe County o' Lincoln , .nd Slale o' ~ertlfy that a certain morlsale, be.rln. dale lhe 24 th day 01 madundexeculedby . !i~()tt Ross Linford & Lark A. Linford 'ImorlJaRor~ to First National., Bank - West a. morlBagee, IlODvey~niJ eerl"tn ~eal ellale lhereln mentioned III HCurlty lor the paymenl 01. 35 ,908. 93 therel~ ltated, which mortgage wal recorded In the office o' the Counly Clerk and ~lI[.Offlclo ne.llter o' Deedl D' T,in~o'n County, Slale o' Wyomln" on lhe 29th dey d' November ~OOO o' Morlf..ea, II palll 351 , and morlfagln, lhe"ollowlng delcrlbed real et,-le In 'aid Counly, lo-wll .. Wyoming November , dOe, hereb] , A,D,~~. , al In Bool. 456 All lands described in above said mortgage. BOOKi~~J)R~AGE_ 12 J .8 7. 4 0 5 I RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNT-Y CLERK 01 JUN 2 1 PH I.,,: IS JEANhiE V;i~\(~i,IER KEMf.fEF(E:R. \VYOt,fING t, I,. whh II nnll',,,ecllred tI..;relly. nnd Ihl! a'orpUlI'II,lnnlld dehl. '"f1y flair!. lollallcd. rcll'n9cd, nnd dischugpd And-In conlidllrallnn Iherlln' the ""id O1nrlgng_ . doea hereby release- and quitclaim unto lbe aaid morlgagor lhe premlaea Ihereby connyed and morlgaged. -' IN WITNESS WIIEnEOF, Ih.. First National Bank - WeRt haa callaed Ihese I'rellenlslo beaigned hy lit .. U; r>" p,..., i''; d. QRt and lIa,!<Pi:~~!~t~3~~,~)b'h,e affixed. lhl. 18th, day of .:~. ,t. '~"4i ~ IJ. j... 'l ..., '.......,... Slgm,j1.<$i!'eJelf ima"~lIv.eI",e--4 In Ihe prellence 01 f' :;~::I:/' ......>i~..\ . 'J~,..AJ~ J j7rH' . 'H . ,~.I:. .. .<<:;~::~:~~/ June , A. D.Jl' ?nn] , . First National Bank West ~:t~ --'.,..~__~ H, _ _ lit Vice -Pres;id'ent 5A~ Is nul dealred lu ~I'IIcrlbl' landll III SlUice Ihl'rl"or, Inserl Ihe lollowlllgl "Ail Illllds deacrlbed' ill. said morlga_e." On tI.la Ron Thomas Lincoln i8.th day 01 j... June , ,.19;2001, belore me personally appearlld TilE STATE OF WYOMING, County'o' 10 me personally known. "ho. being by me duly eworn, did eay thai he la Ihe 'First National Bank - We'st .. v;,..~_ -PTP.:=:-ii1~Tlt- 01 ulr1lhal tlllllleDI allllle" 10 iaM In.lrllmenll" die Corporale lealn' 1II1d corporallon. 'end lhaleald Inllnlnllnl "~.eIBned and ,ealed on behelf ol.ald corporallon .)' nlllhllflt)' 0' 1I:""'nr" ell IJIrectorllftlllhnhl C' :.Hi}'; ",.. . " . Icknowlr.,lged ..aid Instrumenl 10 be lhe 'ree acl and deed 01 Ilald c'1rporaUon. GIven un . day 01 , A.0.xJl9200l . l'lIE STATE OF WYOMING, j... o'clock-1\t., on lhe on Pege ,Nolary 1'lIbllc. ,A. D.-i9 .~~ day 01 ~ollllly 0' Thla Inalruml'nl W811 med 'orrer.nrd al \. D. 19_; 'and lluly recorded In Book <<.fay 01 Counly Clerk and Ex.Offlclo Iteglaler olUeeda By ......