HomeMy WebLinkAbout931938 6010715659 RECEIVED 8/7/2007 at 4:41 PM RECEIVING # 931938 BOOK: 668 PAGE: 151 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000151. AFFIDAVIT We, Claude Eugene Tippetts, Jerry Dean Tippetts and Mary E. Evans being first duly sworn upon our oath depose and state as follows: 1. That we are the trustees named in the Tippetts Family Livmg Trust aka Tippetts Employee Trust dated March 8 J 2000 3. That on September 6. 2002 in Book 498 PR on page.J..lL of records of Lincoln County Clerk was recorded a Assignment & Deed from . Ivan K. Tippetts ,to Claude Eugene TIppetts, Jerry Dean TIPpetts conveying the following described land: and Mary E. Evans, as Trustee's of the Tippetts Family Living Trust aka Tippetts Employee Trust See Exhibit "A" 3. The Quit Claim Deed conveying the property to the trust was not properly defined as required by W.S. 34-2-122 (1977) in that the date of the Trust was not shown. The date of the Trust is March 8, 2000 . Dated this ~W day of August, 2007. J""'D~' State of ~e.NMD ) ~ ¥- )ss. County of lAY ) Claude up;ene TIppetts, Jerry Dean Tippetts and I, Hary E. Evans do solemnly swear that we have read the foregoing AffidavIt subscribed by me; that I know the conte ts thereof and verily belie the statements therein contained are true. he foregomg instrument was sUbscribQ;ìâ sworn before me by . this day of August, 2007, ffl}Xuf.. «. ~ ru ()e.JtI')1\~ Witness my hand anè! official s~a~. .. ~~ Notary Public· My Commission Expires: {. S. MANLEY Notary Public State of Heyt ", No. 04-91083·1 My appt. exp. July 23, 2008 1e- !! j 0 . "'':I :>00 "'~8 ]II ·n ~ · FEll AUG. ., """1_ 5:49PM---ALLIANCE TITLE&ESC""Ul -" .. - NO, 0482 n " - r~/ fl ATTACHMENT EXHIBIT A I."" .."'ti-, , ."',,-.... ilNCOI ;.¡ CfJLI!<!TY CLERK 8 83 ß 5 I~ BooK 4~Î"IP'R.ÞAO~EED AND ASSIGNMENT û2~~P-6 f;t'~-)~ \00 hW \jE¡,N~~L ""::,Gi-iFR K£I,~M~RI~R. tlYOMltlG WITHour CONSIDERATION. thr. undersigned IV AN K. TIPPETTS, d0t8 hereby gX1In~ bugaln, &&11 assign nnd U'anster 1111 his rlght, litle. and intereSt in and to Ih~ foUowin g property to CLAUDE BUOBNE TIPPmS, JERRY DEAN TlPPB1TS, MARY E. EVANS, as Trustee's of tþeTll'PETIS FAMILYUVINGTRUST. alea TIPPETIS EMPLOYEE TRUST. as IUl1cndedai StlUed~ ' 283 S0l.1th400 West Hurricane, lIT 84737 734 Soulh 550 H,a6t Springville. ur Brigham CitylPark Va.lley The Soulhwt Quarter of Section IS Range 14 WC'$., SLB & M Auburn Wyoming A portion of the NW '" sa pf Section 35. T33N, IU19W. 61\ P.M., being more particularly deso.ribed as follows: DEoTNNING at point 552..95 feet 56 degrGC8 18'23" W from a spike found markin~ the Northeut Comer of the NW I¡j of the SE Y1 of said Scclion 35; thence SO degreos 37' 03g pipe found¡ thcnco sa7 degrees 56'13" W 172.93 fut 10 an aluminum cap on a rebltr found; thence S87 dllgrces 58'53" W 2.n feer to an iron pipe aet. thr.nCð North 210.00 feel to an iron pipe SBtj Thence Bast 429.44 feet to an iron pipo ¡et and also blrlngthc Faint ofBBginning, containing 2.00 acres of lllnd. Also includes 1972 AHa Mobile Home and c&binet shop. Cedar Valley (Cedar City) Lot 10 Block AX in Cedar Vall BY Acres, ps pa map on tile in the office of [rOD County Recorder. Mortgage Peed Victor C. TippettS ILnd Sharee Tippetl$ Mortgage Deed with Rðlcase of Homestead If pa.ymonts lite Dade timely it .hould be paid in full A.pril1, 2001 Auburn Wyoming 23.25 Acrca (Minu¡ 3 Two Acre PIU'Ce1s and lOne Acre Parcel) This propertyia described in S-pecial Warranty DI!(I( Recorded 10-17-89 In Book 279PR Page 64, Kemmerer, Wyoming No, 70!H88 i. On thct 1!E::.. day ofMa.rch 2000, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, Ivan K TippettJ, known (Dr proved) to me to be the p~aOQ 'described in and who cxctDted the foregoing il1sturment, who acknoledged to me that he executed the same fi'celyand voluntarlJy and for the uses and purposed therein mentioned, . (Ín~ Notary Pub 'c O;s~=J85~ Page 2 Deed and Auignment Checking Account: WcJ1s Pargo, Provo, ur Account fI 0744-332531 Checking Account.: Campus Cledit Union Acçount #109ti700 9 Savings Account: ClUIlpUI Credit UlÙon Account # 1096700 0 Savings Account: E1I.'!ign Credit Union, Las Vegas, NY Account /I. 31 07000 ASSIGNOR; ~~ STATE OF UTAH ) )95_ COUNTY OF UTAH ) _ IrAIIIAIIW1 NaIaY A.t.Ic 61IÄrlUUI Þly CøI'II\ &wpIW Od 5,:óJJ . I\'Œ! N CaI\'IIIIIkI ROW \/I utðI - 1 . - /5J 6 514 . t -