HomeMy WebLinkAbout931973 000332 AFFIDAVIT DECLARING PARTIAL VACATION OF THAT PART OF ALPINE VILLAGE LOOP THAT ABUTS LOTS 18,27,28,20,42,21, AND THE NORTHERN PART OF LOT 41 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) RECEIVED 8/8/2007 at 11 :29 AM RECEIVING # 931973 BOOK: 668 PAGE: 332 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COMES NOW ALVIN M. CASSIDY, being duly sworn and under oath, hereby stating as follows: 1. That I, along with the Alpine Village Homeowners Association and Charles C. Gay, Sr., have ownership interest in that portion of Alpine Village Loop that is shown on the EXHIBIT TO AFFIDAVIT TO VACATE A PORTION OF ALPINE VILLAGE LOOP, attached hereto, said property being that which is described as Exhibit "A", attached hereto. 2. That I hereby declare, pursuant to Wyoming Statutes §§ 34-12-106 through 34- 12-110, that that portion of Alpine Village Loop identified above is vacated, and I request that the following plats be marked to show that such roadway portion be marked "vacated" by the Lincoln County Clerk to eliminate the roadway as it abuts Lots 18, 27, 28, 20, 42, 21, and the Northern-most Part of Lot 41: Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 1 Amended, filed June 4, 1981 Receiving No. 559190, Plat No. 263; Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 2 Amended, filed June 4, 1981, Receiving No. 559191, Plat No. 264; and Alpine Village Subdivision No.1, Plat 3 Amended, filed June 2, 1982, Receiving No. 578380. AFFIDAVIT DECLARING PARTIAL VACATION OF THAT PART OF ALPINE VILLAGE LOOP THAT ABUTS LOTS 18,27,28,20,42,21, AND THE NORTHERN PART OF LOT 41 PAGE 1 OF2 DATED this 7th day of August, 2007. 000333 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by Alvin M. Cassidy this 7th day of August, 2007. TNESS my hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES· NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF . STATE: OF UNCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION E;1(PIAES JULY 16, 2011 My Commission expires: ð"frl AFFIDAVIT DECLARING PARTIAL VACATION OF THAT PART OF ALPINE VILLAGE LOOP THAT ABUTS LOTS 18, 27, 28, 20,42,21, AND THE NORTHERN PART OF LOT 41 PAGE20F2 Alpine Village Subdivision No.1 Pla.t 1 Amended Plat No. 263 000334 .lot t B 419 PR 378 lot 28 419 PR 376 .lot 42 808 PR 795 Cha.r~s C4.'JI and ./ Alvin J.f. Ca.$ricly 428 PR 473 CHORD 254.56 169,71 TANGENT 180.00 120.00 Älpi:ne ViLLa.ge Ho owners Assooiation, J ~ 438 PR 444 400 . 6'OtJ .1" := ,éJ(}(} , Alpim Village Subdivision No. t Plat Amended .Pta.t No 26.f .lot 22 280 PR 188 M?E:' CIi'AIIN B¡¿. CAt. C'l/I.A!E'/) e ~ CAlE'ctW~¡;: Fla./) eo.ar.. CaIIPO lflr .171.£.. Cop)f'IQht © 2007 b @7 .5bR~YO.R ~ ~ LAIIJ BaI' <1.2" BIt; Pf.lI£Y -- J/4HBi.ETcw. H'I'a __ BâI" 7.2S Q//'.w. Jm:l--Æl. .»l'-éI!T§-$Jf.9.' ""~ Jm'.-- .RJ?-7. Surve)'Ol' Scnerb.' l TO. All rI\ hts r~serlled. n6-.1S1JO ',' \ . , ',' ' , " J, <. , , " .. ',' ," ." ,',' , ' , , ,," " ",' . , '. ' \ , ',,' " ' , , v "A)335 . Ex:m:øIT." A~' . " P AACEL r:~o:r ~ny and a1lrígh~s w~ have to the following roadway, 'wÍthiri Npme . Village Subdivisjon No. 1, ~lat 1 A.mended,filed June 4, .1981, Rec~iving # 559¡~O, Plat . No. 263, Alpine Village Subdivision N~. i, Plat 2Ani~ded, filed June 4~ 1981, Iteceivîng , #' 55,9191~ I,>iat No; 264, and Aipme Village Subdivision Nò~'l, PI~t'3 Amenqed, filed J~e , 2; t981, Receiving # 578380, that p9i1ion o( AlpiIiÿ Vinag~' Loop fr~ntiD.g, on'Lot~ 40,.21, " 21;: 4~ and 42, ås ,showQ. on the Alpine village ~,ubdívision'~o¡,l, :Plat' 2 Amen~ed '9a:tèd',: , " Måy, 18",î98,1, ~~~eþt-rhat whicb: is,~jtpf~sly' rés~e~:to~tór~" th¢ir,hèi!S"ati~. ,I, ; successors" si!.bject to .righ~;.()f-w~ys grantéd to eacJ1 oWner oflQ,ts within'the' subdiVision;, . " , ' , " per ,ArtiCle I\i, of-the Alpjne vÎUage..Iteà1ty,. fuc., Covenants, ,cQnditi~n~', ~d R~~trictioÌ1s " " " , , ..', ~, , :, " ' ' . ' ' " " " , ' . , ,P,ARCE¡':2: 'Fo~.anŸ"~d. ~il rl.ghts ~ê háye to' the f~ll~wing rOåè;l:waÿ, within)\'lJ,>ilie.' .' " , ViJláge,Sub<µVisi~n No: t,.Plat'l A.ϵen,ded;Iite4 Jµne 4~ J981, Receivlng #:55919n~'Plat ", No. 26~,,.Álpine'Vi1lage Sub4ivisiòri No. 'l"Pia:i 2 'Aihend«l"file4 i:un:ë, 4; 198'l~'R~eivÍIig , , # 5~91~91;, P~~t ~o.· 264, and Alpiri~ :Víllagç 's1i'6di,Yî~iQ.n N~,. '1, PJ~t: 3' A¢en4eti,. flied, )tme " , " :" '2,.l9~2,.Rèçe~viQ.g·# 5783,8Q~' Alpine Vi11ag~,LQpP','exàëpt.t:Ì1a~ whi~ld& expressly' , ' , " . , re&'erV¢éi 'to gt~to~s~ the~r ~ej~8: .and' shc_cèssÖfS~ stibJeet tó right..~l-way~" grante~, to ~éh " , owner oflots 'witfrin. the $ùbdi;vision,'per Artiçle N of the ~lpin,e vjllage'~ealty~Inc: .', " CQvenants,' conditions áÎidRestriCtlOIiS.', .' , . ' ' ." , . .', , , '."..',' Qrantors, their ~ej.r~ anc;l'sncc.essors re~eryð th~ .exci:uSive rigl1,tand:pwµership' oftb,~~". ',' portion,oÎ Alpine Vill~ge'Loòþ, fronting on ~t~ 20, 1~;.22, 4:land.'42" as sh()WIÌ'ori:the . Alpine:Villa:ge ,$ubdivi:si0~'No~ 1, PI~t 2Ame.n4e~ date.d,"MaY:J~,)98~:." ' " , " " ,,' , ., ~ ~' . ' , ' , . , ' o , , ' . , ,'". " " ~'. .. '\ " , . ,- .. ' " ' " " '.. " ' " , " 0, . , , , , " , ' ", 61058 0& E'Repoit ~age4 of4 ' . , ", ' "!. . , ' , .