HomeMy WebLinkAbout874099 ,..... QUIT CLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,that SHAUN MARTIN REES and KAREN REES, grantors of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released mid forever quit claimed unto the said SHAUN MARTIN REES, (a single man) grantee(s), their heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to all the following described property, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point 50 rods and 75 feet North of the Southeast Corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section 24, Township 32 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence West 290A feet; thence North 75 feet; thence East 290A feet; thence South 75 feet to the point of beginning. The North 20 feet is set aside for an access roadright -of-way to be shared with reserved rights to the 20 feet adjacent to the tract on the North side thereof. TOGETHER with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record. WITNESS our hand(s) this~ day ofJuf\t" 2001. :j~~ SHAUN MARTIN REES (aka Shaun Rees) ~~ ?az:, AREN REES THE STATE OF WYOMING) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by SHAUN MARTIN REES and KAREN REES this 0l15J- day of June..., 2001. Witness my hand and official seaL CtRS11NA K. AlLRED. NOTARY PUBlIC Countyd ., State ~ UncaIn WyomIng My CommIsskm &pIreS 413012005 ~ ~ ;IL;. () f!a~Q) NOTARY PUBLIC , C~) 1 9 7 BOOK l.x~~PR PAGE _ My Commission Expires: DY /.3D/D5 , 874099 riECEiVED .JNCOU.I COUNTY CLERK o I JIJN 25 Ml 9: 'S JEA.NNE \/J/i-\CJf\JEn I<EMMEHEH. V;lYOMING - - - ,... ~./;.~"" " L... ~ ..~.'~~~_.I:J_.". _,,_,:::,,~,,:,:,':,.,:O..;;_i',,:.-::, ~'_'__:.~:' . RECEIVED JNCOLN COUNTY CLERf( BOOK .r1.tllj':1 PR PAGE-.L9 2 _ 01 JUN 25 Mi 8: l,2 JF AN r.,lE \V/;GNER KEMtvlEF{ER. ViYOMING LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION, whose address is P.O. Box 389, Deer todge, Montana 59722, a Delaware corporation, ("Grantor"), hereby releases and quitclaims to ROBERT G. KIRK, an individual, of P.O. Box 100, Cokeville, WY 83114, for good and valuable consideration its interest in the lands in Lincoln County, Wyoming, described in that Timber Deed dated February 19, 1997 and recorded under Document No. 837135, Book 397PR Page 1 on May 6, 1997 which was assigned to him by SEVEN C RANCH, a Wyoming General Partnership between Margie 1. Stephens, Raymond T. Carter, Roy Joseph Carter, James B. Carter, Steven S. Carter, Leslie Ann Horger, as individuals and Robert S. Carter and Margie J. Stephens, as Trustees of "The Martial Trust", "The James Brent Carter Trust", "The Leslie Carter Trust", "The Steven Carter Trust", "The Raymond Thomas Carter Trust", and "The Roy Joseph Carter Trust", whose address is Seven C Ranch, c/o Raymond T. Carter, P.O. Box 100, Cokeville, WY 83114 on September 5, 2000 by a document styled Assignment of Timber Purchase Agreement. R111094 QillTCLAiM DEED The lands affcctcd are described as: TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 117 WEST, 6th P.M. Section 29: SWl/4, Sectio1l30: SEl/4, Section 31: El/2, Section 32: NEl/4, SI/2 & Section 33: NEl/4, SWl/4, Sl/2SEl/4 TOWNSHIP 24 NORm, RANGE 118 WEST, 6th P.M. Section 1: Lots 5,6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, SEl/4, SW1/4 & Section 2: Lots 13 and 14, SEl/4, SWl/4 - JJJ} IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set its hand this ..L::::"tlay of June, 2001. ~f}1'" By: By: illler, Northwest Region 7. STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss COUNTY OF KOOTENAl ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Fred Clouse and Douglas P. Anderson are the persons who appeared before me and said persons acknowledged that they signed this instrument, on oath ,stated that they were authorized to execute the Quitclaim Deed and acknowledged it on behalf of Louisiana-Pacific Corporation as its Controller, Northwest Region and Assistant Secretary to be the free and voluntary act of Louisiana-Facific Corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned in the . "0"- \.;) mstrument. _, :,::", ~.:::.~..;:;;_ _ f ;t-~,,;,,' .."0'"... _ .'.. Dated this 3t~ d~'?Uune; 20{)1. . C1 ~ l;} ,:: .' ~.:. . /. . 13td1A- / . ~ >~ "'., ,;.:::. /, lJfu vi :"c;::::,".... ..-NO ARYPUBLIC for Idto .';: ,~...;i;f;J.%iding at cttu_V:l MI, 7 rqN M ',I". .1\ My commISSIOn expIres: If.. I 2 -h~ ~AIM DEED - 1 -- S~~H.QCD 053101