HomeMy WebLinkAbout874053 """'IIIIIl KNOW ALLMEN BYTIIESEPnESENTS.1'~at First National Bank - West . corporallon. of lhe Counly of cerllfy lhal a cerlaln mortsase. bearln, dale lhe 8 th made and execuled by ~('ott Ross Linford & Lark Lincoln I .nd Stale of dey of A. Linford Wyoming February . dOeI he~ebl . A.D. Jf,2000. IImorltagor-s-. ln Fir~t: }!~tiQR~1 ..~?""k W"'il- .. mor"a,". convey~nB eerlaln ~e.l ellale Ihereln mentioned .. leClurlly for Ihe paymenl 01' 45 .296 .50 . al lherel~ llaled. which mor"lIse wa. reeorded In lhll office ollhe Counly Clerk and l!:x.Offlclo Re.later 0' Deed. of Lincoln Counly, Slale of Wyomln.. on the 9th day of Feb-~uary JI~ In Boo" 441 01 Mora,II".. al p.ge 429 , IInd mora,.,ln, lhe'ollowlng delcrlbed r~1 ea'-Ie In laid Counly. lOowl1 ,. All lands described in above said mortgage BOOK~~!.!:l_~_PRPAGE~1 RECEIVED .L1NCOLN COUtny CLERK.. . 8 7 4 0 5 3. .01 JON 2 I . PH l~: I 6 J E ANN E \V!\ G N E F< I<EMMERER. WYOMING t I I . 111_ I~. wilh a nolI' .Aecured Ihr.re"y. lInd Ihe l'Orf'nlp.II,llIned dehl. fully Plid. aalidled. relcll8lld. Rnd dlllcflDr,,,d and .In con.iderllllon Ihereof Ihe sllid morlltQg~ - does hereby relealle and qlllldaim linlo lhe said morlgagor Ibe premise, Ihereby conreyed and morlgaged. .- fN WITNESS WIIEREOF,lbr. First Na'tional Bank - 'West Vice President "8S c8u~ed I"e~e I)rellenl~ to be ~Igned by 'Ia ~:, I~. , :". J and III cr.\'p'~f~itRI;~;I,~?~L~,~flized. Ihll Slgne1,S,~.~t.ed 'an~.t)eliy~r,,~::i~n Ihe presence. 01 . > <:' "..." . ...... \..;f>. '~: . '. , . -. - First National B~nk - West -:~~i'h~l--/'. B'e ~~~:~ ~'.;a.~ hI . vi;'p P-rP~;rt"'~t" ~.~.:-. .. .:i.;':')~. .. Cashier . ~ .. Noll!:.!I II Is nul delired 10 ~l'Acrlbl' landlll" I'IOCI! l"erf'lor. I..,crllhe 'ollowlllgl "All 'audl dellCrlbed- ill, laId morlgage," 18th. day 0' June .A.D.~ . . Counly.ol On dIll Ron Thomas Lincoln 1'8th day 01 I u. . June ..~OOl . belore me pereona"y appeared TilE STATE OF WYOMING. 10 me perionally known. who. beIng by me duly Iworn, did ~ay lhal he 1IIlae .First National Bank - West ul.lth.ube Ileal aUlxed 10 inld In8lrllmr.nl IR Ille corporale lIealll'l.ld corporallon. -and Ihallald l';lrllnlelll "'lligned ahd .ealed on behlll~ 01 laId corfloralloll ))' oUlhllr!ly "' 1111 II lIn 1'.1 III IJlrllclllr1l8111111nlcl r.:l q h; p-r Ic,,",!wlel.lged lIald Inlllrunlenllo be Ihe Iree ad and deed 0' laid c.!rporallon. Given under 18th Iyof June I A.D. *2001. Vir:e Prel'lidflnt 0' My commlssloll eXI,lrel on Ibe dll)' 01 NOlar)' I'"bllc. . A. D.;Ht"-Za:::\3 l'lIE STATE OF WYOMfNG. } ... o'clrx:k-1\t.. on lite on PalJl! day o' :OIlIlIY 01 1'hl. In.lrumf'nl W811 flied 'orrer.ord al I. D. 19_i.and duly recorded In Book Cciunly Clerk and Ex.Oltlclollegiller of lJeelb - - ___u__.