HomeMy WebLinkAbout874077 :- -.. BOOK '~J:'U 'PR PAGE~1 - state of wyoming ) ) 55. &74077 RECEIVl::D JNCOLN COUNTY GLERf{ 01 JUN 22 ~J'IIO: 51 county of Lincoln AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP JEANNE \\:)~\CNEn I<EMMEnEr~. W','OMING I, Anna May Miller, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: That under the date of April 24, 1984, for valuable consideration, ~eisure Valley, Inc., by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the "Lincoln County Clerk, on April 30, 1984, in Book 213 of Photostatic Records on Page 180, conveyed to Harvey D. Miller and Anna May Miller, husband and wife as joint tenants, the following described property, to-wit: T.Jot Forty-One (41) in star Valley Ranch Plat Three (3) as platted and recorded in the official records of Lincoln County, Wyoming That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, the said Harvey D. Miller and Anna May Miller, Husband and Wife, became the owners of the above described land, and title thereto vested in them continuously from the date of conveyance described in said deed to the date of death of Harvey D. Miller, also known as Harvey Dwight Miller, on the 18th day of June, 2000. That by reason of and upon the death of Harvey D. Miller, title to the above described real property vested absolutely in Affiant, Anna May Miller, as surviving spouse. Affiant avers and certifies that Harvey D. Miller, also known as Harvey Dwight Miller, is the identical party named with the Affiant in the aforementioned deeds whose death terminated his interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. DATED this .;;[ ~ day of June, 2001. - ~nd- ~afr~!d~-L. An a May Mill r subscribed and sworn by Anna May Miller, this to before me and in my presence, '\).. ;f~= day of June, 2001. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~\\\"\lllf""111. ...~,,,\ ll!l. ROft 111~ ~ ~l;io ~"".n ~ ~ ~'"" .-.... u- ~ ~!<I' A""Y~ ~ ... ~.." ~ ':::: I ~ ~~cf.<&tOm :'~~on Expires: ~ ~" ,CJ: <' =: ~ .6.,,''/0 :: ~ pU" /A ~ ~\V< ..~~ ~ l'AJ'TE Of .#, ~~ ~\\" VIIII'"nn\\\\\"\ ~ALjJL~A Not ry Public ~cee;:t2- Ill, acD..?- ~ _83 STA~_;'OMING DEPARF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH O"'3Ii~il(_ 1 6 .-} " {- Wyoming 11. WAS DECEDENT EVEIlIN U.S, AIlMEO FOIlCES? (Speelfy )a <H' nol Yes Count o. MARRIED. NEVEIl MARRIED. WIDOWED. DIVORCED (SpM:lfy 1 Married STATE FllE NUMBeR 2. SEX 3, DATE OF DEATM (Mo-, o.Y. It.) TYPE OR PRINT IN PERMANENT "'-"'K INK FOR INSTRUCl10NS SEE HANDBOOK LOCAL FILE NUMBER I. DECEDENT-NAME FIRST MIDOLE 520-22-2502 So. AQE-Laa' elf""'.., fY__J 73 Male June 18, 2000 e. DATE OF elffiH lMo.. Do,. Yr.) HARVEY DWIGHT .... S()ClAL SECURITY NUMeE~ February 26, 1,927 70. PLACE OF OE"TH (Cl>oCk 0I>tt "",,) 1-t05P1T"'-' 0 Inpall",,' ~ ER I OU....Uon, 0 DO" Qll:!fB: 0 Nur""" Homo 0 R..Ideno. 