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RECEIVED 8/8/2007 at 11 :31 AM RECEIVING # 931975 BOOK: 668 PAGE: 339 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QUITCLAIM DEED 000339 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that ALVIN M. CASSIDY, a single man, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released, and forever quitclaimed unto WJW HOLDINGS, LLLP, a North Dakota limited "'I liability limited partnership, and its successors and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to the following described property situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to wit: That portion of Alpine Village Loop that is described as Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and as shown on the EXHIBIT TO AFFIDAVIT TO VACATE A PORTION OF ALPINE VILLAGE LOOP, attached hereto. Including and together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights-of-way, and easements of sight and/or of record. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. DATED this 7th day of August, 2007. STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by Alvin M. Cassidy this 7th day of August, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTVOF. STATE OF UNCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 16,2011 My Commission expires: tJ7 µ~ fl , , ' , '. . . , .:¡ , , " .' .. .. ", . ',' .. .. .,' " ' . , ,', , . . . . Exm:arr."A~' 000,:)40,' 1> AACEL l:~or ~ny and allrigh~s w~ have to the follQwing roådway, 'Within: AlpÎile , . Village Sub divis, ion No.1, J,>lat 1 ^mended,filed June 4, .1981, Rec~iving # 559¡90, Plat . ' No. 263, Alpme Village Subdivision N~. i, Plat 2Ani~nded, filed June 4~ 1981, ~eceiVîng .' #' 5.5,9191; J,>lat NO.; 264, and Aipine Village Subdi~sion No:'l, Pl~t'3 Amenqed, filed Jur,.e , 2; 1981, Receiving # 578380, that portion of AlpiIiÿ Vi~ag~'Lòop fr~ntiiìg,on'Lot$ 4Ò,21, .' 22~ 4¡ and 42, às ,show~ on the Alpine village ~.ubdívision'~o¡.l, ~Plat' 2 Amen~ed 'dat~d·,:. '. Mày.l8,. 1"981, ~x:~eþHhat which is.~~pte~sly' r6seI:Ve,d'to~tÓr:~,. th~ir,h~~"ati~. .." ~ suéCessòrs,. s1.Jbjeet to .righ~;.qf-w~ys grantéd to e.acp oWner of lQ,ts within'the' S'UbdiVisioll; . " , ' , " per,Aiticle IV oftheAlp;ine vIllage·Realty; fuc.,Covenan~, ,cQndition~',~d R~strictioÌ1s " " . , . P AACEL.'2':, :'F~r:~ÿ ·'and. '~¡l ri~~'~~ håveto"fu~' ~OI~OWing' roå4~a;, ~ith,~µ '~pili~,:' ' ':,"'" ' " ViJ1áge ,~,ub4iv.isi~ii No: 1,.Plât '1 Aiµei1ded; t~ie4 'J.Ùne 4,:¡ 98 I,', Receiving #:559t9D~'Plat .. , No. '~63,' A~pi;nê:VUlage Sub~ivisióri No.,!, Pltt:t, 2AIhend,e4",fiIed, Jµtie.4; 19~ 1~ 'RèceivÎIig , , #5,59191~, plat No,' 26~, and AIpiIi~ Villagt:'Subdi,vlsiqn Nò,. '1, P,~~t, 3' AJµen~ed" fiiedJtme , ',", , '2, 19~2,~'RèÇei,yiI:\.g'# :5783,80~' AI,pÏne Vi(lage.,LQò:þ,:except.tha~ ~hich is expi'é,ssl}',' " " ' , , ' ',J;'e$etv¢4 'to gi;aþ.tors~ their hejrs ,arid' suc.cessors~ subJect tò right...ot-wayï;: 'granted, to eaéh ' , ",' '" òwneroflots'withÍn ihe'$ùbdiVision,'per Article N of the Atp'in,è Village' Realtý, Ine:' " , , " Covenants, conditions imd Restrictions.', : " ,:", ~ " , ,'" , '»" ."" .' " Q~~~o~, th~ir ~e,ir~ an4}ucc,~s~ors r~erY.é' the ,~~~i~ive rig~t 'an(i:o~e~sbi~' of ~at , " ',' portion, of Alpine Vill~ge'Loòþ,fronting on ~~ 20, 1~,:22, 4:1an4'42",as ShowIi'ori,th,e , Alpine:village ,$ubdi~si0p:No.l, Plat 2 Ame.n4ed date.d"~ayJa~)981., ' " , , , ' , ' ' , ' , , ' , ' , . ,I " " " ~" " , ," " , , , '., , ' , , .' " " ' , , , , .,' ," ,', , ' " , , " , , , , , " , ' , , 61Ó58 0& B'Report ~agc4 of4 ' , , .. . 'I" , ' , , May 11 07 04:01 '"'SL TO ALPINE 13076549319 1.1 Alpine Village Subctivisi017. No. 1 PLat 1 Amended PLa:t No. 263 000341 Alpine Village Ho owners A$sooiation, I 488 FR 444 Lot 18 419 PR 378 Let 28 419 PR 376 400' (i(JtJ f II := 200 ' Lot 42 608 PR '195 Ch4r14$ Cc.y aml ./ Atvin M. CCL$sidll 423 PR 4'1$ Alpine Vill<1.ge Subdivision. No. 'I Plat Amended .Pt.a:t No 26.f Lot .22 280 FR 188 !?A 1ë.' 'J/í'A iHI/ ,g ¡¿- -:AI. CI/I.A lFIJ B ~ ~~~1: ~a.1) eoat.'. ';CJ1IPtI TEli' /71.~' SECnON TI7N LINCOLN JLS".t,. .L~. ~ J(7,7-'?7ß-JJ"7 äh;. 'oIl~.I JIIt..u..IJI't. ,.,., """"., .,..",.,. l/!',.,...... Copylgllt © 2007 b \W .JbR~YO.R ~ ~ 1.Mf)~ Bar U,9ß B/t; PI."IEY -- Jl4RBLETON, Jm:). __ æ.r n,S g;;:w. Jn11--ß:'!. ,TI77--.,1;!1M-.'Hr~ .14/"'.I"<Y.IIV lfM1__1n M;Þ_7'r