HomeMy WebLinkAbout874101 - - - tA/7 - ~ ,:;)-"/0 Wi 1291 form 3000-3 (Oelobcr1992) _,' ":-~h\Oi( ,:",,',',',:'\., ;,~{;~ ~<j ':,r,!:'liILG~:'",Dri " " . ~~" c: 00 95 H~.? \ '3 i.; ASSIGNMENT OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN A _" ---(::EASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES ~ ".~...- i~ ~ \ ,-j :.:~ t,; '1' 0y';.""'\;\1=' \'n' ul'\\\',G crt: tl"'~' \ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT FORM APPROVED OMB NO_ 1004-0034 Expires: July 31, 1995 Lease Serial No. Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.c. 351-359) Geothennal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.c. 1001-1025) Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) WYI,J-1l3647 Lease Effective Date (Anniversary Date) 12/1/88 New Serial No. Type or print plainly in ink and sign in ink. 1. Assignee* Street City, State, ZIP Code PART A: ASSIGNMENT Amoco Production Company~SO% Union Pacific Resources Company-SO% P.O. Box 800 P. O. Box 7 Denver, Colorado 80201 Fort Worth, TX 76101-0007 , I,{ *If more than one assignee, check here 0 and list the name(s) and addressees) of all additional assignees on the reverse of this form or on a separate attached sheet of paper. This record tide assignment is for: (Check one) KkOil and Gas Lease, or 0 Geothermal Lease Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appropriate) IDa Record Title, 0 Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or other similar interests or payments .., This assignment conve s the fol1owin interest: Land Descri tion Percent of Interest Additional space on re~erse. if needed. Do not submit documents or agreements other tbPhE ~ ~ Retained this form; sue;' ~nts or agreements sJ:all only be referenced herein. \ N C 0 l.. hi 0 U NT '{ BOOK"_~':'~.~")_(PR PAGE_2_QQ ,- o \ JUN 2 S Percent of Overriding Royalty or Similar Interests Reserved 1(-,( Township 18 North - Range 1131.\Test.. Section 2: N/2, S/2572 (Less RR ROW) , b JeA111 ,,', '."'1" r. II, "~:~ . ',~:~ ~ ~'ING '6thP .M. KEMM \.{\:Jt d ( 1/ 100.00% 25.00% 75.00% 3.5% 0 1.5% ..- "-~--'v__,_.. .>~ 'I, 8/&ths-J /'~'. ..::>:. .. - --:~~t;- ~~~. ,:< ;~,~~;' ;:;v. ~ d Previously reserved or conveyed f e TOwnship 18 North - Bange 113 !,Jest, 6thP :M. Section 34: E/2NE/4, NE/4SE/4 - .:~ :.w '):,. .:: ,1:"~-.~; ;;:"':-.;' '1\' 50.00% , 20. 00% 30~ 00(.,' 0';6,5%'q , i -0- , -" ~"' ~?8:t1is,'> i .......... .,.,:: ....f.! :_~.~ . ~"--'>-~'-'.~~ '~......... ~_.",,"'-~:.:".-: ~:..:-_. . ., I '-'<'Propor' fonate1y reduce by the intere t assigned contairring 640.00 acres, IOClre or less Uinta County, TtJyoming This assignment is made pursuant to and is subject to that certain tmrecorded Acreage Contribution Agreement dated April 28, 1995, between Celsius Energy Company and Amoco Production Company. /121 I FOR BlM USE ONLY-DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS liNE, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [his assignment is appJ:"oved solely fOJ:" administrntive purposes. Appwval does not WlUTant that either party to this assignment holds legal or ~quitable title to this lease. ~,ASSignment approved for above described lands; o Assignment approved for attached land description \ssignment approved effective APR 0 1 1996 r j=::--. ~///W o Assignment approved for land description indicated on rever:se of this form. '.v ~/Y/uA ...... ehtef, leasable Mlnercl/s SectIOtI MAY 2 R 1996 ~ Pan A (Conunued): A1J1Jll1UNAL SYALc Jor Names ana aooresses 01 aOOlllOnal asSignees In llem No. I, if needed, or for Land Description in ltem No.2, if needed. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) 08?4101 ) Ss. ) 201 STATE OF UTAH On this ~: day of -lJ;J~Ci(\'-\ lei> (, 199C~, personally appeared before me, G. L. Nord1oh who, being by me duly swom, did say that he is the President and CEO of Celsius Energy Company I a Nevada corporation, and that said instxument was signed in behalf of said - corporation by authority of a resolution. of its Board of Directors and said G. L. Nord1oh acknowledged to me that said corporation eKecuted the same. My corrrnission expires: I ' \, D \ '::J lj\{~ JUN 1 ~2001/ ~~_ .tt~ ~ "..