7b. FACIUTV NAME (N _ lns~lulJon. gJ"" ._ _ runborl 7d. COUNTY OF DE..TH Memorial Has ita! of Sweetwater 8. STATE OF BIRTH 1<< "'" In U.S.A.. "...". Oouriry) Sweetwater Anna May Mills Railroad 12a. USUAL OCCUMTION {G.... k1m1 01 warlc d~ (llIltIg mos' ol _In" mo. _ <<fOtherl) Retired Telegrapher 12b. KINO OF BUSINESS OIlINOIJSTRY 130. RESIDENCE - STATE 13b, COUNTY 130. CITY, lOWN Oil LOC..TION Wyoming 13<0. INSIDE CITY UMITS? (Spodly ... or nol Sweetwater Rock Springs I.. WAS DECEDENT OF HISP..NIC OIlIGlN? (llpooll, no <H' ,.. - II "'. _oily Cuban. Mexk:.an. ~no Rk.an. Etc.~ "I" Street IS, IlACE-Amerlcon Indian. 91001<. WI>.... E"'. I St>eclly 1 Yes 17. FATHER'S NMlE rnl N.Xi Yo. 0 (~Ilyl Middle L>o\ White f 6. oro~NT'S EDlJCA7ION I_Iy 0<"Iy hIg"'" """. oarp/oIorI J ElemenlOrilSecordory (0-12 College 11-.0< HI 1 2 18. MOTHER'S NMlE First Mldd'" Ma~" Sw""me Floyd 10.. INFORMANT-NAME mP'O <H' Printl Everett Miller Anne Evelyn lOb. RELATIONSHIP TO OECEOENT Lindenmeier Mrs. Anna May Miller 190. MAIUNG ADDRESS STIlEeT OR R.F,O. NU"BeR Wife CITY OR TOWN ST"TE ZIP CODE 514 "I" Street Rock Springs, Wyoming 20<:. q:METERY OR CREM..TORY -NAME Rest Haven Memorial 82901 Home CITY OR TOWN ST..TE June 1;>- i1! i~ M ~~ tl!8 -h Coroner .110UR OF DE"1I1 June 19, 2000 12:53 A M 22d. N....E OF ..TTENDlNG PflYSICIAN IF OTHEIl THAN CEflTlFIER 17_ or F'mfl 23d. PIlONOUNCEO DEAD lMo-. 0.,. Yr.1 23<0. PRONOUNcED OE..D IHo..-I June 18, 2000 12:53 A M 2.. N""'E AND MlORES$ OF CERTIFIER (PHYSlC,..N OR COAONER)~ or Pm/.I Francis 1. Hatch, M.D., Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County, Rock Springs. Wyoming 82901 25b. DATE RECEIVED BY IlEGISTAAR lMo.. (loY. Yr.) June 19, 2000 "- Coronary Sclerotic Heart Disease Due TO (OR ..s A CONSEQUENCE OFI: ~MJII\A'. f It1te~ 6elwBtm 10000' .nd DooI~. I : Minutes I I I I Days I I I I Years I 0. Cardiac Tamponade DUE TO (OR ..s " CONSEQUENCE OF): Sequen,""1y U., "on,III1,.,.. I ""Y. I..dlno '0 Immerllo.. eewo_ Entet UNDERLYING CAIJSE (01...... or Injury tIla. InltLllted 8-...,(11. ,....lItlQ In dea'''') ~ ~. Ruptured Myocardial Infarct DUE m (OR M. A CONSEOUENCE OF): d. MFrf U. OTHER S~NIRCANT CONDlllOHS-CondUlona cc;mlrlbullnQ to da.lh bl.A I\Ot reIa'ed to telllUSO GNen 10 PART I. Na1ur" 0- IfN'II!I'::'tion 30.0. DATE OF INJURY l-.or. 0.,. -I 30~. TI"E OF INJURY 300. INJUIlY "T WORK1 ISpedly ,.. or no, 21. ..IJTOPSY (SP<<JIy 28. WAS CM.E REFERRED TO CORONER .... or "" ISpodfy .... 0< ""I Yes Yes 3Od. OESCRI8E HOW "'.mRY OCCUIlIlED Diabetes Mellitus ,g. 1.1A1mER OF DEIITH VR 2-89 B/97 15M - o Cc<J1d no< be 001....._ M 300. PLACE OF INJURY- "1_. 'arm. .....,. ,,,,,'0<,. aI""" bulldl"". "0, ISpo<:/fy I 3D'. LOCAllON (S......, .nd ...._ or flur" RoulO Number. City 0< T"""'. 5....1 --.. Homlol<lo DATE ISSUED June 20, 2000 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT this is a true correct conformed reproduction of the original copy of the death certificate completed by the V ASE FUNERAL HOME and sub~tted . to the VITAL RECORDS SERVICES, Wyoming Department of Health and SOCIal ServIces, Division of Health and Medical Services at Cheyenne, Wyoming. ~~~ VAS.E FUNERAL HOME 154 Elk Street Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901 STATE OF WYOMING) s COUNTY OF SWEETWATER) s Subscribed and sworn to before me a Notary Public this 20th day of June 2000 1 -=- " S-L My commission expires on April 21, 2002 .......II1II