HomeMy WebLinkAbout931972 0.00328 AFFIDAVIT DECLARING PARTIAL V ACA TION OF THAT PART OF ALPINE VILLAGE LOOP THAT ABUTS LOTS 18,27,28,20,42,21, AND THE NORTHERN PART OF LOT 41 STATEOFWYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) RECEIVED 8/8/2007 at 11 :29 AM RECEIVING # 931972 BOOK: 668 PAGE: 328 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COMES NOW COLLINS BEERY, PRESIDENT OF THE ALPINE VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, being duly sworn and under oath, hereby stating as follows: 1. That the Alpine Village Homeowners Association, along with and Alvin M. Cassidy and Charles C. Gay, Sr., have ownership interest in that portion of Alpine Village Loop that is shown on the EXHIBIT TO AFFIDAVIT TO VACATE A PORTION OF ALPINE VILLAGE LOOP, attached hereto, said property being that which is described as Exhibit "A", attached hereto. 2. That, for and on behalf of the Alpine Village Homeowners Association, I hereby declare, pursuant to Wyoming Statutes § § 34-12-106 through 34-12-11 0, that that portion of Alpine Village Loop identified above is vacated, and I request that the following plats be marked to show that such roadway portion be marked "vacated" by the Lincoln County Clerk to eliminate the roadway as it abuts Lots 18,27,28, 20, 42, 21, and the Northern-most Part of Lot 41: Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 1 Amended, filed June 4, 1981 Receiving No. 559190, Plat No. 263; Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 2 Amended, filed June 4, 1981, AFFIDAVIT DECLARING PARTIAL V ACA TION OF THAT PART OF ALPINE VILLAGE LOOP THAT ABUTS LOTS 18,27,28,20,42,21, AND THE NORTHERN PART OF LOT 41 PAGE 1 OF2 ~ 000329 Receiving No. 559191, Plat No. 264; and Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 3 Amended, filed June 2, 1982, Receiving No. 578380. DATED this ~ day of July, 2007. ALPINE VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION BY: f? JL ~Or COLLINS BEER PRESIDENT SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by Collins Beery, President of the Alpine Homeowners Association, acting on behalf of the Board of the Alpine Homeowners Association pursuant to authority provided to him as President of said Association, this ¿1f!J day of July, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ..,...~··....·"",..··....·....,·...~~~~,t M KEVIN VOYLES - NOTARY PUB<IG ! COUNTY OF 4:.Í'·.....~ STATE Of LiNCOLN ~L,,)J WYOMING I "-"...-.. " ".'i\ ¡;;OMiIIIISSI0N ÜPIRt:S JULY 16. 2011 .. ,.',v'-"'...-....·-'I,"'^oV'~~,...: My Commission expires: C? /1' ), AFFIDAVIT DECLARING PARTIAL VACATION OF THAT PART OF ALPINE VILLAGE LOOP THAT ABUTS LOTS 18,27,28,20,42,21, AND THE NORTHERN PART OF LOT 41 PAGE20F2 Alpine Village Subdivision 000330 No. 1 Plat 1 Amended Plat No. 263 Alpine Village Ho owners Âssooiation, 1 ~ 438 PR 444 Lot 18 419 PR 378 let 28 419 PR 976 4()(J , ôOtJ 111-200' Lot 42 808 PR 795 Charles Co.'II and / Alvin M. CQ.