~ · ~AG~tJiENT PART B: CERTIFICATION AND REQUEST FOR APPROVAL j': ~\~~, /.---' .. '[ [..1\/"\ / \/ ~ ( , J CERTIFIED- to be (\ truaand cOlTlparatlve. copy of the officia.l records on file NOTARY PUBLIC JODI LA.WSON 76 South StBte Strut 5211 Lake City, Utah 6(,'" My Commi.liion Elplre& October 5,1999 STATE OF UTAH 1. The Assignor cerlifies a:; owncr or an interesl in the above designated lease lhal he/she hereby assigns to the above assignee(s) the righls specified above. 2. Assignee eerlifies as [ollows: (a) Assignee is. cilizen or Ihe Unilcd Slates; an associalion o[ such citizcns; a municipality; or. corporalion organized under laws o[ thc'Uniled SI2Ii:s or of any Slale or territory lhereor. For the assignmenl of Ni'R-A leasc:>, assignee is a citizen, naliona', or re:>idenl .lien or the Unil Slales or usoci~tion or such cilizens, nalionals, resident alien:> or ,private, public or municipal corporations, (b) As:>ignee is nol considered. minor under laws of the SUle in which the lands covered by this assignment are loeated; (c) Anignee's chargeable inlcresls, direct and indireel, in each publie dom.in , .equired bnds separately in Ihe same Stale, do not exceed 246,080 acres in oil and gas Icases (o(which up 10 200,000 aercs may bc in oil 2nd gas options), 300.000 aCreS in leues in each leasing Distrlcl i'n Alaska of which up 10200,000 acre:> may be in oplions. if this is an oil and gu le.ase issued In aeeorda, with the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, or 51,200 acres in anyone Slale ir Ihis is a geolherrnalleasc; (d) All panies holding an inleresl in Ihe assignment otherwise in eomplianee with the regul31ions (43 CFR Group 3100 or 3200) and Ihe 'Ulhorizing Aels; (c) Assignee is in compliance with reclamali requirements for all Fcderal oil and gas lease holdings as rcquired by sec. l7(g) of the Mineral Leasing Act; aod (f) ^"ignee is not in violation of scc. 41 of Mineral Leasing Aet. 3. Assignee's signa lure 10 this assignment conslitules acceptance of all applieablc terms, conditions, stipulalions and restrictions pertaining to lhe lease deseri herein. For geOlhermal assignmenls. an overriding royally may nOI be less lhan one-fourth (1/4) or one pereenl of the valae of OUlpal, nor greater than 50 perecnl of Ihe rol roy>lly due to the Uniled Slaleswhcn Ihis assignmcnt is added 10 all previously created overriding royallies (43 CFR 3241), J certify Ihat the stalements made ;,erein by me arc true, eomplele, and correct ;0 the besl of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. day of December ,1995 Execuled this 24th ,1996 Executed this 7 th day or January Amoco Production Company Assignor BY: or Pres' ( ~ A:. ST:- Assistant Secreta 1331 17th treet. Suite (Assig!Tor'S Address) Assignee (Signat,!re) ,.~ 1- /' .,</ , '--"/ ~,~,.-G..-:': (Signature) P:J rl Executed this ,st:; day of h~ , 1996 UNION PACIF~~~SO~~CES ~OMPANY . t dv Assignee: ~ ./";)$;i4f1..e_/ (!. Pahlie reponing harden for this form b eslin\3led 10 average 30 minutes per respollse. including lhe Ii rr,l ;:ID. g~lft.ruelions, galhering alld maill13ining ,od comple'ling and reviewing t~e form, Dire'cl c"mmeols regording lhc nurden eSlimale '" ,ny Olher '"peCI nf lhis f"rm I" lJ.S, Dcpanmenl of lhe Interior, Burel L.nd Managemenl. (Allernale) Bureau Cle>rance Officer, (WO"771), 1849 C Slreet, N,W.. Wash;ng"'n. {),C. 20240. 2nd the Office of Man.gemenl and Bud 1', l'C'rwnrk Reduelion Projec[ (I 00~-003.1). Washingl"n. D.C 20503. or ./ -.~( .-;r Allorney-in-faet 800 Denver. Colorado 80202 (City) (Stale) (Zip Code) Title 18 lJ .S.C, Sec, 100 1 makes it ~ crimc for any person knowingly anu willfully'lO make 10 ;my Deparllnent or agency of the lJnilcu StaleS any raise, fictitious or fraud> stalcments or representations as to any nialier within its jurisdiction. ' ._,~-----------",~...--------.---~ - - _,So GPO:' 1992.774.017/1