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Bernice Wolfley of 755 Kennington-Burton Lane, Afton, Lincoln County,
Wyoming 83110, upon her oath deposes and says:
1. That she makes this Affidavit and Certificate of Designation of Successor
Trustee ("Affidavit") in connection with the Vern A Wolfley and Bernice Wolfley Trust
dated February 7, 1974, aka the Vern Wolfley and Bernice Wolfley Trust dated
February 7, 1974 (lithe Trust"),
2_ That the purpose of this Affidavit is to officially establish in the records of
Lincoln County, Wyoming, that the name and address of the duly designated and
currently acting Successor Trustee of the Trust are:
· Norda Beth Brimley, Successor Trustee
· Vern A Wolfley and Bernice Wolfley Trust dated February 7,1974
· 7808 North 42nd Avenue
· Phoenix, AZ 85051
3. That Vern A Wolfley and Bernice Wolfley established the Trust by an
instrument dated February 7, 1974, amended the Trust by executing a First
Amendment dated December 31, 1981, and amended and restated the terms of the
Trust in full by executing a Restatemen't ,ofthe>rrust dated June 5, 1995. Under the
terms of all of the foregoing documents the duly' acting and qualified co-trustees of the
Trust were Vern A Wolfley and Bernice Wolfley. .
4. That the Trust owns the following described real estate located in Lincoln
County, Wyoming:
Residence on Three Acres
Beginning at the Northwest Corner of the NE1/4NW1/4 of Section 24
Township 32 North, Range 119 West, of the 6th P.M_, Lincoln County,
o t~:r;? t~1. US
Wyoming; and running thence East 15% rods; thence South 31 rods; thence
West 15~ rods; thence North 31 rods to the point of beginning, together with
all water rights, buildings, improvements, and appurtenances thereon situate,
or in anywise appertaining thereunto.
Farm of Approximately 50 Acres
Starting at a point fifty-two (52) rods West of the Southeast corner of the
Southwest quarter (SW1/4) of the Southwest quarter (SW1/4) running West
Twenty-eight (28) rods, thence North One Hundred Sixty (160) rods, thence
East two (2) rods, thence South Seventy (70) rods, thence East Twenty-six
(26) rods, thence South Ninety (90) rods to the place of beginning, containing
16 acres more or less, in Section thi.rteen (13), Township Thirty-two (32)
North, of Range 119 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming.
and also,
Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the
Southwest quarter of Section thirteen (13), Township thirty-two (32) North,
Range 119 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, and running thence South
Seventy (70) rods; thence West seventy-eight (78) rods; thence North
Seventy (70) rods;. thence East seventy-eight (78) rods to the place of
beginning; All situate in the County of Lincoln State of Wyoming.
5. That the Amendment and Restatement of the Trust dated June 5, 1995,
designated Norda Beth Brimley as the First Successor Trustee in the event that Vern A.
Wolfley and Bernice Wolfley should cease to act as Trustees.
6. That by a Resignation of Co-Trustees dated October 31, 1997, Vern A.
Wolfley and Bernice Wolfley resigned as Co-Trustees with the understanding and
consent to the fact that Norda Beth Brimley would be entitled to serve immediately as
the Successor Trustee of the Trust.
7. That since October 31, 1997, Norda Beth Brimley has been and is the
duly designated and acting Successor Trustee of the Trust, and the undersigned
hereby certifies to that fact.
8. That Vern A Wolfley aka Vern Alvin Wolfley aka Vern Wolfley became
deceased on November 18, 1997, as more specifically set forth on that certified copy of
Certificate of Death attached and incorporated herein by this reference.
08'1 C\:1.08
DATED the ~ day of June, 2001.
tL..-'Y'-':' ul'~J4j ~
Bernice Wolfley
Subscribed and sworn to by Bernice Wolfley, before me this c;J.f)rJIJ day of June,
Witness my' hand and official seal.
Notary PubllO...... of WyomIng
LIncoln CauntJ, Wyomlnl I
ODmmlulon 1!Jcpl.... May 2, 2001
My commission expires:
lt~ eX ~
May 2,2003.