HomeMy WebLinkAbout874132 "'0 ~ 1--<;:.-. 8~ ~S" r:: 0 'd) U .,D Cl) . u.l ';j 0>-. .- i:=1 ~ ~ .... 0 ~) u.l ;>.. f;1 0.) ~ ~13:;.J {).r.1 !:l o .~ 5 <t:ioo <Il (I) ~ iEJ$~ ~ - - - BooBt67 PRPAGE 300 874132 QUIT CLAIM D1!;ED m::CCIVED JNCOLN COtJNTY CLERK 01 .Iml ?:;-: f)j:'1 2' c2 h._.l ...", l,~' a JEj~Nr\JF V,iL,r:;NER KEMMEFlEP. '\iV't-'OMING KNOWN ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, That CYDNEY L. DAVIDSON of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in consideration of Ten and OOIlOO's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid by Allan J. Schoonover and Delores C. Schoonover whose address is 1714 So. Wells Street, Aberdeen, SD 57401 The receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have remised, released, convey and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do for my heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said ALLAN J. SCHOONOVER AND DELORES C. SCHOONOVER, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties heirs and assigns, forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as I have, ought to have in or to all the following described premises, to-wit: Lot 51, Star Valley Ranch Plat 2, Lincoln County, Wyoming on the official plat thereof. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the said premises unto the said Allan J. Schoonover and Delores C. Schoonover heirs and assigns, to his and their own property use and behoof forever. So that neither I nor any other person in my name or behalf shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right to title to the premises or any part thereof, but they and everyone of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever barred. Dated this J 5.. day of June, 2001. ~d~l.~:~ . Cydney L. DavIdson STATE OF WYOMING J / ~ COUNTY OF r;)/.( Ie- e _M po) '" -- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Cydney L. Davidson this ex- day of June, 200l. Witness my hand and official seal. ~d, Notary Pubhc My C,ommission Expires: /0- t,. -;? C? () 71' KAREN HINES _Olary Public County of . ,_ State of Sublette Wyoming My Comm:sslon bpires 0ctober 6 2004 -~ ~~.... ' ~