HomeMy WebLinkAbout874127 ,..... .., RECEiVED . .lNCOLN COUNTY CLERK .~f' 010:4R14 /t 6~ 7 .PR PAGE_2. 8 3 BOOK :~ [AI'l ,.).... ."" l"'] ED J -, .. \ 1\ L I, i' h \j 1\ - ['\ I<EMMEHEF:, WYOMING FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK.WEST. a National Banking Corporation, organized and existing under THE LA WS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the mortgagee named in that certain mortgage hereinafter described, does hereby transfer, assign,' set over and convey all right, title and interest in and to said mortgage, which was given to said mortgagee by Dustin K_ Griffin ~ Mp1i9sa Griffis And appears recorded in Book -<?'6 '7 of mortgages, beginning on Page JPY", in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln ' County, Wyoming, and which covers property described as follows: 81412,7 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE 01 JUN 26 ItH II: 05 See attached Exhibit "A" made a part herof Together with the note or notes secured thereby, to the WYOMING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Its successors and assigns, subject however, to all of the agreements, conditions, covenants and stipulations therein contained, as well as all rights of redemption provided by law. Dated this 21 st dayof .Tune ,20.Jll.. ATTEST: FIRST NATIONAL BANK - WEST ~~/ STATE OF WYOMING" COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ) SS ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Melissa Griffin this 21st day of June WHITNESS BY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. ~~~ Notary Public Dustin Griffin & , 20 01 SEAL: . My COnllnission Expires: d liL\~ ~ WCDA FORM NUMBER 203 ,1 =~=" I ) 1 LincoIR-,.. WJamIng .- My COmmission Expires Au 12, 2003 .~ - - - - - - :1 . , if. OS?41Z.j parcel at 1....<1 locate<l within th.. SW~llWi of Section 26, ~~6N, Rl19W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, ~yom1nq1 EXHIBIT "A" said parCel being identical with that tract of record in the 2'84 ;' qffice of the Clerk of Lincoln COU~ty, Wyonu.nq in Book 246 of p'UbliC Records, Page 456, EXCEPTING THEREFROM the north forty feet . , ~.40') of said tract, ToGETHER WI'l'lI the north forty feet (40') Of t:hat !' " ~a.ge d " !J" i . tract of record in said Office in Book 276' of Public Records, 522'; :' ~ 1 : ; ~ '. BEqINNING at a point on the ~est l~ne of said t~act of record said parcel being m~re particularly ~esc:ibed as follows: ! , ~n Book 246 of ~ublic Records, from which the northwest corner of ' -. I' .: .- ~?id tract bears NOO"SO'45uW, 40.00 feet, (~ I" t i,; f ~~numented by a one-inch diameter iron pipe; \ I~ ~. "..- : ~ tP 0- said. corner being - i " "; , thence parallel with the north line of said tract, .. Z8900S' 16"~, 313.27 feet to a point on the east line of said tract; I. , i . thence along said east line, 50Qo47'56"E, 9~L20 feet to the ~nmonumented Southea~t corner of said tract, coincident with the ~o~theas~ eo~ner of said tract of record in So ok 276 of Public ~ ~. : :Records i thence a.long the east line of said. tJ:act, continuing ;50 0 0 -47 ' 56" E , 40.00 feet to a pcintj " , " i . thence parallel with the north line of said tract, I' ", 313.16 feet to a pOint on the west line of said tract; iN89Q06' 16"W" l' -'. . r , thence along said west line, NOO"'50'45"W, 4Q.00 feet to the ,. jlJr\tnonu~ented northwest corner of said t:t:ac't., coincident with the,'" ,': ~ . l .' -. ! . ;southwest corner of said~ tract of record. in Book 246 of Publ.lc :Records; i, thence along the west line of said t~act of record in Book " I' :2.1.6, continuing NCQo50'45'lft7, 99.20 feet to the POINT OF 'BEGINNING: ..... ~