HomeMy WebLinkAbout931990 When Recorded, Mail to: ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION 4055 SOUTH 700 EAST, SUITE 200 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84107 Attn.: SHIPPING DEPT./DOC. CONTROL Order No.: 2061020106 RECEIVED 8/9/2007 at 10:35 AM RECEIVING # 931990 BOOK: 668 . PAGE: 375 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION, it's successors and assigns" hereby assigns and transfers to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. its successors and assigns, Post Office Box 2026, Flint, Michigan 48501-2026, all its rights, title and interest in and the a certain Security Instrument executed by, Joe. Royce TI~and Lyndi Nield, Husband and wife. And bearing date of July 13, 2007 and recorded o.n the \4, day of· A.D. 2001 in the office of the Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyomin~ If' \\,\S\rvImtnr Y)lAl11t;er 'J:S\ ~1'1 ßCO\< (ò00 0ClflO I \ K SEE ATTACHED. - j J r v" Dated: July 16,2007 f Operations STATE OF UTAH } } ss COUNTY OF SALT LAKE } On 16th day of .T'11v 2007 personally appeared before me Mandee Morgan who being by me duly sworn, did say that she is the A~lIl VICE PRESIDENT of Operations, of ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION, and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of a resolution of its Board of Directors. and said person acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the same. ') Notary PubIi ' My Commission Expires: MIN: 100060807070097830 usaassn ..... \' ~ E'xíii~it'A File 601 Oi:ì,S~9¡ Description .. ~~ED~ J 'c" I The land referred to in this document is situated in, the State of Wyoming, Coùnty of Lincoln, and is descnò cd as follows; ". , I A tract of land lying w thin and being a part,~fthe Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter ~ectlon 23, T wnship 31 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming with boundaries more parti u1ar1y described at få~ows: '., . Beginning at a point 0 the East line of a COußty RO/ld 12-140 that Is South 89°32'30" West 1,332.65 feet along the section line and South;'o~o42'S5" East 1,329.00 feet along the West line oftbe Northeast Quat er of the Northwest Q'uarter of said Section 23 and North 89°29'01" East 2.84 feet from the No . h Quarter corner of s~ci Section 23 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and run Ing thence North 89°:7:9'01" East 1,574.12 feet to The center line of the Fairview Canal; . thence South 10°01 '11 ' East 108.95 feet; thence South 84°41 '38' West 1,520.53 feet aIclng saJd centerline to the East line of County Road 12-140; . .;. . thence North 18040'31' West 246.n feet aIo~g said East line tQ the POINT OF BEGINNING. I " ,II ,¡ . . . . " .. " . .; .. I' ,