HomeMy WebLinkAbout874122 - - - 1 (.~'~"'1 , ..BoofQl_~_"_.,__.,YR PAGE,~__~,_~ ,. REef:: fVED JNCOLN C01..lNTY CLERI\ 01 JUN 26 Ilf'l 9: 0 l~ dEAN N E i//i\ G i".J E n KEMMERER \I/YO[VI/NG KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that JODY W. SHUMWAY and If{ 7 "1/ :J ,;2 QUITCLAli:7Alt. RANELL SHUMWAY, Grantors, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10,00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released, and forever quit claimed unto the said DON M. CORSI, REX M. . CORSI, McMENAMY CORSI, and ROY CORSI, c/o Don M_ Corsi, 20 County Road 107, Etna, Wyoming 83118, Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to all the following described property, to wit: SEE EXHmIT A, attached hereto. TOGETHER with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. HEREBY RELEASING and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. SUBJECT, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements, and rights- of-way of record. WITNESS our hands this ~~ "~day of June, 2001. . ~~HUMW7 QillTCLAIM DEED SHUMWAY et us:. to CORSI et al. Page, 1 of 2 llr..... ~. ! ., r;- :., -;....~:~!:~:!}r.'.:.-'';\~ L- . :'J:~~~;Ji;;';;J:J v,:~~:~'.~7~'.::';~:\ ~., ~: , , "."j :;,J':"':'::';.J;':;..,':~I 't jO 't "~~d 'I~ J" ISHO;) Ol 'xn l" A. V MWllHS mlx<< WIV'I;)\LIllO ;. , .~.,:'.:~:;f-'>t..."u"",~ ~o.- '6 '\:::::... -\=:>:;::J"~ UOISSlwwoO W ~,_"I"i;N\ ~'-'.tfh u~~un ~'J l>~e~s ' ,'. ~ .....noo oliqnd AJelON - JJea 'r 80lUOW '- Q .... ~ ~ _ \..... :S;Jl!dX;J UO!SS!UlUIOJ AW ~I'IHlld XlIV.LON "'VV\)~ ' "or :'n.tt~ TB;JS IllplUO pUll PUll\{ AW SS;JUl!A\ . 'A-eMwnl.{S IPu-elI Aq '100Z ';Junr JO A-ep \>'" ~ ~ S!l.{l gW ;J10J;Jq p;J5p;JIMOID{~1l SliM p;J;JQw!-epl!nb 5u!05;JJoJ ;Jl.{J.. . ( N'IO:JNI'I ,,[0 X.LNllO;J 'SS ( ( ~NlWOXA\ ,,[0 3:.LV.LS """'(. 0 - 6"'--- L :sQl!dxQ UO!SS!WWOO AW ~'IHIld XlIV.LON "'4'('O~ ,(f~~~ -\lJ;JS Ill!:llUO pUll putH{ Aill SS;JUl!A\ 'AllA\.illnl.{S 'M.. ApOr Aq 'tooz ';Junr JO AlJp~\I. ~~ S!l.{l;Jill ;JJOJ;Jq p;J8p;JIMOW[~1l SliM. p;Jaa Ul!lJpl!nt) ~U!ojjaloJ al.{J.. ( 'ss ( ( N'IO:JNI'I ,,[0 X.LNIlO;J ~NlWOXA\ ,,[0 Jl.LV.LS 69Z ~~tf;1~80 - - - Ot7)74<t2~ - ...........JI,,~&ij~... "i1".,.::i~wl ~,II.Iti'I'IJI'"I~IL'4i4 ltallt.......II.I...".....~';,p Lvn. ...~,,~~ Nfl. '.'0 ~.....IIQtrIl~"'..U~ U,'.,t.~~ "1I'1IC1l1t.~ iii..'" 'WIO ..."'..... -"110. "''' I,aM,..f'lIr_~~1I_31i'1" v~"':ic"''''''' _....,..At_...~ . : '. ~; ~ ,.,.: . ":' ..t i-.~ ~'~'i :.-'",,;I~~,:/.,' , .,-o:"..~}i/...',' , . :~. ,~;. ,";:. ::\;;.'< " ;:~",~,ii;;",. " ,'.'::.;:;..):f(.....,..! .. ,. ,:",," , '. "~.::i;'" . . ",' '".:.)~..",":,:. I,~',. i;\~t:~.: ":, .' ".',: 'J::;~:~Rj~'~>' " ." :", :~I;:' . ~ ..:~:J;';::: '.- ......-.,..:::,"":i.:. .- "/',f~I~i/'" ;"" "'/~'.:~J'~,},;::::" ,'~ . . ':";Yri.'." . .:.:,/>;:":,.:.:'! .;:,:r;:;:,,:, ~:.' ;~_Z~~~J~~::::',' " 'C ,,':~:~"~~~"~f1~tt'~j:;'I!:'.' . ,--;."