HomeMy WebLinkAbout874104 - - - Ollll :WOO,3 "vclObcr';, 92) UNITED STATES "":PAR;'MENT OF THE INTERlOR _ JREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT \<, ,.291 I'OP.M AI'l'lWVED OMI3 NO. 1004-0014 Expires: July 31,1995 '- , " ASSIGNMENT OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN A ,,'-' c" I '~.-...'i"':-' '~LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Lease Serial No. WYW-113647 ':' I ~ ~I, c: 0 G r.'" \\ \\ ..;' hI I -' Mineral Leasing. Ace of 1920 (30 U.S.c. 181 et seq_) :i J I...i '-' 1.._ ., ,..'. Act for Acq~ired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.c. 351-359) (":', '_" C, ::" . ~"-~-':., Gemhermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C_ 1001-1025) ~ ,:",' ,-:;":,,, c \'({ \J\'\ ~artmcnt of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U .S_c. 6508) l,ht. (1.-1,,' " T rint lainl in ink and si n in ink. Leasc Effectivc Datc (Anniversary Date) 12-1-88 New Serial No, I, Assignee'" Street City, State, ZIP Code PART A: ASSIGNMENT N~lrth Ameri can, Resources Company 4.90 B 31st Street, #201 Billings, Montana 59101-7007 JUN 20 2001 LAND AND LEASING "If more than one assignee, check here 0 and list the name(s) and address(cs) of all additional assignees on the ['evc['sc of this foml or on a separate anached shec.c' of paper. 'l1l1S record titlc assignment is for: (Check one) n 'Oil and Gas L=::, 0[' 0 Gcothe.qnal Lease Interest conveyed~ (Check one or borh, as appropriate) Ja. Record Title, 0 Overriding Royalty. payment out of production or other similar interests or payments 2_ This assignment conveys the following interest: Land Descri tion Additional space 00 reverse. if needed. Do not subullt documents or agreements othec than lhis form; such documents 0[' agreements shall only be referenced herein. 'k~ Percent of Interest Owned Conveyed Retained Percent of Overriding Royalty or Similar'Interests Reserved Previously n:served 0[' conveyed f a b c d e Townshi Section 18 North - Ran e 113 West, 6th':P.M. 2: Lots 1-4, S/2N/2, 5/25/2 less 25.25 acres, more or less in the UPRR R/W 10-21-1868 87.50% 29.164% 58.336% 4%* 1. 5% r... R I i,,} ~ - 1 This Assignment is made purSuant to and is subjec to the unrecor'ed Expl dated May 19,1997, between Celsius Energy Compan and No th Amer can Res 814\04 *Prop rtionately reduc d by the inter st assigned containing 453.95 acres, more or less Lincoln County, Wyoming B()OK..,~~~??,PR P AGE__Z.Q,l? IN L FOR BLM USE ONLY-DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE UN/TED STATES OF AMERICA This a.,signment is approved soldy for administrative puq}oses. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignmenl holds k-gal or , ~lli(llblc title to this lease. ''RAs~ignment aPrroveo for ;lbo\'C dc~crihcJ l"nJ~: 0 Assignmc'lll approved for aU<lched I;,no description Assignment a~proved' effecl;ve AU6 0 I 1991 .._._~~~-- ---------_._--_._--_.~-". o Assignment approved for land description inoica[(~d on rev<:rsc of this f"fIlL ~C"" t. . ~!;l . ~--., , 13y _.____,____,_.~_____L -L~/_---L-,._.",: LL-0.L-/e--V LAND LAW eXAMINER ,,__9CI 3 _~__1m r'~:,l..\ 'Il-'l.~ \ ...... ~ ., ~I:l;'l ;\ (Lpn\lrHJCU). ;I.LII)J l..J_ r:1.:l.:dcd, STATE OF UTAH ) Otf7L:'t1.U~j. ) ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE) , <\ \..-. On thi s (::x~ day of Nordloh, who, being by me duly s~orn, did say that he is the President and CEO of Celsius Energy Company, a Nevada corporation, and that said instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of a resolution of its Board' of Directors and said G. L. Nordloh acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the same- 20'( '. -.' .-;1 }..JU "r\.S 1997, personally appeared before me, G, L. My commission expires: ~\-~, CERTIFIED to be Gl true and comparative copy of the official records on fila ~\t(\'\~ ~. 'S ~~ Q Notary Public - JUN 1 S}/l001 . 