HomeMy WebLinkAbout874052 - KNOW ALL MEN BYTJlESE PRESENTS.1'hal - First National Bank - West - lCo_rporallon. 011 he Counl)' o' Lincoln . and Slateo' T.Jvmni TIP" ~ertll)' that . certain milrtgage. belrln. dale the R1"h da)' 0' Fphrll~ry madeandexHuhdb)' Scott Ross Linford & Lark A. Linford . 'dOe. herebl . A.D. XI....2JUlD II mortgalor...s.... to Fi r<:! 1" 1\T" r; nn" 1.- R<ln k _ I.T", ",j- a.' mora,.gee. cooYe)'~nlJ certain ~e81l1tate therein mentioned.. Neurh)' 'or the payment 0'1 125,000.00 .81 therel~ alated. which mortgage wa. recorded In the olllee o'the Count)' Clerk and ~l(.Olllelo RlIglater o' Deed. 0' Lincoln Count)'. Slate 01 W)'omlnl, on the 9th da)' d' Fepruary ~2000 In Boo!.: 441 o' MorlBage.. It paga 424 . and morlBagln.lhe'ollowlnl delerlbed r"al ...-te In aald Couot)'. to-wit ... All lands described in above said mortgage. -.... 1 2 ") HOOK~"~ _?YR PAGE~_-=- .. HEC[IVED . UNCOLN COUNTY CL.ERK 8740~2 o I .JU~~ 2 I F Ii ',I ~ I G JEANNE 'N,D,GNER I<EMMERER. WYOMING t I .. I~. wlrJ~ " nol.. _"...curl'd tlllireby, Dnd I'"! oforpn~t!",'..nl'd l'....'I, fully flohl. 8Rlld'ed. re'used. nnd dild,arg..d and "n cnn~iderlltinn therenlahe 811id mnrlgllg~ 'does her~by relea.\!' and qllilclaim uolo tll\! .ald morlgagor tile premlsea thereby conveyed aod mortgaged. " IN WITNESS WIIEREOF.thr. First National Bank - T.JP.l'l.t Viae Pr~sident ha. call1led Ihelle ')reRenls to be .i,ned by III and lIuo~~af~il!,~~~:j!",,~. allb:ed. Ihl. 18 th .,.. ...\~'.!..'~\_ r:;, ~T~1/1.... ".:;- Slgnedi'Sot,i.i'iit.Htti'd'Ddivll:llP,Jn Ihe prelence 0' . .~~t ).~;>...~.-~ ,. 1Il".~.\.\'7.:i~~~:. .~.:-. .:::.~. : -:- ~ - :,',"---::: '.:.~ 'l.'~~" !,,:'..J.'~ .' r l~..~. ..;;. ... \-; "01 '- .~ - ].~f ...,</>~~ ' day 01 June . A. D. Ifv2001 First National Bank - Wel'lt ~.._~~~-,- It. Vice- President ~. . Nol!!: ,I .. I Is nul deelred to ~t.crihl' IBndi III R,ll1ce Ibertfor. IlIscrl Ihe 101l0wlllgI II Ail 'allda described. ill. said llIorlgage." TilE STATE OF WYOM~NG. Counly.of l,iTJ'.'n1n On ddl 18th Ron Thomas 10 me perionall)' known. who. being by me duly .worn, did ~..y Ih..t he I. the First National Bank - West ) ~ day 01 June ,.J1:92.Wll.. belore me personally appeared Vi~p-Pr~~ir1ent 01 u'"lthatlbe He. I .lIIud to Rnld Inslrllment/" Ihe corporale 11811 elf 8ald torpora'lon. 'and thaI 8ald lnetrllolent w~a .l,ned and pea'ed on behalf ol.ald corporatlun Cashier . .' , Iy IIlIlhllrlly 01 Ill! IIllIml (IllJlreclon (l'ld Mhl ' ICkOIlW't!I,iged "aid Inlllrumenl to be the Iree acl and deed 01 "aid c:c,rporatlon. -mven under my b~nd and notar.lalaeallhlll l~th . day 0' . A.D. ~2001. My Cllmml.91011 e B)' of .A. D. J:t: I'HE STATE OF WYOMING. ) u. o'clock-M., on the on Pale da)' 0' :Ollllly 01 Thla ioslruml'nl Willi med lorrerord at ~. D. 19_iand lluly recorded In Book County Clerk and E.-OItlclo Uelllter ollJeed. IJy ........