... '<;:";;~':':I~",~},t.;":;.' ;" :~'-' . . ';.-'-', :~". '. \ ~ . , ,-- . ",'...,";:.-:. '-.' ,"";: J.':' :.".:~;,.::';: '. CORsr QUlTCLAIM TRACT 270 To.wit: . - ThaI pllll of the NYzSEY. and llutl p:m of the SEY.SEY. of Section 27 T36N RJ 19W LinCOln County. Wyoming, being part uftho~e troets of record in the Offi~~ Oflh~ Clcrk 0[. Lincoln Cuunty ill ~oolc 429 of ]lholuSt!l!ic T{ecords On page 2R IInd in Dook J44 of Phutostiltic Records all page 99, describcd 3$ follows: BEGINNING 3t an inteneetion of the south Jille of said N:.sSEY. with the westerly right-of- line of U,S_ Highway 89, S&9"-55'-59"W, 48.48 feet from the soulheost comer of strid NYzSEY.; thence NOoo.04'.09"E. 527.52 feel. 1I101ll; slIid westerly riglll-of-way line, to a right-uf-way nlork~r tll lhe beginning of II non-lansenl circular CUrve: to Ihll left, idcntical with Station PC 1 994+7l.J2 jO' LT, whJch has its radius point bearing N890.5T_21"W; thence 1l01'1hWeSlcrly, 802,31 fCtl, II/ong lhe lIrc of said curve through 0 centra/angle of 13.- 34'-07" with a r~dius 00387,91 feet, 10 l\ point on the nol1h line ofsilid NYzSr:v.j thence S89. -57' -28"W, 1192,70 feel. o/ong SQid north Hnc, to tile 1I011hwest comer of Il1e NE!l.SEY. of~ald Seclion 27; (hence continuing, S89"-57'-2$"W. JJH,4S feel, (dong said nOMh line, to the norlhwe~t corncl' of said N!l..SEY.: thence SOoo-18'-S7"E, ]323.6,1 feel. along the west line of said NY,SEV., to the SOuthweSI corner tllereof: thence N89..SS' .S9"E, 1330.65 fect, along tile SQuth line of said N~SE';', 10 lhl: northwcsl cOrller of said SE!I\SEY.j thellee SOoo.09' .OS"E, 18;68 1'1.'<:1, alonlllhe; west line of sllid SEY.SEY., loa poilll on the IlOr1h line ofthatl/'llct of record in .~ojd Office in Dook 386 of Photostatic Records On page 627, S890.42'.40"W. 9, J 0 feet from the northeast point of said lract; thence: N89.-42'-40"E, 1282.46 feel, along an existing fCllce line, to a point on said westerly right-of-way line; thencc NOO..04'.09"E, n.71 feet, alons snid ~Slcrly rigllt.of.way line, 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING;' ' ENCOMPASSING an arell of 79.4 1 Ilr.res. more or less; the BASE BEAR1NG for this survcy is the cast line of the SEll, of Section 27, T36N, R119W, being NOoo.OO'-06"W: c'lch "curner" found II~ describl.,l in the Corner Rewrd filed or to ~ filed in the Office of tbe Clcrk of Lincoln Ct>unty; ellch "point" or "intersection" mltrkcd by a 5/8" l( 24", steel reinforcing rod willI 8 2" nlurnin\lm cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL L m AITON WY PLS 5J68". wilh appropriate delllils; all in aceordance with the plat prepared 10 be filed in the Office of the tied of Uncoln COUll!}' lilled, "DON M. CORSI, REX M, CORSI, McMENAMY CORSI. AND ROY CORSI PLAT OF TRACTS WIT IN THE NE~SWy. sr~v. SECTION 27 T36N Rl19W ~n" ,,:uarY2001. u.. "." c. ~ EXHmIT A - - S>".;" :;'., '-,"~:;. . . . ~'. \" -' .' ;:'..:.