1l~ lh--il4-u~ BUR~H OfLAND MANAGEMENT · !tt}f)~j ,...;eli.I:. y I'UrLiC S~!S.L..I~ K. STOH= 79 SouthSta1'6 Salt Lake City, UtaH 84147 fAy CommisSion ExpireE '..""eh 1, 1998 ~"." . ,_ _,~~._~_~.f~~_,~~=l~ 0 F I:T ~J=!.__., .".' ..: PART B: CERTIFICATION AND REQUEST FOR APPROVAL \, Tho A~~ignor cerlifie~'~ owner of.n InlereS! in Ihe .hove ue~ign'lCu Ic>~e lh>l he/she herehy ,s:<igns 10 ,he .hove ossignee(s) Ihe righls specified .hove. 2. A""ignee cerlincs >s Collo"""; (.) Assignee is, cilizen of ,he Unileu Sl>le,,;,n ,ssoci>lion of sueh Cili7.ens;-' municip.li'y; 0" eO'l'o<>l;on org,nized unucr Ibe laws oC Ihe Uni,ed SI>leS or of ,ny SIOle or lerrilory Ihe,e,,!. For lbe ,,,signment oCNPR-A leases. ,ssignc:e is' 'eitizen, n,tion.l. Dr r.sidenl >Iien oC Ibe United SIOles or ,ssoei,lion oC sucb cilizens. n,lion,.", residenl .liens Dr priv>le. publie or munieip.1 corpor>lions, (b) Assignee is not considered · minor under Ihe lows oC Ibe SUle in wbicb Ihe bnds covered by Ihis .ssignmenl >re ."", led; (e) Assignee's eb>rge>ble i ntereSIS, direct ,nd indirect, in e>eb public dOln,in ,n.! >e'Juired l>nd$ scpanlely in Ibe s>me SI>le, do nol cxcced 2ol6.080 ,ere:; in oil ud gas leases (oCwhich up to 200,000 ,cres m'y be in oil ud g's options), 0' 300,000 ,crcs in leases in each leasing Dislricl in Al>sk, Dr which up 10 200.000 ,eres m,y be ill options, iC Ihis is on oil ,nd ga Ie>se issued in >eeorduee wilh Ihe Mincul u,sing Acl DC 1920, or 51,200 acrcs in ,ny onc SI.IC if Ibis is. geolhcrmalle>se; (d) All parlies holding,n inleresl in tbe ,ssignmenl >re Olherwise in compli,nee Wilh the regublions (43 CFR Gro.p 3100 or 3200) uJ Ihe ,ulhorizing ACls; (e) Assignee is in compli,nce wilh recl.malion requirements Cor.ll Federal'oil and g.s Ic>sc: holdings >s re'l.ireu by sec. 17(g) oC Ihe Mincul Lc,sing ACI; ,nu (I) A.<si!,:nee is nol in, viol, lion of seC. 41 of Ihe Miner" u,sing Ael. ~. Assignee's si!,:nalure 10 Ihis >ssignmcnl consliluleS .cceplance of.ll 'pplie>ble lerms, condilions, slipulall<>nS ,nd reslriClions p.ruining 10 Ihe \cose described herein, ]-\" ge"I~.rm,1 .s~ignmenls.,n overriding r"plly m'y nOI he less than one-rourlh (IN) oC one percenl of the v.llle "I' OUlplll. nor !,:re.ler ,han 50 pe'eenl "f Ihe "It 01 "'yalty due 10 Ihe Uni'red Sl,leS when ,his ,ssignmenl is ,uueu H\ ,llpre"i"u~ly cre.leu oveniu;ng roy.)lies (.J} CFR 3241)_ I ccni fy Ih," the stalementS m.ue herein by n1. arc lrue. complele. anu correel to Ihe best of my knowledge and bdief anu ar" maue in good failh, Executed Ihis ~G.. k day of' ~ effective, however. May 9. 1997 . 19 97 EM:culed Ihis 17th day uf July NORTH AMERICAN?BSOURCES COMPANY ~. :~)~ ----b Assign ~ or .J. .es J. B ner 17 nature) Vice-President Allorncy~in-fj]ct U . 19 97 Assignor _ or G. X}(()f~M(f~Q( r:OMPANY (SignaIU":) __.1.331 17th.....Strppt .__SJJitP ROO (Assignor's Address) Denver, Colorado 80202 (Ci'y) (Slale) (Zip Code) p"hl;, r<p"rling hllrden f,,, Ihis fMrn i, os,im>leJ '" ,ver'ge:<O rninUlo'l,er rc~p"n<e. indIlJ;,'... Ihe limo for reviewin... in,.If",'i"ns, !;,Ihering >oJ m,in13ining <1>1., .nJ ,omplelin... ,nJ reviewing ,he f,Hm. DireCl c"mmonl< re;;",uing Ihe hurucn e>lim.l" '" any ",ha ><p,'CI of ,his fMnl In US, Dop.r1men' of Ihe Inlerior. Bu,.'1l of L'nd /l.l.1n.;:omen'. (Allern",e) Bure;" Ck,,,ne< Officer. (WO-7?l). 18ol9 C Slreel. r-.LW.. W>shingl<1n. D.C. 202-10. anJ Ihe Office of M.n'gemcnl ,nu Budget. I~~:~":~ K~~~~~~jcCI_(_I~~~-~V"h~: g'nn .~~O]:-_. ,_________.____.__'____._.__ ____...'_- ____,______,~_______' __--,-------------,--------,..,--m'----.-.---'-'-------.-- Tille 18 U,S,C, SeL', I 001 m:t~es il :t nillle for "ny per~nn kn"win!,ly ~"l\1 willfully W "'ake 10 "ny D,'p"r1Olen. "r "geney of lhe Uni'ed SWICS any f"lse~'I~~~':."r rr"u';:;;~;~ ~1.11t;'nh:nt:-. or rLrrc~~lll:I1I{)Il=- :1:- ;p ~IIlY /I1:lIlcr \\.'ilhin ;lS. ;lIrbl.lil"Jli'm. .,"( -.F')'/r-ltr-J~..lUJf j>lm~fl"I(~ (HTlct 1!)I)-\ 1"./:1 OO.IIIlI(l~,:\ - - -