HomeMy WebLinkAbout874125 ~1014814 (j) ~ WARRANTY DEED TERRY VERN CROOK and AMBER CROOK, husband and wife Grantors of Afton, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming hereby CONVEY and WARRANT TO: DUSTIN K. GRIFFIN and MELISSA GRIFFIN, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties - Grantees of PO Box l522, Afton, WY 83110 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration---~----- the following described tract of land in Lincoln county, State of wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of che homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Pate~t and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantors, this 21st day of June, A.D. /,J ../ / ~ /Lelv-' Terry: ern Crook \4n leu /1 /L /1 1v C-Vl/cS Arilber Crook 200l "1 j/ l f/ l(/~.- --~-----------------------------------------~~~~~-~------------------------ STATE OF WYOMING :ss County of Lincoln On the 2lst day of June A.D. 200l, personally appeared bafora me, Terry Vern Crook and Amber Crook, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. PENNY JONES I!N\'l\llfY f.lljblic County of Slam of Lincoln Wyoming My CommiSSion Expires ember 18, 2003 'T~?Y'r~H~ -"- - 2' .... My commission expires on C).,/r-t13 all, I 2 5, RECE IVED JNCOLN COUNTY CLERK 01 JUN 26 ~,H \0: 59 t- "" '"'~IE'D JEt\NN c,',~i"'''Ji'( ~[\ V-EMMEHER. 'iJ IOMING LAND TITLE COMPANY BOOK .;~~G? PR PAGE_2 7 2. , - - - :~'o ~n:,_pS7Ll1.;~S .- - 27:3 ,', i; ~ , , "I : . I ~ A parcel of land located within the SW!NWl of Section 25, T36N, Rl19W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; I' .; said parcel being identical with that tract of record in the " Qf flce of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 246 of PUblic Records, Page 456, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the north forty feet {,40') of said tract, TOGETHER WITH the north forty feet (40 I) ,of that tract of record in said Office in Book 276 of Public Recordsf ,. :I ~age 522; ~ I' :' ,. said parcel being more particularly described as follows: " ~' ; BEGINNING at a point on the west line of said tract of record ! , ~~ Book 246 of Public Records, from which the northwest corner of I' $,aid tract bears NOoo50' 45"W, 40.00 feet, said corner being . _t"_ 11 i- Ii' " ~Qnumented by a one-inch diameter iron pipe; ",I.' ::: :. i.,: thence parallel with the north line of said tract, .. '. , S8go06'16"E, 313.27 feet to a point on the east line of said tract; I, , i . ! thence along said east line, SOoo47'56"E, 99.20 feet to the ~nmonumented southeast corner of said tract, coincident with the ~ortheast corner of said tract of record in Book 276 of Public 1'- ; :Records; thence along the east line of said tract, continuing ;5 0 0 0 4 7 ' 5 6 " E , 40.00 feet to a point; " , " ! ' thence parallel with the north line of said tract, I' II, N8go0S'16"W 313.16 feet to a point on the west line of said tract; !, , j' thence along said west line, NOoo50'45"W, 40.00 feet to the ,. !unmonumented northwest corner of said tract, coincident with the~':~ '!, , '. ! :Southwest corner of said tract of record in Book 246 of Public 'Records i thence along the west line of said tract of record in Book I' '246, continuing NOQo50'45"fd, 99.20 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ...oIl