$$idy 428 PR 478 Alpine Villa.ge S1.lbdi'llis'ÌOn No. 1 Pla.t .Amended Fta:t No 26.f .let 22 280 PR 188 Cop)ot'lg~t <C> 2007 b Surveyor Scherbel LTD. All rlo¡¡hts r~_WJd, lfi!7 SbRVB~~ ~ ßO..r <1.2~ BIt; Pl.1IEY -- .lMIi'Bl.ETCW, wm __ æ.r ..<r,Jë:W, Jm:l--Æl. .»~- :9.'.At~ 1fflJ.-- .Rl.;>-7. .5J1 Fr4 LTD. ~ J07-27ß-JJ".7 up,. m~t:)--m. ;æ-n¡;-S5t1O IJAÆ' ORAIIN eY.- CALCl//.A1Fb B~ CA..'l"æW~l: FlEL/) 800..;':' CallPO TE7f .171.£" 2'-f~~ ..?oO.7' , er/J r. ',' \ , ',' ", . .' I. " :'. ~ '. . ~ ".\ " , " , ' , ,,' .... , ' ,', t," " ',' " . , " " ' , ' . , . .~ 0003:31 EXlUBIT. ,"A ~ , , P AACEL l': For ~ny and all'righ~s we have to the follQwing roådway, 'withiri NpÎÌ1e 'Village Subdivision No.1, J,Jlat 1 ~ended"fi1ed Ju~e 4, 1981, Rec~iving "If 559¡~O, Plat , No. 263, Alpine Village Subdivis.ion No. i~ Plat 2 An1eÍ1ded, filed June 4~ 198.1, ~eceiving " #. 5.5,9191~ J,Jlat No: 264, and Aipme Village Subdivjsion No: '1, PI~t'3 Amenqed, filed Jm,.e , 2; 1981, Receiving #. 578380, that portion of AlpiIiÿ YiI1ag~' Loop ft~ntiiig, on' Lot~ 4Ö, ·21, , 22~' 4-1 and 42, ås ,s~ow~ 9n the Alpine village ~ubdívision':No.,l, :Plat' 2 Amen~ed 'd&:ted',' , " Måy, 18" 1'98,1, t.:~ceþqhat whicb is,~~ptessly r~~edto,~tórs, their,heirs',ati~. ,," ; SÚCèessÒrs" s1.Jbjeá ~o ,1Ìgh~';'Qf-w:ays granted to ~a:cþ. 9Wner of lo.,tS ~thin'the: su;þdiVisioI4 . " per,Aitiéle IV. of-theAlpin~ vi~lage'R~alty, Ii1c.,C<?V'e~ants, :cQndition~',~~ R~~trictioÌ1s " ' , 'p ARCEL:2':, "F~~,~y'ahq i11i rig~~ ~é have'to.'thefOllowing ro'å4waY, ~i~in 'j\1pili~,:.' ':' ,",,' ", VïHáge :Sub4iY.isi~ii No: '1,Plât 'I Ai:µ~d~d; t~ie41Une 4~ 198 t, R~ceivii1g #,559.i9D~"Plat , ' ,,' , " No~ '~6j,.. A~pi.nêVillage ~.ub<.:livisióri No. J "Pla:t2 Alhende4",filed. Jµrie.4; 1981~'RC<!eiVirig " , , #.5,59191" plat No: 264, and AI'piri~ .vïlla:g~sùb.ði.,visiqn Nò. 'I, Plàt, 3' AJ:nen4ed, fiied)tme ' , , ' .. ," '2,,19~2,.Rèçe~ving'#5783,8Q~' Alpine Vi11ågC?.LQPp,:exÓ.ept.tha~ ~hi~h ~$ expte,ssly, , " ' " ,: ' , fe$erv¢4 'to gtåµtors~ their }íejrs,and'suc.cèssörs~ shbj,eet to right..o'f-wayirgranted to eaéh" ' .., ' ' . owner 'of lots"wiUUn, the ~$ubdjVision,'per Article ¡v of the Atp'in,è village' RealtY;, me: ' : :, ',' "Covenants,'conditiönsáii(.lRestriètioIi~'" ' ,: '" ,'" "~",': ,'," ' ", :-":" :'" " ' , , " , . . . . . . . . . '. Qrant,ors" their~~~!> an<;l ~ucc,essors ~~~ery~ th~ ,exci~ive ri~tanci':p\yµe~s~ip' of tb,~t " , , portion,ofAlpÍIle Vi11~ge'Loòp,fronting on Lo,~ 20, 21,:22, 4) and.'42",as shqwli'1>11:the , Alþine:Villagè ,~ubdiv~si~P:',No~ 1, Phtt 2'Ame,n4e~ d~te,dMaYJ'~~J98~:.. : "':" '. , " .: ," , , , ' , , , , ' , , , " '. " , " , , , , , .... :" ,'. '" " ' " .. . " .' . . , . ' '.' , " " . .' - .' . ' . . . . " , ' " ' " , , , , , , , " , ' 61ÒS8 , O&B'Report ~agc4of4 ' , , , ' . -t· "